G-Collection's Games

Agreed. I had to stop playing after getting 2 endings, (Recollection and Out of the Maze) needed to do something to cheer up, bleh. Played Kango abit, needed something light hearted after that. Fairly average, but it’s cute, and the bit with the cards showing who’s path you’re on was a nice touch. Gah, I’m still depressed.

I got all four, and they arrived yesterday, but I have yet to play any of them. Unfortuantely, using my computer would have required sitting up, and I had my foot operated on yesterday.

That’s why I didn’t get Kana, because I’d figured it would be real depressing, but I did order the other 3.

-What was your bonus Items?

-I got a Zyx Horny Bunny shopping bag
-a Kango Shicyauzo 2 art book
-Two Zyx cel sheet folders (one from Chain, one from Horny Bunny)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 07-06-2002).]

Well, looks like everyone thinks that Kana deserves it’s reputation as a touching game .

Tell me, how’s the english in the gmae? Is there some grammar errors? spelling errors? Or anything like that???'

Ah, how I long for the day when Kana finailly reaches me…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Tell me, how's the english in the gmae? Is there some grammar errors? spelling errors? Or anything like that???'

Several minor spelling and grammar errors, and there are some instances where the name of the person speaking was wrong.

[This message has been edited by Zorian (edited 07-06-2002).]

I got all four games today. I have to admit I was surprised at how fast I got them. It sounds like everyone gets the same gifts. I can’t wait to start playing, but which one to start with? And now we have Transfer Student coming out finally. So many games so little time.

Hello everyone.

I also purchased all four titles from G-Collection.

I started with Kana~Little Sister. I agree with Nobody-san, that it is an incredibly moving story. Kana is one of the most touching bishoujo titles that I have ever played, and I also found myself crying through almost the entire time playing it…
I achieved endings 4 and 5 so far… I must find the true ending.

By the way, I noticed the G-Collection did not translate the three songs in the game, unless I am mistaken… Does anyone have or know of the translation? Otherwise, I will try it myself.

As for the free gifts, I also received a Kango shopping bag, a Kango guidebook and two folders(Chain and Kango).

Just out of curiousity, how was Kana received in Japan? It is too bad that it probably won’t receive much recognition here, but I know that is premature of me to say…

Oh well.

Thank you all for your time!

Have fun :slight_smile:

Currently playing: Chain.
Opinion: None yet. Just started 10 minutes ago ^_^;
Random Observation 1: How long has it been since I’ve seen a film noir-style detective game?
Random Observation 2: Takeshi Shinonome is so much cooler than Kojiroh Amagi.

O’ve been playing chain for a while now. Personally I think Kojirou Amagi is way ebtter than whats his nuts. but we all have our own opinions.

The story seems pretty good, a;though the beginning almost reminded me of EBE. The game is less interactive than EBE, and so far I have only encountered look and talk options. Awesome character designs, but thats typical for ZyX =D.

As for kana, I didn’t order it, but I am sure it has a touching story. The game just doesn’t fit into my category though. I don’t really dig the brother sister deal, which seems fairly popular in a lot of bishoujo games.

I don’t believe Kana was a very big seller in Japan for the fact that you rarely see a copy up on Yahoo Japan Auctions. This is comparing it to games like Pia Carrot 3.

Ohh, and the translation on Chain seems to be good. I really haven’t noticed any real mistakes. There might be a sentence or 2 that I had to go over twice.

While I am on the topic of translations, how was the Eve The Lost One Trnslation by Himeya? I think thats the second in the series ^^;. It seems like I read somewhere that it was pretty bad, but coul;d anyone who played it give me an idea of how it rates up with Eve Burst Error?

