Games from a female point of view?

This is one gimmick of b-games that I really don’t like. The fact remains that, no matter what you do, you can’t become the characetr you plays as, not to mention that the protagonist is bound to be largely different from the player himself (but then again, I don’t play these games to role-play some fantasy, as I’m more itnerested to see some story-telling potential)

My heart goes out to Zyx, D.O. and Angelsmile for making their protagonist have eyes. Even the Sekilaila games (save for the horrid Idols Galore), gave their protagonist eyes. When you remove the eyes, the protagonist also loses his identity (you can tell a lot about a person from his eyes. For instance, HDR’s Yusuke is a wimp)

Then again, that’s just an opinion. I always like to look out for b-games where I can get to see the characetrs eyes, and gauge whether he is a good, evil, or weakly person.

I always wondered about this. I think it really depends on the game. True you can never really be the same as the character in the game, but I think some games are more meant to slide you into the character, while others focus on telling a story.

I do like the ones that focus on the story, and make the main character his own person in them, like Chain. But don’t think the other approach is necessarily bad.

Well, in my opinion… I would really like to not see the protagonist’s eyes…so as to not know the true identity of that character… So that I can molder his/her personality in the course of the game and/or story…

It is quite a bit of a turn-off for me to be able to see the eyes…for I kind of seeing the characters persona… (remember…“The eyes are the windows to one’s soul.”)
But then again, that is stereotyping… And I’m trying to get kind of habit to stop functioning in me…

All I want is to be mistified by such things…
Solving mysteries is fun for me… :slight_smile:

Of course…these are only my opinions… :cool:

Ok,who cares about Yuri,I don’t. I am a straight woman, and I would like these Bishounen games to be translated. I am not interested in Yaoi, though I would play a Yaoi game over Yuri, but is there any chance of Under the moon, Step, or the Love Drops being translated here, if not, then they should be. I don’t mind seeing the protagonist’s eyes, or whatever, just as long as there are many hott men to go after. You know what I mean, i hope…

I understand you, because don’t care about yaoi or yuri either. I prefer straight bgames like you.

Anyway, i don’t think it’s impossible someone release someday OTOME games. Some time ago PeaPri started to translate yaoi erogames, so why not OTOME games? :wink:

Yaoi games are in high demand, and there are many groups online that center on the genre. I don’t think it’s the same with the otome genre (yet).

That depends. How many straight guys are you addressing that question to? And don’t forget to count me.

So, with G Coll return, and the announcement of new games to be released. Any chance that we can see a non rape title from the female pov? Would be nice to have at least one available to buy in the catalog.

I would love if they released The Love Drops, or Under the moon. Something for us girls, who likes straight bishies, you know, I hope.I would like them to release Step, also. Yaoi has bishies, but I am not intersted in that type of parings. I like GirlXBoy, or GirlXBoys ^-^v You know STRAIGHT

Am I the only girl who does not like Yaoi? I don’t hate it, I mean the guys are cute and all, but you know, I just don’t, what’s the word? Hmm, I don’t know, Justs there’s nothing there, no love, you know. I guess I’m old fashion. Male and Female relationships works.

And about Yuri, do not get me started on that, crap. You wouldn’t want to know what I really think about it.

I don’t care for either one and, while I am male, it would be nice to see one of these done from the girl’s point of view.

Here is a game from a girl’s point of view that should be given localization consideration. It’s a doujin game, I believe.

Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o = To Kiss that Flower Petal -

I have no idea about any of the games you mentioned. But I’d like a game played from the female pov where you could go with either GirlXGirl or GirlXBoy. As in, if there was a choice. Don’t get me wrong though, any non rapefest game, played from the female pov, at this point would be better then the nothing we have now.

Why does it have to be Yuri for a game to be in female Pov? for guys to enjoy also, or something? Games for girls are very limited.Yaoi isn’t my thing. What’s wrong with a game for girls to enjoy that has stright guys in it? A game like Love Drops or Under the Moon. Heres the site:

I mean not every girl is a freakin lezzy or Yaoi lover. Guys if you like Yuri, that’s your problem, but please at least warn us if the game is, cause some of us aren’t into it.

I 'd like to see more games released that target female players too , both yaoi and "straight " games . I recommend checking out Yo-Jin -bo , a non-erotic game with a female lead and a male harem of romantic intrests.
But could some of you ease up on the homophobia ? "freakin lezzy "…Just because you’re not into it is no reason to bash other people .

I think it’s less to do with bashing than venting frustration at the thought that women are all lesbian.

Maybe . But there’s no denying that “freaking lezzy” is an anti gay slur . If racist or anti Semetic slurs were being thrown around casually I beleive a lot more people would be objecting .

No, I think it has to do with bashing. She did imply she thought nobody should like it. That is, in fact, why I replied.

Okay. But if we are going to talk about wording, then I would like to point out that you should use “homosexual” instead of “gay”.

[ 02-03-2007, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

What’s wrong with the word gay ? I am gay , and have no problem with the word . I 've never known any homosexual who objected to the word gay.

It’s not about it being potentially offensive, it’s about the abuse of the word ever since people began to commonly use it for sexual meanings, and more recently, homosexual people to denote their sexual preferences.

[ 02-03-2007, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]