G-Collections Acquires ZyX's Lightning Warrior Raidy (I



Yay for Monday!

Yes, a world where even the common enemies are bishoujo! It’s like you’re a Bishoujo Slayer.

MSRP is only $24.95 too!

Link to the manga - http://www.jlist.com/PRODUCT/HMG565

Here is the official PR:

San Diego, California, Monday, May 14, 2007 - JAST USA affiliate brand G-Collections, the leading publisher of Japanese PC dating-sim games in English, today announced the acquistion of two new adult-oriented bishoujo (“beautiful girl”) PC games schedule for release to the English language market.

Snow Sakura is the first, a heartwarming tale of romantic love set in the picturesque countryside of Japan’s northern island, Hokkaido. You take the role of protagonst Yuuji as he begins his new school life there in a happy atmosphere surrounded by beautiful girls. A local legend tells of the mysterious “snow sakura”, a cherry blossom that blooms in the heart of winter. Who will you choose to unravel its mystery with? A classic renai (“true love”) story from one of Japan’s master game writers.

The second new license is Lightning Warrior Raidy, G-Collections’ first foray into the RPG (role-playing game) genre. You take the role of the fearless woman warrior Raidy in this classic 3D-style dungeon adventure, quested to clear the tower of Kyubast of monsters and liberate the village of Saad. Will you defeat the beautiful monster girls who have claimed the tower as their own, or will you suffer torture at their hands? A great new game full of sex and lesbian (yuri) themes.

Both games are in the initial phases of development and are expected to see release in mid- to late 2007, and are now available JAST USA (http://www.jastusa.com) and other online anime retailers. Further game information is available at the official JAST USA website as well.

In other news from JAST USA, a price reduction is now in effect on eleven of the most popular Peach Princess and G-Collections titles, as well as on all titles from Hirameki International. Details on newly available retail and wholesale pricing are available at PCR Distributing (http://www.pcrdist.com/).

Finally, JAST USA is happy to announce the launch of an official “side blog”, the first official bishoujo game industry blog. Online now at http://otakuism.com it will feature regular news updates, exclusive promotions and the latest information on the growing English language bishoujo game industry.

Ever since the first computers with color displays, Japan has had a strong culture of glove simulationh computer games, which simulate sexual interaction between the player and various game characters when the player gwinsh their love. PC dating-sim games are often referred to ghentaih or gHh games by U.S. fans. JAST USA/PCR Distribut-ing has been involved in licensing and translating Japanese dating-sim games since 1998, and is the leading pro-ducer and distributor of English-language PC games for adults in any form. The company has a catalog of over 50 English-translated games with every theme from maids to gcat girlsh and more. Game titles are available to retail customers via http://www.jastusa.com or for wholesale customers at http://www.pcrdist.com/.

[ 05-16-2007, 04:02 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

This game i will prolly preorder, looks like my kind of game. bishoujo and RPG. And yuri as an bonus.

[ 05-14-2007, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: Johan ]

cheers happily Yay! I’ve seen this game on Zyx’z site awhile back, and thought “That looks pretty cool!” Now… we are so getting it! Yes, it looks like it has some dark features which may not be to my tastes, but it has RPG elements, and that thrills me! squees
-Nicole Wagner

PS: Love your Von Karma quote… love that game, actually.

I was expecting the announcement of Snow Sakura, but this one’s good too! An RPG, huh? That’s neat. However, the MSRP is only $25? Does that mean that this is a short game? The small disk space required sure seems to confirm that. :confused:

ZyX’ page for the game

Well, there could be the possibility that we are getting a DVDROM version, meaning most of the data runs on the DVD. Or the game installs a little data, and mainly runs off of the disc itself. Those are the only possibilities I can think of.

Short or not, I think I’ll be happy when it comes out… I wanna see a Cow-Girl!


Doesn’t make sense to me when you can do the exact same thing with CDs.

They final, finally did it.

And I thought it’d never happen. Bravo, not just to Zyx, but to PP as well.

Now, all we need is Utawaremono to be fansubbed, and the three kings are complete.

EDIT: WHAT ?! This game involves killing… girls ?!!

Ah well… still fn to see though.

