Funny thing in the doushin demo :D

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, I really have to look again closely. My first impression of that game was based on the demo movie and that time, I felt really repelled (of cause, it may be just my taste...).

It is not always good to make
your impressions on a demo movie; it can't tell you very much and it sometimes even hides the true anture in a game. If you see it in that way, it is easier to understand why some people want playable games instead. But do that; try the Obbligato playable demo, and when you have played it from beginning to end (should take around 1 hour), come back and tell me/us (if anyone's interested in hearign, that's it) of your impressions here [img][/img]

Again: It may be only my taste. Nobody has another opinion. Bigdog promised to write reviews on all G-Collections games, so waiting for them and getting his point of view would also be a good idea, before you throw your money in.

Ok, I'll wait then. Might be better since I'm trying to save some money for now... and I have a couple of payments to make this fall too (but I've sen to that there will be enough money to pay for XC2/Brave Soul whenever they come out).

Impressive collection? [img][/img] Right now, I have about 7 original japanese games. I just started in may with "you-know-what", "Gakkuen ojousama Kitan" and "Sho-Ki", buying japanese originals.
Not that impressive anymore, right? [img][/img]

It's more impressive than mine, anyway [img][/img] Four Peach Princess games and one G-collections game aren't all that impressive, right? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-16-2002).]

BTW, don’t you think this looks funny?

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-16-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It is not always good to make
your impressions on a demo movie; it can't tell you very much and it sometimes even hides the true anture in a game. If you see it in that way, it is easier to understand why some people want playable games instead. But do that; try the Obbligato playable demo, and when you have played it from beginning to end (should take around 1 hour), come back and tell me/us (if anyone's interested in hearign, that's it) of your impressions here

I actually got my first impression by:
reading your summary in the "what-next-CROWD-game-thread" and viewing the movie.

You compared the female character to Ayanami Rei and the pictures in the movie did not mix very well with that (except the fact, the character in the game has red eyes as well).
For me, Ayanami Rei is the living embodiement of seriousness (remember: she was only aged 14 and decided on her own to sacrifice herself) and the funny style of the drawings (potatoe-heads) did not match that kind of character, so I got a bit disapppointed of the game at first sight.

After playing through the demo, I reached the conclusion, Obbligato might be quite funnier than in my first impression. So, I must have been wrong, thinking CROWD has gone down the path of nothing-but-seriousness in their games. TRABULANCE remains a runner-up, very close to them. [img][/img]

About OMnY: I have checked the images of the bazaar and tried some more in the path of Mary. So far, still no "shameless advertising".
Maybe, CROWD got some complaints from their japanese customers about that and decided to drop it? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You compared the female character to Ayanami Rei and the pictures in the movie did not mix very well with that (except the fact, the character in the game has red eyes as well). For me, Ayanami Rei is the living embodiement of seriousness (remember: she was only aged 14 and decided on her own to sacrifice herself) and the funny style of the drawings (potatoe-heads) did not match that kind of character, so I got a bit disapppointed of the game at first sight.

[img][/img] Sorry if my impressions of the character didn't match your exceptations. But since the main feamle character (Chisae) is very serious and emotionless too as you can see (even if she might not be as serious as Rei), I could think of no better comparisation. And the game IS after all about helping her to regain her emotions, so what better comparisation could I have made?

After playing through the demo, I reached the conclusion, Obbligato might be quite funnier than in my first impression. So, I must have been wrong, thinking CROWD has gone down the path of nothing-but-seriousness in their games. TRABULANCE remains a runner-up, very close to them. [img][/img]

Ah, so you played the demo? I hope you liked it .). But I think that the game shows that Crowd haven't left the "funny path" to walk the "path of seriousness". Well, I do envy you a littlle, since you were probably able to get more out of the demo than me [img][/img]. since you like Trabualnce, you must feel like you're in Heaven since we may see more games by them through G-collections.

About OMnY: I have checked the images of the bazaar and tried some more in the path of Mary. So far, still no "shameless advertising". Maybe, CROWD got some complaints from their japanese customers about that and decided to drop it? [img][/img]

Maybe... Or, they might have left it out just because that it is a serious game? They might do their shamelessm advertising only in their funny games? It's hard to say, anyway, since we have no other serious games to judge from. If someone here has played Obbligato and Fukushuu - Ryoujoku no Yaiba, then he could probably tell us that.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
If someone here has played Obbligato and Fukushuu - Ryoujoku no Yaiba, then he could probably tell us that.

Are you really going to tempt me? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Are you really going to tempt me? [img][/img]

... you mean that you're thinking about playing those? fine, it's your choice, but as always, if you do that, you have to promise me to give me your impressions.

*sigh* it just hit me that when SH is done, we might not see a new Crowd game for quite a while. It takes a long time to "make a japanese bishoujo gmae into an english one"; Kumiko said before that even X-change took them a year to finish, so when SH is out, it may take a long time before we see anything new from them, unless Peach Princess makes some new negotiations with Crowd and buys the rights to one or two more games from them, and IF they make that before SH is released...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... you mean that you're thinking about playing those? fine, it's your choice, but as always, if you do that, you have to promise me to give me your impressions.

The first is still for me to think about, but the second goes without saying.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
The first is still for me to think about, but the second goes without saying.

Then, for the first, I have to tempt you some more (I'll begin to send whispers into your dreams [img][/img]), and for the second, I thank you [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Then, for the first, I have to tempt you some more (I'll begin to send whispers into your dreams [img][/img]), and for the second, I thank you [img][/img]

You hear SB in your dreams, Unicorn-san? My profound condolences.. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
You hear SB in your dreams, Unicorn-san? My profound condolences.. [img][/img]

No prob. If this happens, I simply skip sleeping and have more time for playing B-games. [img][/img]

If I only could find the nerve to play Kana a second time... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
If I only could find the nerve to play Kana a second time... [img][/img]

Aw, just do it! Try to not thinkt that the worst might heppen [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Aw, just do it! Try to not thinkt that the worst might heppen [img][/img]

The last (and first) time, I played it, I got the ending "Memories" on the intellectual route. It's a wonderful, but also quite sad ending. After this, I went sleeping, but after waking up, I still had only to think of the "dream-farewell"-scene and started crying again. Only "Gin Iro" got me in a similar way, but still not this intense.
In fact, I played the whole day "Final Fantasy IV" in order to get my mind out of this loop of sadness.
Maybe a small hint, if "Memories" is the saddest possible ending, would help me finding my courage again...

I simply fear, there exists another ending, that lets Kana and Cana as well die, because the main character refuses Kana's will...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
The last (and first) time, I played it, I got the ending "Memories" on the intellectual route. It's a wonderful, but also quite sad ending. After this, I went sleeping, but after waking up, I still had only to think of the "dream-farewell"-scene and started crying again. Only "Gin Iro" got me in a similar way, but still not this intense.
In fact, I played the whole day "Final Fantasy IV" in order to get my mind out of this loop of sadness.
Maybe a small hint, if "Memories" is the saddest possible ending, would help me finding my courage again...

I don't know if Mewmories is the saddest ending or not, but... wel,, as I said, I haen't had all that much time to play Kana, and sometimes when I platyed, I got the same ending, so,,, well, as soon as I get my computet to my apartement here in one and a half week, I'll try to play more to catchup with the restof you (but on the other hand, the slower I play, the more I has to do until X-chnage 2 or Brave Soul). But so far, I've got Ending 2, Ending 4 and Ending 5. While I think it wa sEnding 5 that moved me the most (Kana's death,her farewell, the organ donation and the daybook... it almost felt like too much and that ending got me crying). But in a way, ending 2 felt more sad, even if it didn't get me to cry as much, much because of the message that Kana leaved...

Also, ending 4 feelt quite sad in a way too, because that, well... in ending 2 & 5, it is shown that the main character does recover after his loss and live on, for the better or worse. But this isn't shown or told in ending 4.

