Game psychology

I was looking at my friends curriculum for a degree in game design and noticed this was a course required one. what does game psychology mean for us darksiders? 8)

We know what you’re thinking and we’re going to send people to make sure that it stops.

We should call… looks Jack Thompson :shock:

Never Mind… :oops:

Gotta watch out for old Jacky boy.

Hmmm, do incest and it’s off-shoot twincest classify as “dark side”, or are they more grey, with the shade of grey determined by what kind of incest?

No, they are just particular taboo-fetishes, but breaking a taboo doesn’t make a story “dark”.
You can have (and they actually frequently occur there) incest and twincest in happy-go-lucky yarugees - and that is no way near “dark”!

We’re discussing game psychology, not abnormal psychology.

So, does it count as darkside if someone were to write a game about hazing in a single-sex school and no one actually gets killed, only forced to commit humiliating acts and molested? :slight_smile:

I think so. After all, killing people is soooo over-rated. I mean, once you kill them, then what can you do to them? Dead people don’t feel pain or humiliation. See, on the dark side of things, it’s all about the suffering. You know, like that whole Yoda speech. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” And you could almost hear the cheers of the darksiders when he said “suffering”. “Woohoo, bring it on! More suffering!”

Hazing is a good one because it implies that it’s a rite to get into the “inside club”, whether this be at a school, in a fraternity/sorority, on a sports team, etc. This way, the victim keeps coming back for more even though they don’t like the hazing. One of the important elements of “dark side” is that you need to have the victim keep coming back for more, otherwise, it’s just an isolated incident. There’s none of that gratifying snowballing effect that happens when tormentors are able to begin breaking down a victim’s will into little tiny pieces.

Now, I’m assuming you mean “dark side” like evil, Dark Side of the Force dark-side, and not “dark eroge”. If you wanted to go the latter, then you’d need a few vampires or something (succubi are even better-- there really aren’t enough games with soul-sucking demonesses in them.) But that’s a topic for another posting.

Dark eroge doesn’t mean suffering… it just means it has a dark theme. Tsukihime and Cartagra are dark eroge… but they don’t contain excessive violence.

That said…

You want suffering while still being alive? Narg can deliver. NSFW for the WIN!!!

Heh… …ha, ha, ha… AH HA HA HA HA!

And that’s really just kiddie stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

:shock: Well I just blew my sanity check… :expressionless:

Strangely enough, I think the dark picture is the best example of what’s being discussed - it seems like more of an implied psychological suffering rather than physical suffering.

The darker picture is kind of surreal. I’ve seen that posted quite a few times on various boards. There’s a bizarre symmetry to it, and there’s so much white ‘stuff’ around that for me it’s more of a WTF thing, than being dark.

I don’t think the darkest picture (EXTRAVAGANZA?) counts in the suffering while still alive category :stuck_out_tongue: - since the life expectancy of that character is probably less than 20 seconds.

Why am I posting this? :wink:

Bure Bure from the long dead Megami. I believe the artist is the same guy who worked for Touchy - if not, then the overall style was certainly mimicked. Torture is a main focus in the game, as the objective is to break the women into Stockholm Syndrome.

Inyouchu Shoku from Tinkerbell - second title in a so-far series of three. This is actually one of the tamer images in it. There’s a few of them, where someone rips the wombs out of women… but of course, those are death scenes. There’s an insectoid-demon fetish going for it, so yea: lots of over the top stuff.

Yup! That’s EXTRAVAGANZA… from the first story arc. Technically it counts, because of her regenerative abilities. Only a beheading is immediately fatal to her. That’s just someone testing how far it goes… although that particular scene eventually ends in her death, because the badguys go a bit too far. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because you’re a Dark Side sicko like me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Judging by the various CGs I’ve seen and that description, EXTRAVAGANZA seems to contain a level of brutality above the other Black Cyc games. :o

In the past, I probably would have used the term ‘morbid curiosity’ to describe myself, but that’s… just a euphemism for Dark Side sicko :P.

And in return, I give you this (not work safe), taken from here.

Please explain to to me why I still click on your links. I know it’s going to be like a train-wreak in these cases, but I have to click, to see just how bad it is. And then I end up feeling dirty all day and mad in general. The worst part is when I remember that someone somewhere is getting off to one of those images. Then I cry.

To me, super-dark is less disturbing than the minor stuff I’m talking about, because it’s so unrealistic… someone getting off to tentacle inflation may be a weirdo but it clearly has NO relation to the real world. :slight_smile:

A realistic stalker/control game would be creepy… (There are some ‘reality’ porn series that show the camera people apparently finding random girls and slowly talking them into doing more and more things. Which is kind of scary. It’s all about getting them to go just one step further than they want to… then another…)

your readin a guy that gets off to that mister :wink: . Ah yes two paths ,shame and humiliation , or absolute organic torture where you control those bodies and what they feel. They all have the same end; absolute loyalty to the master.

That’s ma’am to you. :slight_smile:

Tentacle inflation? Futanari with dicknipples? Heads cut off and mounted on pikes kept undead and given prehensile tongues? Whatever. It’s weird, but it’s not particularly disturbing because it’s so clearly not real.

I think he was responding to my comment.

You’re right. Sometimes these eroge go so off the wall, its almost comedic were it not for the sheer disgust. Which is what I think these types of games - ESPECIALLY the guro titles - are trying to do: instill a sense of disgust. However in terms of just disturbing to the point of being sick, its the realistic games that are better (or in this case; worst). No one really says anything about Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048 having disgusting sex, but I’d have $500 if I got a penny for each time I’ve heard that Virgin Roster is a cesspit of filth.

Seeing the responses, it’s the “dark” picture from Bure Bure that immediately turns people off as horrible. I think that’s because it hits closer to home… someone can actually imagine a woman being beaten by a man she loves, because it really happens everyday. Moreover if that’s the role YOU as the player are taking. Tentacle Rape Beasts and Demonic Insect Larva - we all know its not real in the back of our minds. Or at least we HOPE they’re not real. :twisted: