Future games?

Originally posted by Paulish:
What I would like to see is greater darkness and greater interactivity, particularly in the sex scenes. I'm sure that I'm in a minority among posters here in that I would like to see games which are MORE pornographic. I may be representing a larger segment of the market however, when I say that I'd like to see sex scenes which are more interactive, as opposed to a)Do her on the bed, or, b)Do her in the kitchen, and then reading the scene.

I guess that I would like to see dark games which are less plot driven, are more interactive, and perhaps more character driven. I am sure that there are, lets say, slave training games out in Japan which have these types of characteristics.


In other words, you're looking for a game that provides choices of actions during sex scenes. It's a very interesting idea, but I'm not sure the maintream folks who develop b-games in Japan would go for it.

Also, I'm sure the writers have enough trouble coming up with interesting descriptions of sex scenes as is. After all, there are only so many variables (i.e. body parts) involved. lol

Nah, the games do exist. The 3D ones especially tend to have a lot of “interactivity.” I actually wonder why they don’t try to translate some 3D games like Sexy Beach 2. With the small amount of dialogue often involved, they don’t seem like they would be difficult to translate, and I bet the 3D porn aspect, plus the interactivity, would appeal to a much wider audience of Americans.

A few days ago I saw a movie clip of an interactive H-scene (presumably from a larger game) that used cel shading in a 3D environment. It was interesting, to say the least, but not bad at all. For those of you who aren’t sure what I mean by “interactive,” I’m referring to games where you control a hand (and other things) by mouse. The 3D games also allow you to rotate and zoom the camera.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-06-2004).]

oh man give me a break i played that sex beach 2 in chinese before. It is one of the worst ever. the only thing that rocks is the graphic otherwise it really really suck. Most of the time is spent into looking at her doing her own things and so what if there is the hand button that allows u to do what you want, trust me you will get sick after a while. The worst thing comes when the sex scene occurs (the verythought really kill my interest) anyway get it if you love to burn money. If you guys want some more info i can kindly tell you more.

[This message has been edited by warmaid (edited 11-07-2004).]

I didn’t say I liked the game itself very much, but the concept of interactivity is good at least.

we don’t have any 3d h-games on the English market right now. So I could understand where Paul is coming from.

Which interactivity? From what I know, Sexy Beach 2 has almost none. Like warmaid said, just looking.

Bleh, a hand you can use to interact. It’s already been done, and it sucks, as far as I saw.

By the way, there IS an English patch for Sexy Beach 2.

I’ve seen 3-D sex games. The problem there is that there is no story line whatsoever, no characterization, there is just unmotivated sex. That is too much to the other extreme. The graphics are good, controling the camera is also good, the animations are not much more than 3-D animated .gifs. However, that level of animation may be state-of-the-art for low budget games.

Some plot is useful, even necessary. Character development is essential as you want to care about what happens to the characters. As to choices within the scenes, not all choices have to lead to story branches, the could simply give the player more variety in a scene that he may have viewed several times. That would not put too much more strain on the writer. In addition, in a dark game there are more options, typically violent in some form, to choose from as opposed to just rub this, kiss that, or pick a hole. The various choices could be game related, each having an effect on the victim’s, and/or antagonist’s characteristics. So far as I know this could be what actually happens in slave training games.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.

I don’t particularly care for 3D graphics. Somehow they look too artificial and manufactured. It’s like the difference between anime (or classic Disney animation) and the work produced by Pixar Studios. The latter lacks the artistry and individuality of hand-crafted design.

3D animation looks like it was drawn by a computer. The next step may be to have the computer write the story, too. Then endless streams of animation can be generated on the cheap. Conventional artists need not apply.

If all you want is CG interactivity with lots of “h-factor”, then Sexy Beach or Virtual Valerie [any relation to Virtual Mate?] are a good choice. To me, they shouldn’t even be classified with bishoujo games. They’re almost a parody of the artform.

No, thanks to heaven Virtual Valerie and Virtual Mate are not blood related, LOL!!!

Originally posted by Benoit:
Which interactivity? From what I know, Sexy Beach 2 has almost none. Like warmaid said, just looking.

Bleh, a hand you can use to interact. It's already been done, and it sucks, as far as I saw.

By the way, there IS an English patch for Sexy Beach 2.

All the English patch does is translate the menus. I agree, the 3D aspect does seem to limit the capacity for an actual story, since any area the character visits would have to be prerendered. Executing a typical story-heavy b-game in 3D would probably take a budget the size of a Final Fantasy game. I still maintain that games like Sexy Beach 2 would sell really well in the U.S.

@Benoit: I don't see the problem you have with "the hand." It is a good way of introducing interactivity into h-scenes.

@perigee: Have you seen the graphics for Xenosaga Ep. 1, or Final Fantasy X? I think the 3D animation in those titles was superb, and KOS-MOS especially looks great in Xenosaga Ep. 1. Just because the character models are 3D doesn't mean that a lot of care didn't go into designing them. I don't think creating good 3D models of people is nearly as easy, or as automated, as you imply. Of course there's titles like Black & White where the 3D models are highly simplified so the computer can render hundreds of them at once, but by and large I think 3D character modeling involves the same personal touch as anime character designs. There's many who argue that anime designs are the ones that are, in fact, "manufactured" or "mass-produced."

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-07-2004).]

@Benoit: I don't see the problem you have with "the hand." It is a good way of introducing interactivity into h-scenes.

Maybe if it's well implemented. But I always saw it being implemented like a moving hand that just sort of sat somewhere.

