Funny thing in the doushin demo :D

I noticed one thing about the Doushin demo yesterday. You know that Crowd usually have this what Kumiko called “Shameless advertising” in their games? This can actually be seen in the “third” part of the doushin demo, just before the sex scenes appear… where you see a room and some text appears, look at the wall behind the text, and you’ll see four pictures; one picture of Ayumi and (I think) the Terrible Trio, but I can’t really see what the two other pictures show, so I can’t say for sure if they are from TCI or not (pity that you can’t “stop” the demo to look closer)… But it’s funny, right? . Did anyone of you notice it? I wonder what kind of “Shameless advertising” we might see in X-change 2 and Brave Soul (Lamuness has already hinted at such thing ).

Besides, what do you think of the whole “Shameless advertising”, by the way? It is kinda tiring to see the name “CROWD” everywhere, but it is also funny to see various CROWD merchandise, or as in Brave Soul, even characters .

Hmmm. I think, I have to look for the “Shameless Advertising” in OMnY, as well as the playable demos of “Brave Soul” and “Obbligato” they have added as goodies for the “Limited Edition”.

(Yes, you read correctly, no movies, but playable demos. Both are on the CD in autoextracting archives, each of them 70 MB size and definitely with voice acting…).

Have I mentioned, I missed your chewing?
Welcome back, anyway.

chews on Unicorns leg just because of the fact that he’s so damn lucky to have some playable demos

I want to play those demos

chews even harder on Unicorns leg

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

I want to play those demos [img][/img]

Aaah! How I missed this! [img][/img]

By the way: You sure, you want to play them?
Remember: They are abolutely positively completetly and entirely in japanese...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, what do you think of the whole "Shameless advertising", by the way? It is kinda tiring to see the name "CROWD" everywhere, but it is also funny to see various CROWD merchandise, or as in Brave Soul, even characters [img][/img].

That it's pretty common. I recall a Swatty's poster in Pia1's protaganist room (and one of the items you can acquire is an ad. for one of F&C's game!) and there's the Swatty cosplayer in front of the attraction park in Pia2. Or a Leaf ballon in "To Heart". Or the whole "To Heart" joke in "ComicParty"!

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Aaah! How I missed this! [img][/img]

By the way: You sure, you want to play them?
Remember: They are abolutely positively completetly and entirely in japanese...

Well, I _did_ play the playable demo of Brav esoul that you can get on Ladyphoenix's page, so why not? and I've downloaded countless Japanese playable demos via Hobibox Europe's page, but in most cases, those demos doesn't work (I've started thinking that the resason that they didn't work might have been because that this computer (my father's computer) uses Win 200, while my own uses 98... that the BS demo worked on my own computer, but not on this, might be proof enough).

So, in short... even if I can't make anything out of the demos (they won't appear in japanese anyway, just a lot of gibberish,), they might still be fun to play, just to test 'em [img][/img].

This might work for “Brave Soul”, but I very much doubt that it would be fun, playing “Obbligato” without understanding a single word…

I think, you would be almost lost in that one.

By the way: Why was it impossible to stop the “doushin”-demo? Was’nt it played on “Media player”, which has a “pause”-function?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
This might work for "Brave Soul", but I very much doubt that it would be fun, playing "Obbligato" without understanding a single word...

I think, you would be almost lost in that one.

By the way: Why was it impossible to stop the "doushin"-demo? Was'nt it played on "Media player", which has a "pause"-function?

Well, I did say that I downloaded some other playable japanese demos, remember? Those weren't playable in the same sense as th eBrav eSoul demo, but it still was funny [img][/img].

So even if I'd be lost in the Obbligato demo, it'd still be fun to play. and I could always try to ask a certain Unicorn-san for advices, or even some translations [img][/img]

And, no, the doushin demo is as far as I can see it's "own" demo, not a WMP demo...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
..., but it still was funny [img][/img].

