G-Col's new game

Yeah, and checking the description, it looks to be story-focused just like CRESCENDO too, or maybe to compare this one with PRIVATE NURSE will be more acurate.
I’m looking forward for this one…

Comparing it with Private nurse is sad…
It was just another b-game translated, nothing more, we should expect something more from this game

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Comparing it with Private nurse is sad...
It was just another b-game translated, nothing more, we should expect something more from this game

Why exactly is it sad? There are a lot of people who agree that Private Nurse was a very good ero-game. Of course, it all depends on what you want from these games. Private Nurse doesn't have all that great gameplay, there are very few girls, and the ero scenes for each are oddly similar to each other (using the same text again and such). The storyline is the game's main point.

I rank Private Nurse below Kana - Little Sister and Crescendo, but it's still up there with the best of them.

Unless you are comparing Private Nurse to the best of the untranslated titles, I don't see what makes it "just another b-game translated". I'd reserve such a comment for games such as "Do You Like Horny Bunnies".

I, for one, didn’t feel the story in Private Nurse was all that great. I thought it was pretty boring, actually. I’d be disappointed if this game was just another Private Nurse. The apparent complexity of the premise makes me hope for something more along the lines of Hourglass of Summer.

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Comparing it with Private nurse is sad...
It was just another b-game translated, nothing more, we should expect something more from this game

When i was comparing FIGURE OF HAPPINESS with PRIVATE NURSE, i mean this one probably will have so much mystery and supernatural elements than PN, maybe even more. I can't to say how good the story/plot is because was not released yet. (^^')
But it seems this one will be a really good bgame.

Thanks for the heads-up. While I wouldn’t say it’s the first GC game since Cresendo that I’ve looked forward to it’s definitely the one I’ve been most eager to play. Though my preferred online store probably won’t stock it until mid-April

Hmm…i read the blurb on g-collections. Sounds like an interesting game. Hope we get a solid date soon. Looks like another game I’m going to have to order…

Just to let you people know, this game is EASILY twice the length of any other game we have EVER made, and has more story depth than Kana or Crescendo.

You wanted story, by GOLLY you’re going to get story.

laughs manically at the thought of how the Japanese Walkthrough is 5 pages long. (Most walkthroughs have been no more than 2 or 3 pages long)

proceeds to go back to work

Oh, and FAQ 4 will very definatly be up tommorow. It’s actually done now, but not yet proofed, since I’m busy with other things right now.

It’s good to see another AngelSmile game coming out - I was very fond of Private Nurse and, while I wasn’t so impressed by Heart de Roommate, at least the graphics were pretty.

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Oh, and FAQ 4 will very definatly be up tommorow.

Is it just me, or is the idea of Vaga42Bond proofing things not a particularly reassuring one?

Originally posted by Darkling:
It's good to see another AngelSmile game coming out - I was very fond of Private Nurse and, while I wasn't so impressed by Heart de Roommate, at least the graphics were pretty.

Is it just me, or is the idea of Vaga42Bond proofing things not a particularly reassuring one?

You trying going through some 60,000 pages of Engrish and see how well you come out of it. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Just to let you people know, this game is EASILY twice the length of any other game we have EVER made, and has more story depth than Kana or Crescendo.

That's quite a claim. *Recalls a similar claim of length being made about Little My Maid, frowns.* If what you say is even half true, with a solid story, good character designs, and impressive length this game is looking very promising...

Ah, but you’re talking about Peter Payne hype. They had to hype the game just because it was delayed so long. But yeah, it wasn’t that great of a game, not that long. This game looks a lot better, graphics and story. I just hope it doesn’t crash a lot, but we shall see.

Cool if it’s actually twice as long as cresendo, I’m really going to have to schedule more time to my bishoujo game playing Now let’s just hope the game is half as good as cresendo

Here are scores for those 3 AngelSmile games on ErogeScape, make your own conclusions

Private Nurse 69/100
Heart de Roommate 64/100
Figure of Happiness 65/100


IMHO AngelSmile makes mediocre games at best, cute but boring.

Do you know what Kana and Crescendo scored, for comparison?

Crescendo 77/100
Crescendo Full Voice v. 82/100 (?!?)
Kana 82/100
Kazoku Keikaku 87/100 ← Best D.O.'s game, wonder why don’t GColl localize it.


Btw. those scores are bit relative, for example Kana is highest scored game for 1999. (Kanon is second).


Crescendo is #13 for year 2001, where Kazoku Keikaku is #1 (!!), in front of Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (#2) and Air (#3)


[This message has been edited by byndhrzn (edited 03-13-2005).]

Huh, well that’s kind of disappointing. I was rather hoping their scoring was erratic or that they scored even the best games we’ve seen low. Looks like we should expect a typical AngelSmile game then, for better or for worse. The ones I’ve played tended to be story-driven but somewhat boring. I like the character designs better at least…

I don’t trust those scores at all. Of course, some things are objective but erotic entertainment is hightly subjective in nature.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I don't trust those scores at all. Of course, some things are objective but erotic entertainment is hightly subjective in nature.

You mean like doujinshi? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Still, the scores of the games that have already been translated to English seem pretty much on the mark. Personally I disagree with how they ranked Private Nurse above Heart de Roommate, but the majority of the "story-loving" members here don't seem to agree with my assessment.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-13-2005).]

Good choice, Jason. I think that you will really enjoy this game. Thanks for the link. I’d never seen the packaging for the Japanese version before. That’s a very nice image.


Nope, there’s nothing subjective about doujinshi. Anyone who has a different opinion than me about what makes a good doujinshi is either an idiot or a pedophile.

[This message has been edited by bishounen_blue (edited 03-15-2005).]