I'll have to find the other endings before I an fully state my opinion about the game, hrough. But one thing I do know: I almost pity the one who playes the game for the first time, since he/she is almost certain to encounter one of the sad endings. While the game is very beautiful in almost every aspect, it is quite sad too.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But so far, I've got Ending 2, Ending 4 and Ending 5. While I think it wa sEnding 5 that moved me the most (Kana's death,her farewell, the organ donation and the daybook... it almost felt like too much and that ending got me crying). But in a way, ending 2 felt more sad, even if it didn't get me to cry as much, much because of the message that Kana leaved...

Also, ending 4 feelt quite sad in a way too, because that, well...

I can't say, this encouraged me much.
But whom am I kidding? After I finished "Chain" yesterday, I'm going to concentrate first on "Kango Shicyauzo" and "DOR" during this week and give "Kana" another try next weekend. (6-8 hours of playing time is not afforable for me during the week and if I started the game, I know, I would be caught again and will not be able to stop it until the very end. No kidding! When I played it the last time, my bladder was about to burst, but still, I had to see the credits and the epilogue (and yes, I endured it without wetting my pants. I still don't understand, why the bladder had any water at that time anyway, because my body should have been almost dehydrated through my eyes... Hey, who said "cry-baby"? [img][/img] ))

I just realized:
************ Kana-SPOILERS again **************
Only thinking again about the offer, the main character made to Kana in the dream-farewell, makes my eyes still feel like they are burning. [img][/img]
************ End of Kana-SPOILERS **************

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-20-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I just realized:
************ Kana-SPOILERS again **************
Only thinking again about the offer, the main character made to Kana in the dream-farewell, makes my eyes still feel like they are burning. [img][/img]
************ End of Kana-SPOILERS **************

*sigh* About that dream... Well, somehow, I feel like it would've felt better if Kana had been a little selfish and choose to accept the main character's offer to let her live and him die [img][/img].

Well, good luck on your long-playing of G-collections games [img][/img]. I wish you lots of fun when playing Kango and DOR.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*sigh* About that dream... Well, somehow, I feel like it would've felt better if Kana had been a little selfish and choose to accept the main character's offer to let her live and him die [img][/img].
To you, yes. Not to her. She is, after all, in the same situation as you, meaning to die or to let the one she loves die instead of her. And she chose the exact same answer you do, dying instead of letting the one she loves dying for her.
So, of course, you would have felt better if you (i.e. the main character) died and she lived. But, for the same reason, she felt better if she died and you lived.
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
To you, yes. Not to her. She is, after all, in the same situation as you, meaning to die or to let the one she loves die instead of her. And she chose the exact same answer you do, dying instead of letting the one she loves dying for her.
So, of course, you would have felt better if you (i.e. the main character) died and she lived. But, for the same reason, she felt better if she died and you lived.

I know that. That's why I said that I'd wished that she had been a little more selfish at the end. And as much as I can understand and respect her wish that the main character would live on, I still wish it wouldn't have gone that way.

Besides, I’d like to ask you one thing more related to the topic here (or rather; what we discussed before), if that’s Ok with you?

Well, I’d like to ask you what you think of what seems like Crowds decision to try and chnage the artstyle in their games? I mean, from X-change and up until all (or most, perhaps) games before Obbligato seems to have what you could call “the familiar CROWD style”, you can usually tell if a game is a Crowd game or not because of it’s style and up util Obbligato, the artstyle seems to havew been more or less the same, but in Obbligato and OMnY, the style seems to be complettely changed. Obbligato have a new style; instead of shwowing the whole character from her knees and up, like in TCI, the character is just shown from her chest and up. And the characters looks compettely different than other Crowd characters, and the same can be said about the backgrounds too… To be brief: both the characters and the backgrounds are well-done in their own way, but at the same time, they… looks dull, in a way. They lack something. This is no longer the shining, light art that Crowd usually use, it looks more like something else, and you’d almost believe that this wasn’t a Crowd game.

