G-Collections Acquires ZyX's Lightning Warrior Raidy (I

For the sake of nostalgia:


From that thread:

Indeed! Go X-Change Alternative! :smiley:

Yes! Just pre-ordered Lightning Warrior Raidy as I’ve been looking at that one for ages! As soon as I saw it on the front page my wallet was out of my pocket!

Awsome! I even, stupidily, have a japanese fan manga collection of it as well. (Stupid because I can’t read it… but then you hardly need to really).

This has made me awsonely happy! I’m so glad they picked this one up! Wahoo!!

Woot, rpg and lesbian/yuri in one package, and it’s possibly short and inexpensive too, this is one of the best announcements I’ve seen in a while.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Woah, I just noticed a typo on the GC site :wink: :

“Note that while only the CD-ROM version of Snow Sakura is available for preorder, as with other G-Collections titles the game will eventually be released in both CD-ROM and downloadable versions.”

Looks like a copy-and-paste error :wink:


Here is what’s left:

“1. Kxxxxx xxxxxxx
2. Cxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx
3. Axxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
4. Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not sure on this one; this is just arbitrary length)
5. Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not sure on this one; this is just arbitrary length)
6. Title that starts with an S”

= = = = = =

4 or 5 = Kaminari no Senshi Raidy = Lightning Warrior Raidy.

  1. = Snow Sakura = Yuki Zakura.


Because one of the arbitrary K titles is out, that means that at least one of the following remaining below is also out:

Kango Shicyauzo 3

Kisetsu no Hanayome - The Girl Who Came From the Recollections = Bride of the Season(s) - The Girl Who Came From the Recollections



Btw, new attempt:

  1. Axxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx = Axxxxxx Professor Chieri

From ZyX’s Binetsu Kyoushi Chieri, which means something along the lines of “The delicate-passionate Professor Chieri.”


Somehow, I missed this game during the first time I was browsing the site back then; but it makes perfect sense when someone mentioned it in the other topic and I applied it here.

[ 05-21-2007, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

…actually, raidy’s official romanji name in japanese is “ikazuchi” no senshi raidy, not kaminari :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 05-20-2007, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

maybe, maybe not, we will see…hell i never said that the xxxxxx list was final anyways; it was really a tentative list at best :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 05-20-2007, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Awww… no twincest? :slight_smile:

I’m going to make an assumption that it’s Kango 3.
Two train of thoughts for this:

#1 - It will complete the Kango series in the West, and fans of the previous two will buy it to complete the trilogy.

#2 - It will bring new life to the marketing of the first two Kango, since people who start with this one (given it’s more recent graphical quality) might get curious to see what the previous entries were like.

[ 05-20-2007, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

sure everything’s possible; all i am saying is that you should only take that xxxxx list with a grain of salt (i have stressed at the very beginning that it was only tentative) as things can change and shuffle and some games may fall through or get canned (even before announced) for whatever reason. therefore, unless it’s officially announced, everything is just speculation

Is it? LOL! So you did get it wrong twice. And so did I… :confused: I guess that second hint you gave actually covered up for it after all.

now now now…did i actually get it wrong? i could have just played along with your mistake you know :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, as for the “opps, first letter change” earlier…that was made up (sorta intentionally) to throw off you guys to another direction, taking advantage of various kanji interpretations

[ 05-20-2007, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Fixed this, thanks. ^^;;

Damn Mockingbirds.

Oh, what’s interesting is that all the links on pictures on the GC site have “raidy1” in the filename. that extra “1” may or may not mean something, but, could it mean that they are interested in the sequel?

Sequel Home Page:

Let the speculation begin :wink: .

[ 05-21-2007, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

Well I certainly hope so as I’d buy that one too! Oh god yes.

errrhm, raidy2 is not even released in japan at this time, so please dont go through the same stuff in xca2…

but that said, obviously if sales for raidy1 is good, we may considering finishing off the series, but it all depends on your support…so in a way it’s no speculation, it’s up to you customers :stuck_out_tongue:

What the… there’s already a Raidy 2 ?

Fantastic. Frankly, fantastic.

But yeah… just like XCA 2, let’s not go into it that much.

raidy is a 3-part series (i think it’s 3 parts, if not 2) that was released 10 years ago, and it seems that zyx is doing a revamp of the series using updated cgs and direct3d etc. part1 is already released and part2 should be out in japan in june, and god knows about part3