Getting to know each other

Hey, long time not see…

Origin of your screen name: This was my login when I was in University. Since I am not too creative with names, I keep using it. It is made up of my given name (back then) plus my middle initial plus my family name initials.

Favorite All-Time Anime: Though call. I am not sure if I can answer this as there are a lot of anime I would definitely watch over and over again. For example, KOR (specially the first movie), Kakyuusei, Sentimental Journey (finally with a R1 release date!!!), Aa! Megami-sama, etc.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: Kakyuusei (TV and OVA)

Favorite Manga: Aa! Megami-sama! Too bad I haven’t been able to keep it up. Also, Kimagure Orange Road.

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: Too many. For example, I have mystery (Kindaichi), cooking (Iron Wok Jan), “popular ones” (Chobits, et al), etc. etc. etc. Before I moved, I had KOR, which, unfortunately, I had to leave behind…

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: ren’ai

Favorite Anime Character: Mochida Mahoko (Kakyuusei TV)

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: I don’t think I can answer this as I haven’t played that many games yet. However, if I go for the character’s story (in the game), I will go for Yae Kaori of Tokimemo 2.

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: I haven’t played enough games to have a fav one.

Hobbies: Besides anime and b-games, Magic the Gathering.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Favorite Anime Character: Manami Sugihara (Sentimental Journey), but my favorite non-gaming related anime character is Aoi-chan from Tenkousei. :slight_smile:

Since Tenkousei is a pretty obscure PeaPri anime, you can find a screenshot here. (Aoi-chan is the girl in the middle). Also, you can download the intro here.

Your middle initial is an X? Kick ass.

精神 の 神

Actually, no. I don’t have a middle name, but they had to put something, so they ended up putting the “X”.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
I haven't been here much during the past year. And taking a cue from other message boards I'm at, I thought I would ask these questions of you all.

Feel free to not answer anything you don't feel like answering:

[snip list]

Origin of your screen name (if it's not your name):

I was originally too embarrased to admit publicly that I like 'hentai'. I wanted to join the board here but did not want people to associate this with my usual nickname. I picked Nandemonai because I wanted something meaning "nobody", but didn't know the right word so I picked one I thought was close - only to find out later I actually had blindly guessed correctly. Go figure.

Favorite all-time anime: Couldn't possibly pick from among my top-tier choices. Take your pick of Haibane Renmei, Crest of the Stars, Escaflowne, or Evangelion.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: My all time favorite is obviously Kanon since that's the only one I've watched to completion. Ha ha!

Favorite Manga: Oooo. Right now I'm going to have to say Priest, even though it's technically manwha, because it's the most complete (in English at least) out of all my candidates for this spot.

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: I have no particular genre preference, so I shall have to go with a cop-out answer. I prefer well-written shows to flashy ones, most of the time.

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: See previous (cop-out) answer. Strong character development and/or storyline. Any kind of storyline advancement beyond "Oh my God, it's so hot in here ... are you hot?" and I'm happy.

Favorite Anime Character: ... hmm ... I'm afraid I am going to have to go with Cha Cha on this one. She's ten, she gets drunk, she's on crack, it's great.

Favorite Bishoujo Game: Snow Drop, just because of the story-heavy kind of bishoujo games I have played, it was most successful at approximating what I would have thought was Truly Awesome.

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: That information is not available at your clearance level.

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: I'm going to go with Maria from Private Nurse, just because she's the most fleshed out character in any b-game I've yet played.

Hobbies: Watching anime. Playing video games. Keeping up with current events. Programming.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 06-24-2004).]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 03-19-2006).]

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name): Wolfson… well, I’ve got some Native-American heritage (sadly, although my mother had gorgeous black hair, genetics played a cruel joke, and I’m going bald ), and Wolf is one of my totems–a particular favorite. Hence, "Wolf-Son."

Favorite All-Time Anime: Wow. With all these (to me, anyway) obscure anime titles running around, I feel like I haven’t watched much of anything, yet. My collection is still small, but my favorite so far is El Hazard (the OAV, not the series), although I liked the Alternative Worldpretty well, too. But it’s a toss-up… Gunsmith Cats gets regular playtime quite a bit.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: Since all of my bishoujo are English translations, I don’t think that there is one that has had an anime done off of it yet…

Favorite Manga: I actually haven’t gotten around to reading and collecting manga, which is just as well… the way I obsess with collecting things, I’d go broke in no time

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: That’s a tough call, but I’d have to say that I generally go for science fiction or science fantasy… anime with kind of a cyberpunk feel is usually a perenial favorite.

