[Freeware] Japanese Game Translator

Might as well pitch Translation Aggregator here.

I found a really neat program called Translation Aggregator to aid in playing Japanese PC bishoujo games. It integrates with AGTH (included), and with proper configuration, it can display ATLAS machine translation (optional, requires that ATLAS be installed), original Japanese, Japanese with injected furigana over Kanji, and word-by-word JDIC pop-up translations on scroll over–all accessible simultaneously in a single window you can run alongside the game. In addition, it’s compatitible with several online translators (e.g., Babelfish and Google). It’s the best thing since sliced bread for those wanting to learn Japanese by playing visual novels. The only problem is it’s a bitch to configure. Luckily I’ve done that for you already.

Here’s a link to download my pre-configured version of Translation Aggregator 0.3.4 (9.5MB): http://www.mediafire.com/?j13mm1dzemo

The main execuatable, Translation Aggregator, runs without installation. Obviously you’ll need ATLAS to use the ATLAS translation window. Otherwise it should work as is. Latest version of AGTH is included. Just in case, you might want to create a folder called C:\unzipped and put the extracted folder in there (that’s where it is on my PC). I can’t link to the site I got it from, but if you know how to use AGTH, you should be able to figure the program out. Note that many Antivirus programs will interfere with the function of AGTH, preventing it from loading (sometimes silently, causing a wtf moment).

If you try it, let me know how it works out for you. For those with little to no knowledge of Japanese, it has a better interface than Atlas and AGTH alone, simplifying their use. It’s a great tool even for those with advanced knowledge of Japanese, since it saves a trip to the Kanji dictionary. However, those with basic to intermediate knowledge of Japanese (like myself) will get the most use out of it. The original author goes by the pseudonym “ScumSuckingPig”.

Edit: Recently updated to version 0.3.4, which has some interface improvements. MeCab is not included, as it’s no longer necessary–JParser now integrates the furigana injection in a single window.

Yeah, I found this shortly after my post, and it is a godsend.

Nice, but I wish something like that could be worked for diplaying on the game screen instead of a seperate window. Not everyone can read as well as others (well maybe since I might have been declared legally blind I could get some aid to get a larger monitor).