Game series that died but shouldn't have...

Basically a nostalgic post… list some games that you remember, that no longer are in production - or never got a sequel. Doesn’t have to be a console title.

My list starts out with (because I’m sure I’ll add more):

Actraiser - The second title was hardcore suckage: no “town mode” to make you feel like a god. Also lacked scant-clad sexy female angels (see Ah! My Goddess for examples). :wink:

Gun.Smoke - NES version. Never got a follow up at all. Had lots of potential.

Legend of Kage - Demon Sword supposedly was a sequel, but it sucked beyond sucked. PSP had a 2.5 remake though: and that only brought back how cool it was.

Shadow of the Ninja - NES title. Had FANTASTIC graphics for the system. Never got anywhere, since people were waiting for the SNES.

Shadowrun - SNES version. Was a cool game that captured the setting. Was hinted to have a sequel during the ending (broke the 4th Wall even), but that never happened.

Shatterhand - NES title. Like Shadow of the Ninja - it was graphically awesome. Was overlooked and died a sad quiet death due to SNES.

Zen: Intergalactic Ninja - NES title. Story was sorta silly, but no weirder than TMNT stuff. Gameplay was solid… and challenging as hell. Although not on Battletoads insanity…

[ 12-12-2007, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Hey, I’ve actually got that game. I liked the oddball CG/live action intro with the cool fight music. Never beat it though. I kept dying when I made it onto the planets surface after the time jump (assuming I got through the tunnel with that damn spider-bot, DAMN YOU SPIDER-BOT! :mad: )

Legacy of Kain’s got a problem: Silicon Knights made it, the publisher owns it, the successive games have had nothing to do with the original vision.

Planescape: Torment. Hands down, that game is the best RPG I have ever played, period.

Nocturnal Illusion. The game’s atmosphere and music are just so awesome. Plus the setting is one that could easily be extended. Sure, you’d know the way it works going in – unlike in the first game – but it hardly matters.

I’m sure there’s more. As I think of them, I may reply again.


the Lunar RPG series

Hot damn, that’s a good one! :frowning:

[ 12-13-2007, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Legend of Kage is getting a sequel on the DS if you hadn’t heard.

And you are gonna do the above repeatedly after checking out these screens:

LOL high five yes! I LOVED that series… still do actually.

Darklands RPG

Yes! Darklarnds was awesome!

Planescape: Torment was one of the very best I’ve played.

Star Control 2 is awesome, and I hope the new “sequel” to it eventually materializes.

Shenmue. Plain and simple.

I still hold out hope that someday they will continue it.

I second that. (although I think it’s almost impossible for this to be released, since it had below mediocre sales - too bad the market wasn’t ready to receive a title like this.)

I’d be more than happy with a new Streets of Rage and a really good Shinobi title (Kunoichi and Shinobi for PS2 aren’t par with the awesome Genesis titles, like “The Revenge of Shinobi” and “Shinobi 3”).

A new “Skies of Arcadia” next-gen title would be nice, too. (With Gilder as a PC =)

Tron 2.0. The Game was a lot of fun, great use of the liscense, but no sequel to continue the story and answer some of the questions that came up.

Loved the Quest for Glory Series, wouldn’t mind seeing a modern day take on it or a remake of the entire Series. (Although personally I found Dragon Fire to be the weakest. There was waaaay too much references to the older games, and to be honest, it detracted from the story to save Silmaria in my opinion)

Legacy Of Kain… wahahaaaaaaaaaaaa, I want it back!
But seriously that major cliffhanger at the end of Defiance was evil.
I only hope that one day in the far-future I shall see the end of Kain’s quest for power.

Homeworld - One of the Best RTS i ever played with huge Mass Battles
Sin Epsisodes - Not a very good Game, but enough to kill Time, still want know how the Story ends :frowning:
… Strike - I love that series :smiley:
Baldur’s Gate - still hopeing that a 3rd Part come

The world needs a follow-up to Conker’s Bad Fur Day . That games CLEARLY ahead of its time, given it was first an N64 title. Awesome boss battles. Then M$ goes and ruins what could have been a PERFECT remake, but throwing censorship in it… censorship that was NOT in the N64 version. :cry:

I’d like some more Little Girl or Great Mighty Poo… wouldn’t you? I’m gonna throw my shit at you… classic stuff. 8)

Ogre Battle Series - Just kept going downhill mostly after they release Tactics Ogre for PS1. Then they had the bastard child Final Fantasy Tactics steal part of it’s thunder (not that FFT was a bad game because I liked it).

Soulblazer - I would have liked to see a part 4 or even a second trilogy.

Breath of Fire - Even though the last one was short, didn’t like the system, I still thought they’d make another…