[ 05-14-2007, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Interesting Note: This is actually a remake of a game from 1994, so I guess that is why it would be short.

Also explains the cheap price.

There is also a sequel, but its remake came out just this March.

EDIT: I originally posted 1996 as the first release, not 1994. I confused the Win. 95 version with the PC-98 version.

[ 05-14-2007, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

Three kings? As far as I know, this isn’t the often-craved Fortuna RPG…

Well, it IS a step in that direction, I suppose, considering this game is actually a bit more well-known (in Japan) than Fortuna, and PP is not stuck on simple ADV games like GC was, so that means there is a chance for it to come out.

[ 05-14-2007, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

From what I can tell thus far there is no killing of girls involved, just various forms of humiliation (of them, if you beat them, or of you, if you lose). As far as I know you’ll never see a corpse of a defeated enemy, this isn’t guro we’re talking about here. ^^;;

[ 05-14-2007, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Well, from what I could tell, the sequel has a number of the characters from the original, so I guess it’s safe to say that none of them actually died :wink: .

It may get expensive though… IIRC Raidy has several chapter expansions, so I guess it all depends on sales figures of the standalone.

Wooo it has a Loli character in it Preorders

ahem Three kings, as in, the three major eroge RPGs being translated at the moment. I’m not sure about Fortuna, but this one had been featured on the boards before, way way back. And, with 2048 AD being translated by GC as well, I’d decided to add in that one Leaf RPG, sinc these three would be the main games to look forward to this time.

(unless some fan comes along and pulls of a Sengoku Rance translation out of pure air, but, until the Red Sox win, it’d never happen. Oh wait, the Red Sox won ?)

List of (non-boss)monsters from the ZyX site and descriptions:

Floor 1:
Were-rat (Loli-type girl with rat ears and tail)
Were-bat (Girl with wings)
Were-tiger (Catgirl with tiger stripes)

Floor 2:
Skeleton (Loli-type girl with bones painted on(Not a real Skeleton).
Chimera (Girl with tiger-lion head on chest (head is normal) and snake tail.)
Minotauraus (Cow Girl)

Floor 3:
Ghost (Loli-type girl wrapped in sheets)
Cerberus (Girl with a helmet which has three dragon heads in front)
Lamia (girl with snake body)

Floor 4:
Salamander (Flame Spirit girl with a dragon tail)
Undine (Water Spirit girl)
Sylph (Wind Spirit Girl)

Floor 5:
Amazoness ((Yes, that’s how it is written)(Basic Amazon Warrior type)
Grappler (Girl in a China Dress)
Dullahan (Headless suit of Armor)

Floor 6: (Boss Unknown/Secret)
Sphinx (Girl with large wings)
Death (girl with scythe)
Dragon (Girl With Horns and a robe)

Just thought I’d share the monster’s names with everyone, My own transliterations, anyway.

The Bosses are already on the PP site. These are the normal enemies as far as I can tell.

Oh… thanks!!!

I will have enough money and buy it, later. Ron’s wallet cries

It certainly sounds interesting, I’m wary though so I might wait and see how it is from others before purchasing my own personal copy though.

Wow, another cute novelty for the English erogame market :smiley: . After seeing a few reviews/comments, I can say a few things for sure about Raidy:

Strong points:
Exceptional graphics, variegated sex, lesbian (SM) rapefest.

Weak Points:
Short and often idiotic storyline, unexceptional RPG, lesbian (SM) rapefest.

But I’m NOT complaining at all, because the $24.95 price is very appropriate for a game like this, in my opinion, especially if compared with the original, and censored version: 7140 yen :smiley: !

Hey Johan, have you noticed this, too :wink: ?


Originally posted by Baldo:
Hey Johan, have you noticed this, too ?

Aw sh*t another game on my must get list. I am afraid that my money will end before the endless streams of games i want does. The music on the site you showed me was good too.This preorder at $95 will take a big chunk out of my hobby account thatis 647 Swedish kronor, but i want that first Press Edition to my collection. But at least Raidy had a good price $24.95wich is only 170 Swedish kronor.

[ 05-16-2007, 02:08 AM: Message edited by: Johan ]