OMnY is perhaps another story; while the characters isn’t really done after Crowds usual “Way of Art”, the backgrounds of OMnY looks really well-done and quite impressive. It’s, or so I think, very rare to see such detailed backgrounds in an adult bishoujo game, and the game deserves much praise just for that. And the characters look good, even if they really don’t feels like “Crowd-created” characters, but I guess that it’s impossible to say that until you play the game.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, I'd like to ask you one thing more related to the topic here (or rather; what we discussed before), if that's Ok with you?

Back to the topic? Isn't that around here a big no-no? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

Well, I'd like to ask you what you think of what seems like Crowds decision to try and chnage the artstyle in their games? I mean, from X-change and up until all (or most, perhaps) games before Obbligato seems to have what you could call "the familiar CROWD style", you can usually tell if a game is a Crowd game or not because of it's style and up util Obbligato, the artstyle seems to havew been more or less the same, but in Obbligato and OMnY, the style seems to be complettely changed.

Well, I'd say, in Obbligato, you're right. This is a complete new kind of character-drawings, we have never seen in CROWD games before. But in OMnY, the characters look again the way, we're used to. Only the "shameless advertising" seems to have vanished.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
To be brief: both the characters and the backgrounds are well-done in their own way, but at the same time, they... looks dull, in a way. They lack something. This is no longer the shining, light art that Crowd usually use, it looks more like something else, and you'd almost believe that this wasn't a Crowd game.

I think, Obbliggato was an experiment of making the characters look even more funny, almost to the point, they became ridiculous. Let's see, if sales of "Obbligato" in japan prove this experiment a success or a failure.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
OMnY is perhaps another story; while the characters isn't really done after Crowds usual "Way of Art", the backgrounds of OMnY looks really well-done and quite impressive. It's, or so I think, very rare to see such detailed backgrounds in an adult bishoujo game, and the game deserves much praise just for that. And the characters look good, even if they really don't feels like "Crowd-created" characters, but I guess that it's impossible to say that until you play the game.

I'm not sure, if I know, how CROWD-Characters are supposed to feel. I have right now just played "X-Change" and "TCI". I think, the main difference between OMnY and these two is the kind of the story. The story and the whole couse of actions is a bit more serious and gives the whole game another amosphere than I expected by knowing the other two CROWD-games.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Back to the topic? Isn't that around here a big no-no? [img][/img]

Well, as far as no one tries to sacrifice an adult bishoujo game it is permitted [img][/img]

Well, I'd say, in Obbligato, you're right. This is a complete new kind of character-drawings, we have never seen in CROWD games before. But in OMnY, the characters look again the way, we're used to. Only the "shameless advertising" seems to have vanished.

Maybe, but as have been said before, we don't know if all other Crowd games contain the shameless advertising or not, only until someone have played all Crowd games after X-change could tell us that [img][/img] (hint! hint!). Besides, Crowd will most probably make more games, so we'll see if the shameless advertising appear in one of their new games or not.

I think, Obbliggato was an experiment of making the characters look even more funny, almost to the point, they became ridiculous. Let's see, if sales of "Obbligato" in japan prove this experiment a success or a failure.

Hmm, yes, but I wonder if they shouldn't have the answer of that by now? Or are they just going to wait some months or so before they decide if the change was for the better or not? I don't know ith the characters looked more funny than they usually does, althrough some expressions they show looks a little cuter. But you didn't like the new style, if I remember correctly? "Potato head style", I remember that you said... Hmm, pity that no one can tell us how well each one of Crowd's (and Will's) games has sold in Japan.

I'm not sure, if I know, how CROWD-Characters are supposed to feel. I have right now just played "X-Change" and "TCI". I think, the main difference between OMnY and these two is the kind of the story. The story and the whole couse of actions is a bit more serious and gives the whole game another amosphere than I expected by knowing the other two CROWD-games.

Well, often when you see a Crowd game, the warm art, especially that of the characters, give you a kind of warm feeling, but this wasn't the case of Obbligato (even if it was the case with OMnY [img][/img]). *sigh* It will be good when we get XC2, BS and SH here so we have something more to compare with [img][/img] (and after that, I hope it won't take too long before we see another Crowd gmae here [img][/img]).