G-Collections Acquires ZyX's Lightning Warrior Raidy (I

Hmmmm… if that’s the case, I’d rather wait for the series to be released as a whole, then purchase them altogether, like how Lord of the Rings was.

Though the temptation of getting the english release of the first game for collective purposes is there…

According to the Raidy Wikipedia entry( Here) it appears that there were TWO games in the series, each originally released for the PC-98. Raidy 1 was released in 1994, and Raidy 2 in 1995. What followed were Win. 95 versions in '96. The XP version, the version where getting, was released in 2005, which included more enhancements.

I was confused about the release date for the INSR 2 because Zyx had re-released a package containing the two originals (updated for XP, but with none of the enhancements of the 2005 version.) on March of this year, however, the enhanced remake won’t come till June.

Sorry for any confusion caused.

[ 05-21-2007, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

The enhanced remake of the second Raidy game was released on March 30th, as the Wikipedia entry says.

To straighten things out a bit:

Ignoring the older legacy Raidy games entirely, there are currently two Raidy games that have been released (or are planned for release):

[list][]Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidi ~Haja no Raikou~, which came out on August 12th, 2005 and is the game we have licensed and will be releasing as Lightning Warrior Raidy.[/][]Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidi II ~Jain no Shinden~, which came out on March 30th, 2007 in a “set pack” with the earlier game and will be put out as an independent standalone release (in Japan) on June 16th.[/][/list]
These are the only Raidy games that anyone playing games on modern computers should be worrying about at this point, as far as I know. ZyX has announced no plans for a third game, and there is no third game in the original legacy set for it to be based on should one eventually be announced.

[ 05-21-2007, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Whoops, the Doublepack bit through me off, because it came out BEFORE the individual release.

BZZT! It works on Win98SE, WinME and Win2K too.

Of course, It’s called “the XP version” for two reasons:

1.It’s compatible with XP.
2. It helps differentiate it from the Win. 95 version, which DOESN’T work on computers released in the last few years.

Hides in corner, waiting for Benoit to flame him for pointing out the truth.

[ 05-22-2007, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

No, it’s not called that, you are calling it that. :slight_smile: And it’s incorrect.

I believe he was referring to it as the XP version because that’s the designation the Japanese Wikipedia entry uses to differentiate it from the previously released Windows 95 version. The game is, of course, playable on the other operating systems you mention; calling it the XP version is convenient (if non-comprehensive) shorthand.

[ 05-22-2007, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Incomprehensive as it may be, it is still convenient, and I think rather fitting. Calling it the ‘XP-version’ gives a nicer ring to it.

Here is a look at the old-school games:

Interesting notes are the character info:

Raidy’s age and height are listed:
Age:19 years old

The second game has a lot more characters.

What’s interesting is that one character is 17 years old, meaning that likely the re release had to remove the character’s ages due to more recent EOCS restrictions, even though none of the others are under 18…

Hell has frozen over. G-Collections is releasing a game that actually has gameplay.

It’s about time! (Wordsworth isn’t enough)

Having played the first Raidy game, I’ll give you a quick review.

Story: Almost nonexistent. The game is pretty much just a series of H-scenes interspersed between random battles. The H-scenes usually involve the boss at the end of each level of the dungeon.

Gameplay: This is a remake of a 1994 game, so it’s completely old school. It’s an RPG with a very simplistic turn-based battle system that quickly gets very tedious. Basically, you farm the enemies on each floor for xp until you’re strong enough to progess without resting (at an inn I think?). Exploration happens in a first person view, looking directly ahead of you. You either see a wall…or you don’t. Battles are simple overlays on the exploration screen, with little animation. You have a magic attack, which is mostly just used for boss battles, and a regular attack. Difficulty of boss battles is mostly just dependent on your level, although healing items can make a difference if your level is on the fringe of being too low. Also of mention is that usually some item is required to be in your possesion to defeat a boss; if you don’t have it you auto-lose. So some exploration of each floor is required before fighting the bosses. When you defeat a random enemy, you get to see them in an erotic defeated pose. Each floor has about 3-4 different random encounters, each of which involves single enemies. Treasure chests are scattered about each floor; you don’t know they’re there til you walk over them, and some are trapped.

Graphics: The CG’s are quite good, one of my favorite styles really and what attracted me to this game.

H-factor: There’s a high ratio of H-scenes to gameplay / dialogue. It’s almost entirely yuri and BS&M. Most of the scenes involve the main heroine and the boss of the floor. You lose, and the heroine gets raped. You win, and she rapes the boss. It’s as formulaic as it sounds, and the scenes begin to feel repetitive by the end.

Value: The game is pretty short as far as RPG’s go; you could easily finish this game in under ten hours. As far as I remember there’s no reason to replay the game other than to see some of the discoverable H-scenes in certain rooms and get all the equipment from treasure chests.

Overall: Get the game if you really like the CG and want to see more. If you want a game with value other than the H-scenes, look elsewhere. The battle system gets very tedious and there’s very little in the way of story, so the H-scenes are all it has going for it.

[ 07-02-2007, 12:55 AM: Message edited by: Dark_Shiki ]

Narg has just discovered something about this game, that makes him tingly in the pants and his pee-pee happy.

Narg likes this game very, very much.

Narg wants it now.


It looks interesting to me. Plus, if the game is like the old one, I’ve got a bit of nostalgia for old school. I’m getting it.

Hmmm… something about this title… just… something about it…


[ 07-02-2007, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Internal monologue, Narg. Internal monologue.

Don’t get me wrong: this game is definitely a positive step forward for the overseas H-RPG market (which is currently almost nonexistent). I bet the game will sell quite well. But in my opinion, the game in story and gameplay doesn’t nearly match up to other H-RPG’s on the Japanese market, and not even to ones we’ve seen over here such as Brave Soul. Nevertheless, its excellent CG will sell it, and that’s only bad if you expected more.

Ehh I think I just fainted from laughter…

Just to confirm, the one we’re getting will also be a turn-based RPG? I was able to handle the real-time action in Brave Soul, but I’m definitely not in the mouse-clicking frenzy mob.

it’s a turn-based RPG like dragon quest/warrior with a (old) D&D style one-point perspective dungeon exploration

i think a more accurate comparison in terms of style would be sega’s phantasy star1 minus the overworld map (dont worry, there’s a map function in raidy unlike phantasy star :stuck_out_tongue: )

[ 08-05-2007, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]