Future games?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

Also, as already mentioned. Fukushu - RnY doesn't work like most ADV's we're used to either (which is'why it might be good to release) - but it's difficult to explain, but I'll let this picture fromt he game explain:
http://www.sis.iowave.co.jp/crowd/soft/album/revf/mapb.jpg The school the main character attends has many buildings and you can choose where to go to - and inside the school itself, you can choose what floor to move to and what room, among other things. There's more to it too...

Thank you for that description I see what you mean now, and that picture looks familiar, I cannot remember where but it looks like locations choices from a game played a before comehting to Bishoujo games though I cannot place it. Well it sounds more promising then it did at first, Unicorn's review was positive and my main fears about replayability and it being too dark seem to be unfounded, so maybe it's good to agree with those already saying this is a good one to bring over.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
guys, i prefer you stick to crowd for now instead of the sister companies; it's possible but i dont you guys to get your hopes up too much for anything outside of crowd

Frankly, I'm totally fed up with CROWD games, and, in my opinion, it's time for a change: I definitely want to see the games of the sister companies or, even better, of totally different companies (I would like to see an English version of Eushully games, for example, and before Doomsday if possible [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]).

Originally posted by Baldo:
Frankly, I'm totally fed up with CROWD games, and, in my opinion, it's time for a change: I definitely want to see the games of the sister companies or, even better, of totally different companies (I would like to see an English version of Eushully games, for example, and before Doomsday if possible [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]).

Kind of what I was saying early, what if the sister companies offer a much better range and choice of games? Yes it might be hard to get them, but is there harm in trying?

For example the two games that were mentioned for a sister company are by far the best two mentioned, Railway and Emu , which includes those I have been able to find even on Crowd's web site. It might be time to try for a change, I agree with Baldo, Crowd might have good games but the sister companies seem more interesting and by far better CG's and lighter, even if the dark one is not all that dark, games. So hopes up or not, this is going away from Crowd to a sister company, is perhaps the best route, at least to consider.

[edit: corrected Emu link]

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-01-2004).]

all I see in EMU are a bunch of little girls…

And just how easy do you think it is for PP to release games by other companies? They’ve asked plenty of them before and gotten rejected. Sorry, guys, but beggars can’t be choosers. I’d be happy with more Crowd-games myself . Besides, we’ll at elast see LMM, so not allg ames within the next following years will be pure crowd

No but we are not talking about a company that is out of the blue, we are talking about a sister company which should be a whole lot easier to make a deal with then going up to say any company out of the blue and asking for a game. So in this case beggars can be very picky since it is, once again, a sister company, with who Crowd should be nice enough to put in a good word or two about Peach Princess, so I think it is more likely then it might seem. Still hard yes, more possible then a company that is not a sister company of Crowd, also yes.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-01-2004).]

a sister company might maybe - just maybe - be easier to deal with, but I wouldn’t count too much on that. Crowd are PP’s safest card for the moment - or so it seems to me - so why put things in the dangerous zone by asking a company that might reject them or in a worst case scenario demand a huge sum of money for the rights to their game that might put PP in trouble? Other troubles could also appear and I’d rather see that none of these appears…

Because, once more, if you don’t take that risk now when you need new games then when will you take it? Other troubles could always appear, I site the trouble with Holibox (or however it is spelled) Europe going under and leaving Peach Princess scrambling or the delays with LMM that have occurred. These are games with companies they had contracts with so at any time in many ways there could be trouble. Risk is always part of what must be done to expand and now when looking for new games is the best time. Think if they bring over one of those two mentioned and they sell well, then there is another company Peach Princess can deal with, but what if they fail you ask? Well that can happen too, but it can happen with any Crowd game which might have Crowd not agree to any future game deals.

Yes the sister company could be [edited=greedy] and demand a large sum of money or refuse outright, despite a good recommendation from Crowd, but is there a harm in trying no, and frankly it is time to try another branch out because what do they have to lose but getting a no response? Nothing, and now is the perfect time since they are looking for new games to bring over and out and it is a good time to ask since maybe they can get a deal by asking for the rights to two games instead of just one and it is much better to ask now rather then after getting new Crowd games to translate.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-01-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Yes the sister company could be [edited=greedy] and demand a large sum of money or refuse outright, despite a good recommendation from Crowd, but is there a harm in trying no, and frankly it is time to try another branch out because what do they have to lose but getting a no response? Nothing, and now is the perfect time since they are looking for new games to bring over and out and it is a good time to ask since maybe they can get a deal by asking for the rights to two games instead of just one and it is much better to ask now rather then after getting new Crowd games to translate.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-01-2004).]

Well, it's a little worse; they might not just be greedy, but also uncooperative, thus there might be a looooong time before we see our promised games. I'd rather not have yet another Slave Bazaar or LMM situation, thank you very much.