That was the point, I doubted. O.K.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
and I could always try to ask a certain Unicorn-san for advices, or even some translations [img][/img]

Of cause, I would gladly help, as much as I can.
But for giving advices, I should have played it first, right? Right now, I have four games of G-Collections plus TS plus Datsui-Jann-2 on my agenda, so the demos have to wait a bit, if the curiosity about the "Shameless Advertising" will not overwhelm me.

On the other hand: Translations would mean: I have to go home, play through to the position, you need the translation for, translating it (if you're lucky, I would be indeed capable of doing this), coming back next day and posting it. So, any translation, you might request, would lead to a break of at least 24 hours. Would that be still fun?

Naw, rather than doing that to him, I’d snesak into his house and steal all his bishoujo games and demos .

Well, I can se what you mena, but I think I like the self promotion-mmethod of Crowd the best; to see posters and games from other gmaes . But I like all kinds of self promotion, as long as it isn’t overdone (like the appearence of Crowd’s name everywhere… )

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Of cause, I would gladly help, as much as I can.
But for giving advices, I should have played it first, right? Right now, I have four games of G-Collections plus TS plus Datsui-Jann-2 on my agenda, so the demos have to wait a bit, if the curiosity about the "Shameless Advertising" will not overwhelm me.

On the other hand: Translations would mean: I have to go home, play through to the position, you need the translation for, translating it (if you're lucky, I would be indeed capable of doing this), coming back next day and posting it. So, any translation, you might request, would lead to a break of at least 24 hours. Would that be still fun?

Well, I could stand a 24 hour break; there's so much fun things to do meanwhile [img][/img]. And I do know that ther'e much that you have to do now; tons of games and little time, so I understand if it'll take some time before you play the demos [img][/img]. But since I don't have the demos myself (for now, at least), it's kinda pointless to talk about advices and translations, right?

But thanks anyway, it's good that there is someone that can help you if you get in trouble with a game/demo [img][/img]

Thank you!

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I wonder what kind of "Shameless advertising" we might see in X-change 2 and Brave Soul (Lamuness has already hinted at such thing [img][/img]).

Besides, what do you think of the whole "Shameless advertising", by the way? It is kinda tiring to see the name "CROWD" everywhere, but it is also funny to see various CROWD merchandise, or as in Brave Soul, even characters [img][/img].

Well, in X-change 2, there are posters for Tokimeki Check-in posted all over the place in the backgrounds--I think that falls under shameless self-promotion. Also, one of the mini-games is a Crowd trivia quiz (covering those games released prior to X-change 2)

Originally posted by woodelf:
[QUOTE] So does this mean the Video Game played in TCI was release that never made it off the drawing board?

If you meant the game, Takayuki actually played ("...don'tquiteremember... Eve"), I don't think it's this way. That game was more of a cultural note (or even pun). The liner notes to TCI explained this pretty well.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-14-2002).]

Originally posted by Ijuin:
Well, in X-change 2, there are posters for Tokimeki Check-in posted all over the place in the backgrounds--I think that falls under shameless self-promotion. Also, one of the mini-games is a Crowd trivia quiz (covering those games released prior to X-change 2)

Sounds VERY fun! [img][/img]. Hmm, but I hope we can win the games without knowing the right answers anyway (we haven't played all games prior to X-change 2 , as you know).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Hmmm. I think, I have to look for the "Shameless Advertising" in OMnY, as well as the playable demos of "Brave Soul" and "Obbligato" they have added as goodies for the "Limited Edition".

Hello, there, Unicorn! Well, now, I have palyed the demo of Obbligato too. I dind't get confused, as you said that I would, but that's probably thanks to the fact that I had read a synopsis of the beginning of the story of the gmae at G-collections before. Even so, I think I'd have been able to figure out some things on my own, things like who the characters is; judging by the behaviour of the second girl you meet in the game, she is a childhood friend, but it's hard to say about the two others; The third one seems to be the lolicon character of the gmae, and the fourth girl you meet seems like something of a snob (and she seems to be quick to anger ^_^). went to Crowds page after that to see who they were, and now i know that I was more or less right ^_^.

