Game demo video formats: what's your pick?

Myself and Lamuness are working on a couple of demo movies for upcoming titles, and have been debating the merits of various presentation formats. We thought it would be interesting to get your perspective on the various options available; if there’s another format you’d like to see videos presented in we’d be happy to hear that too.

(topic restarted to present a poll that will hopefully be more reflective of tastes - no “download both” option)

just to briefly clarify…this applies to demo movies that have a vocal opening song in it, so we will like to see what people prefer

and the pre-restarted poll was way too biased from the customer’s point of view (who wouldn’t want as many offerings/choices as available :stuck_out_tongue: ) that clearly the “both” option will likely surpass other choices. so for those handful of people who voted before, please cast your votes again

…and where’s the “dubbed by shingo” option :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I voted for just English translations… too bad ‘delivered to you by a cat girl’ wasn’t available. shrug

I voted “clean.”

Not really a fan of subtitles on OP movies, though I am a bit biased in that regard…

Will this apply only to demo movies that you guys make downloadable on your sites (or trailers); or are you referring to demo movies (or opening movies) that will be on the game’s disc?

This is referring primarily to movies used for promotional purposes (downloadable from the web, shown at events, included as extras on game discs, etc.) and not to movies presented within the context of the games themselves.

I voted for Karaoke. I guess the “clean” option is the best, but…

However, I voted for Karaoke because you can learn new Japanese words by reading the translated (English) texts and transliterated (Japanese) texts, ne? And you can undertand what the song is “talking” about…

Well, I guess my reason is simple-minded…

[ 05-23-2007, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Perhaps softsubbing will one day be an option, so the user can choose if they want the movie subtitled or not.

Softsubbing is good option.

Having seen what some of the quality fansubs of One Piece have done I’d have to go with Karaoke if you can pull it off with some cool animations and such.

Style over substance?

for promotional purposes, it’s best to make things in the best light possible. If they are going to do subtitling, as long as they’d keep things close to original meaning, it only makes them and their game look better.

Of course if the promo movie is bad, no amount of jazzing it up with those cool effects will help.

So, Benoit, it’s not about style over substance; it’s about style complimenting substance and making your product look all the more attractive.

You made it sound like you wouldn’t want karaoke if there wouldn’t be cool animations. That’s what I was getting at.

Dude, Jinnai just wanted the ‘karaoke’ video subbing to be more in-depth and detailed then just a plain sub. You know, it’s more then just plain text in some font; if a free fansub can pull off a relatively interesting sub, with subtitles that move, are coloured, and have animations of their own, aside from giving an accurate transliteration… then what of an official company ? (no offense to PP, but that’s how some might see it)

So yes, it’s style accomadating substance.

[ 05-22-2007, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

I feel there’s a problem when you only care about that substance if it carries meaningless style.

Subtitles shouldn’t move, and they shouldn’t be animated. It’d nice to watch, but it’d detract from the reading and probably make it harder to read as well.

Letters getting filled with a colour as they are sung is enough for a karaoke.

I’m going with Karaoke, I’m pretty sure the majority are unable to understand Japanese which includes me. I personally enjoy listening to J-pop, so the lyrics would help me get the meaning of what has been said. So I think that the “lyrics” shown on the demo movie as a added bonus.

I’ve never been a fan of that overly flashy style, it detracts from the video itself.

Subttiles should only be intrusive enough so as to be readable, not completely distract the viewer from what they should be watching in the first place. :confused:

I’ve never been a fan of that overly flashy style, it detracts from the video itself.

Subttiles should only be intrusive enough so as to be readable, not completely distract the viewer from what they should be watching in the first place. :confused: [/QB][/QUOTE]

Please note that the letter sis till an animation, and it’s far better then just plain, white, stationery text appearing otu of nowhere.

But you do have a valid point. In that case, one just needs to remember that the opinions vary between different subbers, and some feel that style does not overpower substance; a person who wants to know what something is all about will focus on the translation first, and nto be bothered by the effects, and then, can play the trailer again to see the little effects.

It also depends on the movie. I would not want too much flashy effects for a trailer of say Tsukihime or Divi-Dead, but something like X-Change series would be more valid.

Even then though, something to atleast emphasize the sylables in romanji would be useful, like either changing colors or fading out, or combination. I prefer fading out over changing colors though.

[ 05-24-2007, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

What’s the point of the little effects if you have to watch the trailer again to see them? That’s not style accomodating substance, in that case.

Oh really ? Then what then, to you, would constitute as style accomodating substance ?

And besides; the point is the translation first. Since you’re so bent on substance, I’d think you’d watch the trailer for substance first, translation that is, then the effects. Like how one rewatchs an anime episode and appreciates it better when he notices the things he didn’t see earlier.