Sigh… this is just so typical. Why can people not be satisfied in that fact that almost all bishoujo games aren’t “games” in the western sense. I agree with perigee that a game like Sexy Beach 2 is hardly even a bishoujo game. Benoit doesn’t really understand the hand concept. Okay, it’s like Mario 64’s title screen, except instead of grabbing Mario’s nose you’re grabbing some breasts. Yeah, it sounds fun but it’s really, really corny and it gets boing real fast because there is nothing else to these “games.” In my opinion, Sexy Beach 2 wasn’t very sexy, and in anyone’s opinion the story and character development are non-existant. Really popular bishoujo games are popular for many reasons and being able to click a mouse to grab a breast isn’t one of them. Let’s just say Air isn’t being made into a theatrical anime movie because of mouse clicking/breast grabbing action. Hehe. I can just imagine Peter Payne standing outside in a line waiting to see Air on the opening day. (lucky!)

just to give some credit to the company that produces sexy beach 2. There is a couple of games that have a plot such as Desblood 4 and brutish mine or aga. they involved shooting solving pizzles and maybe a bit of that stuffs every now and then. by the way i am a chinese so at least i can understand chinese translated game (telling this just for fun)

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Sigh... this is just so typical. Why can people not be satisfied in that fact that almost all bishoujo games aren't "games" in the western sense. I agree with perigee that a game like Sexy Beach 2 is hardly even a bishoujo game. Benoit doesn't really understand the hand concept. Okay, it's like Mario 64's title screen, except instead of grabbing Mario's nose you're grabbing some breasts. Yeah, it sounds fun but it's really, really corny and it gets boing real fast because there is nothing else to these "games." In my opinion, Sexy Beach 2 wasn't very sexy, and in anyone's opinion the story and character development are non-existant. Really popular bishoujo games are popular for many reasons and being able to click a mouse to grab a breast isn't one of them. Let's just say Air isn't being made into a theatrical anime movie because of mouse clicking/breast grabbing action. Hehe. I can just imagine Peter Payne standing outside in a line waiting to see Air on the opening day. (lucky!)

I sense some hostility here...

I'm not saying I prefer Sexy Beach 2 to a good story-based game. I just thought it incorporated a novel element. A little more interactivity in these games wouldn't hurt any, would it? It doesn't necessarily have to involve "the hand," but it's something different at least. And while I personally don't like Sexy Beach 2 especially, I think a game like it would sell well in the U.S. I'm just wondering why such avenues of translation haven't been pursued; that's all.

On the flip side of the coin, I've been playing a freeware English b-game called PK Girl lately. That's a little TOO much interactivity. Basically you have to type a command for everything you do. Half the time I'm lost and have no idea what I'm trying to do. I've had to resort to a walkthrough on several occasions, and most recently I've checked the walkthrough and I'm still not sure how I would have arrived at the stated sequence of required actions by myself. It's still fun, though quite frustrating.

care to tell us more about PK girl?

well, that would be because it’s a text adventure and not in the clicky-clicky-no-brain genre. (Yet another super-niche market… probably, again, FAR more niche than bishoujo. )

And no, I didn’t make The PK Girl. I actually only played a tiny bit of it. Don’t remember why. I do play textadvs though…

As papillon says, The PK Girl is a text ADV, or a work of “interactive fiction,” as they like to call it. The character portraits are some of the best drawn I’ve ever seen! Unfortunately, they’re just that; character portraits. I haven’t seen any other CG in the game so far, and I’m about 2/3 of the way through. A crude block map shows your position as you move from place to place, and the text describes the areas you visit in lieu of actual pictures. On the upside, the quality of the writing is quite good, certainly better than the majority of h-games (though there’s some odd phrasings that lead me to believe that the writer wasn’t a native English speaker). The game also has some nice midi background music that changes with location and mood.

As I said before, everything you do is accomplished with a text command. The commands are fairly intuitive, and I could stumble around initially without even looking up which commands do what (i.e. go north, look, talk to [character], etc.). The game is a tad buggy; for some reason one of the girls’ portraits won’t display anymore, and my character’s name has been irreversibly changed to “name unchosen” for the rest of the game.

The story is pretty good as well, and centers around your interaction with a family of two sisters who have the gift of psychokinesis, or “mind powers.” Some sort of government or private research organization is after them, and the plot launches into motion when one of the sisters is kidnapped right before your eyes. You and the other sister go to save her, etc. The plot thickens as the game progesses, and there’s quite a few girls you can meet along the way. There’s a total of eight unique endings, and from what I can tell the plot branches like crazy based on where you go and what you say.

That said, this game is hard, particularly if you’re new to text ADV’s like me. While the command system is fairly intuitive, and most of the time it accepts or provides pointers when your commands aren’t right-on, it can still be frustrating sometimes to translate what you want to do into the proper command, if it’s even possible. Certain situations require extreme thoroughness and attention to detail, like one part where you have to uncover a secret door without any clue in the text to its location whatsoever. Most players will almost undoubtedly have to break down and consult a walkthrough at least occasionally to get through the game.

For those who are interested, go here to download the game: http://mysite.verizon.net/dlgoodwin/bob/pkgirl/

You can also see some of the sweet character portraits there, which are worth a look even if you don’t intend on playing. To play the game, you’ll need to download the pk.zip file as well as ADRIFT Runner V.4.0, which is basically the game engine. Get ADRIFT Runner/Generator here: http://www.download.com/Adrift-Generator-Runner/3000-7564_4-10325438.html?tag=lst-0-1

ADRIFT Runner allows you to play the game, while the generator is for programmers who want to make their own games.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-08-2004).]

THANKS i will give it a try

Ah, I should also add that I haven’t seen any H in the game so far (graphic or otherwise), and I doubt that there is any.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-08-2004).]

the portraits look very, very nice. I may try it out later.