Thanks, and now I must return to chain~

I think I’m the only one who didn’t order the english games from G-Collections, heh. I discovered that site from browsing the message board here. I wasn’t too intrigued with the english games really…but i wanted to because they are in english! I think the only one I might have gotten at the time would have been Chain. BUT–I started checking out the Japanese Games and was VERY intrigued with a few of them! But geez these are SO expensive! I wanted to get 4 of them, but that would mean around 300 dollars! But there is something else on the horizon I’m waiting to get so I had settle for 2 of them. I ended up getting: “Koisuru Science -Science called Love” & “Denno Yosei Elfan -Cyber Battle Adventure Elfan”. I also ended up at Himeya after looking at the japanese games and got “V.G. Re-birth” because I’m a BIG Variable Geo fan! How many of you also buy japanese bishoujo games? Or do you only buy ones that are in english? I figure I’d might as well get the japanese ones I like now, because I don’t think they’ll be translated and brought over here any time soon!

Well, I am definately picking Adam Double Factor up next " I always get them confused". I’ve been putting off buying the game for a long time, although I don’t know why ^^;. I really erally hope we can see eve the lost noe, and the newest, and I thin the last one, forgot the name. Final Eve? or something like that. EBE was probabaly my all time favorite bishoujo game. I agree that they overdid the political jokes, but I was still very happy with the translation.

Who knows, maybe g-collections could pick up one of the games. I’m not sure how jast, or PP decides which to translate, but I assume its mostly crowd games.

Well, I need to go pick my pizza up =D~~~.

I would never actually pay money for a Japanese bishoujo game.

Well, no. Let me rephrase that.

In order to get me to actually pay money for something this text-heavy in Japanese, I would have to become fluent enough in Japanese to actually derive enjoyment, and not either be totally lost or frustrated by having to look five things up in a dictionary on every text box.

I would not pay for such things before then because there is no point in paying for something that is useless to me.

Allright… I did check Eve Zero Perfect Edition for Dreamcast.

Eve Zero
Eve Burst Error
Eve the Lost One
Adam the Double Factor
Eve the Fatal Attraction (I am not sure if it may last one)

I got Kana and Kango Shicyauzo. I will buy other two more with my other credit card.

I may play it soon or later.

I just had to mention this to someone since no one within a hundred mile radius of me gives a hoot about bishoujo games: Kana had me crying through most of the game. I think it was due to the fact my own sister was in the hospital for a long time. I could relate more to the story (minus all the sex :]) and by the end I was sobbing audibly. What an amazing game. Simply amazing.

Originally posted by smog:
Well, I need to go pick my pizza up =D~~~.

Pick up a pizza for me too, please? [img]http://www.animenation.net/forums/images/smilies/kawaiismile.gif[/img] . I want mushrooms, cheese and ham on mine, thank you! [img]http://www.animenation.net/forums/images/smilies/drool.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
In order to get me to actually pay money for something this text-heavy in Japanese, I would have to become fluent enough in Japanese to actually derive enjoyment, and not either be totally lost or frustrated by having to look five things up in a dictionary on every text box.

Would you buy one if you had a fan-made translation (not some kind of fan-made plug-in, but rather a translation that you could print out or simply open in in Word), then? I know, those are _very_ rare to come by, but if?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Pick up a pizza for me too, please? [img]http://www.animenation.net/forums/images/smilies/kawaiismile.gif[/img] . I want mushrooms, cheese and ham on mine, thank you! [img]http://www.animenation.net/forums/images/smilies/drool.gif[/img]

You just made me hungry, I hope you're happy! ;_;

Originally posted by RonXE:
Allright... I did check Eve Zero Perfect Edition for Dreamcast.

Eve Zero
Eve Burst Error
Eve the Lost One
Adam the Double Factor
Eve the Fatal Attraction (I am not sure if it may last one)

EDITED: oops i just realized that too ,nobody [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].

For info (in japanese), vidclips, pics and such go to this site : http://www.eve-zero.com/

[This message has been edited by GachiGachi (edited 07-08-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Would you buy one if you had a fan-made translation (not some kind of fan-made plug-in, but rather a translation that you could print out or simply open in in Word), then? I know, those are _very_ rare to come by, but if?

Unfortunately, no. The emotional impact the game has would be lessened by having to refer to translations; especially for games, which are nonlinear and therefore you would have to keep hunting for where in the translation you were supposed to be next.


Does anyone know if the characters of these games have English, Japanese, or no voice?
