Future Games

Haha. There’s a small chance that the PS2 version of Aselia will make it over, I’ll admit that (and I hope for it). The adult version has no chance. Like I said, anti-loli sentiment is growing in the U.S., not lessening. Throw in the fact that it’s both (pseudo) dark and an RPG, and any chance of it seeing the light of the Western sun is pretty much out the window.

That’s funny though that you say Aselia doesn’t seem too loli. After watching the ADV-like demo, Bishounen_blue seems to have the distinct impression that the girls are just kids. I could feel the uneasy glance from hundreds of miles away. Of course what does he know?

I think the anti-loli thing isn’t much growing as much as those who are very much against it are becoming more vocal.

Don’t worry it won’t last though.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 05-12-2005).]

in five years I see the future.

X-change 5 and Yin Yang 3 will be released by Peach Princess.

A surprise company called Hentai will enter the race and put out two bishoujo games before being attacked by American feminists for objectifying the female body.

Peach princess will also startle the world with a announcement of a secret game which will be Yang Bang. Yet Another X-Change.

Originally posted by Smoo:
in five years I see the future.

X-change 5 and Yin Yang 3 will be released by Peach Princess.

A surprise company called Hentai will enter the race and put out two bishoujo games before being attacked by American feminists for objectifying the female body.

Peach princess will also startle the world with a announcement of a secret game which will be Yang Bang. Yet Another X-Change.

That would be a very sad day for most of us here. Maybe at the same time our fellow board members that create games will see their careers in game making take off. The mass exodus of PP loyal buyers will now be their loyal fans and then all is right with the world.

Originally posted by papillon:

That's what I want. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

The original message is a bit old, but it's still worth saying:

That's what I want, too. More lesbian strippers!

Well, from the looks of it Sinfonia would be awesome. Too bad I don’t read japanese at all Been meaning to learn for years and haven’t gotten around to it.

As for the whole loli thing, it’s really a shame. People can’t seem to distinguish fantasy from reality or understand how one can be ok and the other not. I personally like loli artwork, but am adamantly against it’s counterpart when it comes to real people.

I blame the masses of ignorant closeminded people who don’t understand cultural differences and crusade against anything that they personally don’t like. I haven’t been able to find even a single loli game translated to english. It’s just ridiculous to require “age” limits on animated characters that aren’t based on real people. They aren’t real, and the art style is legitimate.

But hey, there is a line for everything, and I personally don’t like loli characters that act like they are 5, the art style doesn’t bother me but the maturity can. It depends I guess, but that’s my mini-rant

Peach Princess should bring over Crowd’s latest game, it has something to do with mushrooms.

Since you guys work with Will and Crowd at the moment, would that include this game?


Technically, it’s partially owned by Will right? ^o^

The game seems pretty cute. Is it just standard romance fare?

Just throught I might bring this point/question up that I’ve been thinking about: Has PP ever considerd trying to release some fan-made (or so-called dojun games) from Japan? These games can be rather good (having both seen and tested some byself) and since these games wouldn’t be made by any of the “big guys”, convincing the manufacturers might be easier and the various costs not as high as when dealing with the big guys. And as some of these fanmade/doujin-games also in some cases doesn’t use the “blurring out” of genitals, the problem of redrawing wouldn’t be there. The problem might be to find the manufacturers, through…

Originally posted by kasumi:
Since you guys work with Will and Crowd at the moment, would that include this game?


Technically, it's partially owned by Will right? ^o^

The game seems pretty cute. Is it just standard romance fare?

I second that. This one looks to be a very good romance game, and has very beautiful CGs, too. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

I'm not sure, but the story looks to be something about a young boy living with his foster olders sisters not related to him by blood.

I don’t know about everyone else, but for me, monagamous games appeal the most. Gameplay heavy games are definently my fav. (Ones like Idols Galore and Virgin Roster SHUDDER don’t tend to agree with my stomach too much)

I think that games like Brave Soul, that are games first then B-games would be good candidates for a double release, a tame version(eg it’d get mebbe a teens or mature rating) and then a version with ecchi.

I think RPGs sell well over here in the USA, aside from shooters and the occasional sports game(neither of which can really be made into b-game genres), RPGs sell the best by far.

Maybe if you guys talked to Crowd about a Brave Soul 2 or something(new chars, new world, same game engine to cut costs alot) then you might be able to get a nice liscense fee for a game that’ll sell well over here.(Think Shining Force and Shining Force 2 )

When asked if they would make a sequel to Brave Soul, Crowd responded “No.”.

Originally posted by Baldo:
[QUOTE] "...simply release sex romps gifted with great graphics and/or hot babes

Hey Baldo, the game linked as "hot babes" does indeed have some truly stunning character art - thanks for posting it. What's the name of that one and who makes it? Yowza! Me want.

Originally posted by Gromit:
Hey Baldo, the game linked as "hot babes" does indeed have some truly stunning character art - thanks for posting it. What's the name of that one and who makes it? Yowza! Me want.

Candysoft's Nee, Chanto Shiyou Yo! (both 1 and 2 -incidentally, the game title "hides" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] a very amusing pun-) are very very good games (now relatively unexpensive -for Japanese standards-. See even http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=35705 ), and their incredible popularity has generated LOTS of gadgets.
However I suggest you to wait a little more (maybe one year) before buying these two games, because 1) the future release of a new edition(s) isn't impossible, and 2) if you want to learn Japanese, my opinion is that the downloadable game demos are more "user-friendly" for this purpose (me, I've initially used books and demos as "material of study", not the games. I've written a few suggestions here -that particular Demo is extremely useful for novice students, in my opinion-).

[This message has been edited by Baldo (edited 09-09-2005).]

Great - thanks for the info. Before I can delve into games in the original Japanese version I have to upgrade from Win98SE to XP - and currently Sony has nothing but crap on their “remanufactured systems” page…

And of course learning enough Japanese beforehand to even scratch the surface of what I’ll be reading… I’m hoping that the motivation of wanting to play the game will be a great avenue for learning the language, but I realize at the outset that it’s going to be a tough row to hoe.

I was just curious, does Peach Princess still have the rights to all Will games? I.e., companies like Sekilala or Ignition? I was just wondering.

Sekilala and Ignition are under CD-Bros, and those were linked to G-Collections, not Peach Princess.

An update of sorts: I finally found a decent Sony reman system, which means I’m using Windows XP rather than 98SE as I type this, and I’ve already loaded the Asian languages/fonts packages with just a couple of clicks as advertised… So now when I click these links youse guys have posted here, instead of the meaningless squares, Yen symbols and misc. doodads, I’ve got the original Japanese characters!! Awesome!!

Now all I’ve gotta do is, um, learn some Japanese.

“In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.” - Ronnie Montrose

Originally posted by Gromit:
and I've already loaded the Asian languages/fonts packages with just a couple of clicks as advertised...

I don't know if English and Italian WinXP systems are similar, but I've discovered, years ago, that you don't need all those fonts within your Font Folder.
In my case, Windows crammed my computer with 7 HUGE (10 MB's minimum) fonts for Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean and, finally, Japanese (the MS Gothic and MS Mincho fonts). You can safely delete at least two of those fonts (Batang and Simhei, if I remember correctly -however, the system don't permits the removal of East Asian critical fonts-), with an immediate improvement in system speed.
The bad news are that the five remaining fonts become a PERMANENT addition, even if you later change the language setting (my Font knowledge comes from this site: http://www.onescrappysite.com/faq-1-Fonts.html#7 -this particular Link was my first introduction to the topic-).

i bet one of the games that didnt sell too well was lets meow meow. from what i hear alot of people hated that game. i loved it however