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: Hmmm… I’m not sure if I have a favorite… anything that has a good story, although mysteries seem to be the ones I like the most.

Favorite Anime Character: Eh… Another tough call, but based on what I think you’re asking, my favorite is Qawoor Towles from El Hazard: the Alternative World.

Favorite Bishoujo Game: Chain: the Lost Footsteps, hands down. Although I enjoyed Brave Soul quite a bit.

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: Okay, I’m lame , I don’t know enough Japanese to even try playing a bishoujo game in Japanese. So I have no clue about Japanese game characters…

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: Hmmm… ironically, what I’ve found is that the one’s that I find attractive usually have personalities that I don’t get into, and the ones whose personalities I like, I don’t find particularly attractive. I think Sheryl, from Desire, and Kana, from Kana are the two exceptions.

Hobbies: Playing bishoujo games, playing RPG’s (I usually run Big Eyes, Small Mouth, the anime roleplaying game, of course), studying Japanese culture and language, playing and writing music, spending time on the computer, and trying to keep my cat happy.

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name): It’s based from my name. See, my real name is BenoÓt, with the hat on the i. But since computers and games often either have difficulty with it or don’t know the character, I went with the ‘nickname’ Benoit.

Favorite All-Time Anime: Haven’t watched enough to really be able to give a favorite. But if I had to choose, Dragon Ball Z.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: Haven’t seen any yet.

Favorite Manga: Fruits Basket.

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: Shojo

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: Anything with plot/story and romance.

Favorite Anime Character: Don’t really have one.

Favorite Bishoujo Game: Err… I’m not really able to name a favorite. I like them all equally for what they are: True Love, Princess Maker 2, and Brave Soul.

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: Haven’t played any JP Bishoujo games.

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: Arisa from True Love. Clare from Brave Soul most likely will share this spot when I go their her story.

Hobbies: Playing video games, programming, badminton, swimming, and reading manga.

Origin of your screen name: The state I am currently living in (South Carolina) and the mascot and nickname of my undergrad alma matar, Dawgs short for Georgia Bulldogs.

Favorite All-Time Anime: A few come to mind including, Crest of the Stars/Banner of the Stars, Steel Angel Kurumi, Martian Successor Nadesico, Tenchi Muyo OVAs, and some others still being released or that I am still buying discs to complete the series.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: Unaware of any seen off the top of my head

Favorite Manga: To early to say it will stay there but Negima! is easily at the top of my list of “new” manga. Love Hina of those already out, as it was one of first manga I ever read the whole series.

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: mostly what has Sci-Fi, action and/or Comedy within it.

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: Not sure

Favorite Anime Character: Tsunami from Tenchi Muyo OVA, Kurumi from Steel Angel Kurumi Chii from Chobits and …cliar from Kiddy Grade pop to mind first.

Favorite Bishoujo Game: Kana comes to mind first along with Crescendo

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: Have not played any Japanese Language Bishoujo Games

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: Yet a lot of the women from Nocturnal Illusions actually come to mind.

Hobbies: Reading manga, long walks, playing computer games, watching anime, watching old Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-24-2004).]

It’s interesting how many favorites we seem to have in common.

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name): I usually use my computer name for a screen name and usually use an astronomy theme for computer names. Perigee is the nearest point in an Earth orbit.

Favorite All-Time Anime: Maison Ikkoku, Ai Yori Aoshi, Kimagure Orange Road

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: not sure which, if any, anime I’ve seen are based on B-games

Favorite Manga: haven’t read any, but I may have to pick up Maison Ikkoku if Viz doesn’t finish the anime release

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: romance/comedy/drama

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: romance/comedy/drama

Favorite Anime Character: Ai from Ai Yori Aoshi

Favorite Bishoujo Game: hard to pick just one - Private Nurse, Kana - Little Sister, Tokimeki Check-In, Snow Drop

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: N/A

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: Amy from Casual Romance Club (mainly for the character design)

Hobbies: astronomy, geocaching, T-birds, travel

Originally posted by BenoÓt:
Origin of your screen name (if it's not your name): It's based from my name. See, my real name is BenoÓt, with the hat on the i. But since computers and games often either have difficulty with it or don't know the character, I went with the 'nickname' BenoÓt.

