G-Collections Acquires ZyX's Lightning Warrior Raidy (I

Didn’t the sequel of this game come out in Japan, and in a collector’s set which includes both games, and a few goodies?

yes, but we have no plans to release that at the moment

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnh :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

well surely i myself as well as many others would like to see more rpg titles released in english (even though it will be alot more work on our end…)

but on a more serious and realistic note, as much as there is the possibility of releasing raidy2, it will hugely depend on how well raidy1 sells. it’s just like the xchange series; the only reason why we continue with the series plus the alternative spinoff is because the series is generally receiving good results (or sales) from customers.

likewise, if raidy1 sells well then we will certainly look into the possibility of releasing raidy2 as well, but at the moment since the game is not even out yet, and given that this is the first game of the series, we have nothing to base our decisions from, so for now we are treading with caution with this series so to speak…if sales for raidy1 sucked, then realistically we will have less of a reason to pursue raidy2, so time (as well as sales) will tell

Sort of off-topic, but I guess that consideration applies to Pretty Soldier Wars as well. There’s already a sequel out in Japan for that one, and the D.O. website mentions some improvements to the game system that would have been nice to see in what we just started playing here. But like you said, if the sales for PSW aren’t great then there won’t be much interest in bringing its sequel over. And also that this is G-Collections too, which has been focused so far on adventures rather than RPGs.

at the moment it’s also too early to decide if we will consider pursuing any further of psw-ish titles, since it’s only out for what, a couple of weeks?

I wanted to wait until this thread got a bit unpopular to mention this… but who played Body Conquest and Hi-Leg Fantasy? Distant grandmothers to Raidy. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 08-17-2007, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]