And on the personal side, I've got to say that none of the titles of Crowd's sister labels looks tempting to me :P

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, it's a little worse; they might not just be greedy, but also uncooperative, thus there might be a looooong time before we see our promised games. I'd rather not have yet another Slave Bazaar or LMM situation, thank you very much.

And on the personal side, I've got to say that none of the titles of Crowd's sister labels looks tempting to me :P

Well that is part of it then, if they did look tempting you might see it in a different light.

Also I would willingly wait if it meant a new company and games of the quality that seem to be LMM and I don't think it would be another wait and there are ways to over come uncooperative natures, figure what other then money they want to grease the wheels and give them that, if it is a promise of 'x' number of games consider giving them that, as said there are ways to grease the wheels that do not always involve money.

personally i too want to see something more other than crowd, but the heads gave me quite a long speech on why not to misled you people into too much speculation regarding sister companies, it’s pretty long but i have forgotten what they said :stuck_out_tongue: but they did told me to hold the sister companies “for now”…but i will tell them to take alook at this thread and give it some thought. i do agree that we need some kinda variety, or we are going to be crowdusa :stuck_out_tongue:

keep in mind that what you guys want or think do not necessarily reflect the tastes of the general market. sure i can see why people dont like X-change and why people have no nominations for the rest of the crowd titles and i can see why you lolicons out there want emu games, and why some of you guys are fed up with trabulance games over at gc, etc etc…but you guys are kinda in the “hardcore fans” category to some extent and for us we have to think about the other side of the spectrum. the x-change series dont sell well for no reason…actually i dunno the current sales figures so i shouldn’t have said that :stuck_out_tongue: but dollar votes do count and we cannot ignore those for the sake of you guys

but that doesn’t mean you guys should not speak either; we just have to weight your feedback accordingly that’s all

but ya go ahead and keep posting your drooling thoughts on the sister companies; i did tell peter et al. to consider them; peapri does need some spice and variety in the long run and logically the sister companies are (theoretically) the most logical and feasible way to expand

i did see a copy of ANIM’s game in peter’s office when i visited jlist 2 years ago, i have no idea why it was there in the first place but hey…

Speaking of Slave Bazaar, what happened to it? Is that not a game that could be considered for translation at all? Wasn’t there like a newer version that came out…? Are these not by CROWD? Sorry for my ignorance, but that’s one game I personally would have (still want to) see…

to put a long story short, slave bazaar is put on hold…but not really canned; there are some licencing issues with the japanese company so we are not sure if we can get it out in english at all, so don’t get your hopes too high for that; if it did come out consider it a miracle

there is a dvd remake with better graphics i believe

it’s not by crowd

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-01-2004).]

Thank you! Good short answers that explain everything!

Now I’m off to do research to see what else I can find out there…

So, what’s “Miss You” about? (Sorry, it’s about the only other crowd game I could find that hasn’t already been mentioned).

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
So, what's "Miss You" about? (Sorry, it's about the only other crowd game I could find that hasn't already been mentioned).
Spec gives a very good summary of available games in this 2002 topic Next CROWD game Peach Princess should take? In fact after reviewing that five page discussion, one has to wonder why we're rehashing it all here?

Frankly, I’m glad for almost any new B game. I’ve been following and supporting the US market since I first discovered them so very long ago.

Sir Lamuness, I can understand how a handful of customers posting on a forum aren’t considered the voice of the market. “We” (my second post here! ) are just a few individuals… sales will tend to show better who is out there buying.

As for dark games… I wouldn’t want to see the English market dominated by it. I frankly don’t like games with abuse or rape. My personal tastes, I know, and everyone is different. I can handle the occasional game with such in them, but I’d buy 10 fun/light/comedic games for every dark game I order, at best (for dark game). And if the game is too dark, I may just set it aside, and never return to it, but note who made it… as I will be less likely to buy a game with the names main names involed.

I was really shocked that Jewel Knights was so dark. Being “super-hero”, I’d expected something lighter, actually. Silly me. But I didn’t see any warning when I ordered it that it had so much forced sex and raping in it. Unlike Possession (Tsuiku), which I expected to be very dark.

Oh… for Jewel Knight… a bit more text/explanation about the main characters “honor code” would have covered all that. It’s mentioned in just a couple of places… how anyone that actually fights him, has to pay a prize. Since the gals in it that try to hurt him don’t have “prize money” on them, they only have one coin left. And he does give them each a chance to back out and walk away unharmed, at least the first time around. So while he is a complete butt-head, it is not as in a real super bad guy kind of way. But, I do have to say, that I put the game away after the second such event, and only pulled it out and gave it a spin a few weeks later when I was better prepared for something dark.

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-01-2004).]

olf… Nice try =P

Er… olf?

Orange/lemon fighter?

my bad Sir Darkstar