*ahem* Back to my impressions of the demo: Even through this is a single-path demo, since you can't make any choices, it's still a good preview of the game and introduces the characters nicely... Only one thing distrubed me a ltitle in the gmae: the characteers are very nicely animated (much more well-done than usually, I'd say), but sadly enough, the same can't be said about the backgrounds. While Crowd often seems to pride themselves with having very good backgrounds in their games, the backgrounds in Obbligato looks kind of... dull. Didn't notice any shameless advertising here either, but on the other hand, the demo isn't supposed to show everything about the game, so it might be some in later parts of the actual game (or they might have skipped the whole shameless advertising thing in just this game). Overall, the demo gives a good impression of the actual game [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Only one thing distrubed me a ltitle in the gmae: the characteers are very nicely animated (much more well-done than usually, I'd say), but sadly enough, the same can't be said about the backgrounds. While Crowd often seems to pride themselves with having very good backgrounds in their games, the backgrounds in Obbligato looks kind of... dull. Didn't notice any shameless advertising here either, but on the other hand, the demo isn't supposed to show everything about the game, so it might be some in later parts of the actual game (or they might have skipped the whole shameless advertising thing in just this game). Overall, the demo gives a good impression of the actual game [img][/img].

Well, I hope, I have gotten it wrong, but after I look on the stories of the recent CROWD-games, I got the impression, they don't want to make pure-fun-games anymore.

In fact, I think OMnY and Obbligato did not resemble very much TCI or X-Change(1+2), but were very much like several Guilty-games.

Perhaps, shameless advertising would not mix very well with a serious storyline and was thus also omitted.

As I said: I might have gotten this completely wrong, (please, any new game from CROWD with a rather funny storyline would prove me wrong!) but if not, I may have to choose TRABULANCE as the company that brings out the funny games, I consider to buy even untranslated...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, I hope, I have gotten it wrong, but after I look on the stories of the recent CROWD-games, I got the impression, they don't want to make pure-fun-games anymore.

Hmm, who knows? You might be right, but perhaps they only want to take a break from the "pure-fun-games", for a while... I think most companies does that sometime; try something new and see if it is more successful or not. But it's hard to say if they've changed their "standards" or not. Besides, they have made brutish games before too.

In fact, I think OMnY and Obbligato did not resemble very much TCI or X-Change(1+2), but were very much like several Guilty-games.

From what I've seen/heard, that's pretty much true, but haven't Crowd always had some degree of "brutish" things in their games? Besides, in Obbligato, it seems like the characters facefaults at times, and facefaults aren't used all that much in a serious game, right?

Perhaps, shameless advertising would not mix very well with a serious storyline and was thus also omitted.

True; jokes doens't go so well in a serious storylines, except for perhaps a few well-placed ones. But it is impssible to say if they didn't put any advertising in the game, since no one here i know of have played the game itself. so to know for sure, we gotta ask some who has palyed it. And you haven't noticed any advertising in OMnY yet?

As I said: I might have gotten this completely wrong, (please, any new game from CROWD with a rather funny storyline would prove me wrong!) but if not, I may have to choose TRABULANCE as the company that brings out the funny games, I consider to buy even untranslated...

So you mean that if Crowd decides to switch to "serious" games, you will switch to Trabulance to get more funny games?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
From what I've seen/heard, that's pretty much true, but haven't Crowd always had some degree of "brutish" things in their games? Besides, in Obbligato, it seems like the characters facefaults at times, and facefaults aren't used all that much in a serious game, right?

Brutish? Hmmm. If you think of all the unsentual sex in X-Change, you may be right, but the story was too irreal, to be taken serious. Also, in TCI, well, poor Ayumi, but these events only occured, if the game was played that way.

I must have missed the face-faults (or have stopped the demo too early). I'll check them later. Maybe, I have to change my current opinion of it a bit to the better...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
And you haven't noticed any advertising in OMnY yet?

Yep. I have to check the backgrounds of the slave bazaar again, but inside the mansion, there are no adverts glued to the wall and a PC with CROWD games would also be a slight anachronism in a game, set in medieval times... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
So you mean that if Crowd decides to switch to "serious" games, you will switch to Trabulance to get more funny games?

You got that right. I like the serious games, but there also have to be funny games, compensating the seriousness of the other games. And actually, I think about Kango Shicyauzo a bit better than Nobody does (still not as good as TCI, but TCI-light would be a bit harsh. Depending on the selections, a go through Kango could last twice as long as a go through TCI. Only the variety of girls is smaller.).

I like to have a good mix in my collection.
That's why two of my original games are Mahjongg and three others are SIMs (including you-know-what)).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Brutish? Hmmm. If you think of all the unsentual sex in X-Change, you may be right, but the story was too irreal, to be taken serious. Also, in TCI, well, poor Ayumi, but these events only occured, if the game was played that way.

Well, it's part of that, but is is not only that; Lamuness has confirmed that X-change 2 also willh ave some brutish scenes, and both preview pictures and reviews points at that there willb e a certain amount of brutish things in Syncronous Hearts as well. And Fukushuu and Fukushuu -Ryoujoku no Yaiba-
seem to be at least 90% brutish. This leads me to think that Brave Soul and Miss You could be the only Crowd games that doesn't contain any brutish things. But I might be wrong.

I must have missed the face-faults (or have stopped the demo too early). I'll check them later. Maybe, I have to change my current opinion of it a bit to the better...

Perhaps... And not only that; juding by some of the characters behaviour, they seems to be somewhat goofy too [img][/img]

You got that right. I like the serious games, but there also have to be funny games, compensating the seriousness of the other games. And actually, I think about Kango Shicyauzo a bit better than Nobody does (still not as good as TCI, but TCI-light would be a bit harsh. Depending on the selections, a go through Kango could last twice as long as a go through TCI. Only the variety of girls is smaller.).

Hmm. Haven't brought Kango yet, but since I hear that it is quite good, even if it's not a top notch game, I might give it a try anyway. We'll see... But other Trabulance games looks interestign too. Besides, it seems like they also have made some brutish games, althrough they seem to put less importance on it than Crowd does.

I like to have a good mix in my collection.
That's why two of my original games are Mahjongg and three others are SIMs (including you-know-what)).

*growls* I know, I knooow.. [img][/img]. I hope my collection will look as impressive as yours someday, but I don't think I'll have any mahjong-games in my collection. Card-games, on the other hand... [img][/img]. But besides that, I don't reallt want to switch to japanese gmaes for the time being. I can almost zero japanese for now, and as the demos proves, I don't seems to have the right programs to make the text appear as Japanese, not gibberish... But we'll see what happens in the future. the only thing that worries me, is that the games I seems to get a "crush" on disappear after a while. For example, I have a "crush" on rouges two sims, but both are sold out [img][/img]. Of course, new games takes the old games places, and I sometimes get a "crush" on the new games, but... what is lost is lost forever, unless any company like PP requests to re-release the games here in the west [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Perhaps... And not only that; juding by some of the characters behaviour, they seems to be somewhat goofy too

So, I really have to look again closely. My first impression of that game was based on the demo movie and that time, I felt really repelled (of cause, it may be just my taste...).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Haven't brought Kango yet, but since I hear that it is quite good, even if it's not a top notch game, I might give it a try anyway. We'll see...

Again: It may be only my taste. Nobody has another opinion. Bigdog promised to write reviews on all G-Collections games, so waiting for them and getting his point of view would also be a good idea, before you throw your money in.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I hope my collection will look as impressive as yours someday, but I don't think I'll have any mahjong-games in my collection. Card-games, on the other hand... .

Impressive collection? [img][/img] Right now, I have about 7 original japanese games. I just started in may with "you-know-what", "Gakkuen ojousama Kitan" and "Sho-Ki", buying japanese originals.
Not that impressive anymore, right? [img][/img]