Just select Ó from the Times New Roman character map.

I’m not sure I understand. What I meant was that video games where you can name a character, don’t have the Ó. And using that character on the Internet sometimes messes my name up because it replaces it by some weird symbols.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I'm not sure I understand. What I meant was that video games where you can name a character, don't have the Ó. And using that character on the Internet sometimes messes my name up because it replaces it by some weird symbols.

Since Óis part of a TrueFontÆ character set, it should be usable on a discussion board. But I'm not sure whether the UBB software they use at PP allows it with usernames, and you'd probably have to reregister as benoÓt, so never mind. [img][/img]

Ok I’m game since I haven’t done this for this forum before.

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name):
If you’ve every played the old neogeo games it’s one of the characters from samurai showdown.

Favorite All-Time Anime:
Hmm don’t have an all-tiem favorite. I have a lot of favs. Like OMG, Rahxephon, pretty sammy, Love hina, ect.
Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game:Tsukhime probably

Favorite Manga:
OMG, and Iron wok Jan

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre:
Romantic Comedy

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre:
First love

Favorite Anime Character:

Favorite Bishoujo Game:

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character:
Arcueid, Tsukihime

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character:
Kaho Nagira, Cresendo
Playing video games, watching anime

I’d forgotten about the Dragon Knight stuff–although, as I understand it (and granted, I don’t understand it clearly), it has a rather convoluted history, which I thought actually originated in manga.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Ah...I forgot to ask this of Perigee:

Did you happen to catch the recent Venus transit? I used to keep track of astronomical events, but I haven't been doing it much lately. I used to have Venus and Mercury transits calculated from where I live for about 40 years into the future, but I lost the paper I wrote them on. If I had known about this transit ahead of time I would have taken a photo of it. >_<

Unfortunately it wasn't visible from the West Coast. Friends in Japan and the Midwest watched it for me. I saw a live broadcast from Greece on NASA TV. There's another chance to observe a transit of Venus on June 6, 2012. If you miss that one, you'll have to wait until December 11, 2117. Total solar eclipses are my thing. I've seen 17 so far.
Okay for those of you who may be uncertain which anime were based off bishoujo games here is a short list just so you know:
Hmm. The only anime on your list that I'm familiar with are Comic Party [good] and Can Can Bunny [not good]. Maybe I should check the adult titles in TRSI's current Nutech sale.

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name):

Ron is my personal nickname. My first name is Ronald. I owned my first home computer is Atari 130XE. I have other screen names on other forums: Ron no Anime, and DeafNYCPlayer72.

Favorite All-Time Anime:

Kimagure Orange Road
Maison Ikkoku
3x3 Eyes
Kodomo no Omocha (Child’s Toy/Kodacha)
many animes… I forgot…

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game:

I forgot others… I can’t remember too much. I may be busy to play with avatars and tags. ^.^;

Favorite Manga:

3x3 Eyes (end at 40)
Sakura Diaries (end at 20)
Futuba H (sp)
Flame of Recca (end at 33)
Angel Heart (sequel of City Hunter)
A Cheeky Angel (end at 20?)
YuGiOh (end at 38)
Kimagure Orange Road
many mangas…

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre:

Science Fiction

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre:


Favorite Anime Character:

note: this is my work ^_^v

I am sorry… I have many anime avatars and tags that I made them for myself. ^.^'

Favorite Bishoujo Game:

uhh… tough pick one…

Brave Soul
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 1-2
I forgot… I will check my list.

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character:

I do not have Japanese PC games yet.
Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character:

Catgirl from Brave Soul


own fansub and legal DVDs/Tapes.
read both English and Japanese manga
collect comic books
collect and own video games and video game consoles

Originally posted by perigee:
Since Óis part of a TrueFontÆ character set, it should be usable on a discussion board. But I'm not sure whether the UBB software they use at PP allows it with usernames, and you'd probably have to reregister as benoÓt, so never mind. [img][/img]

But I use the same username everywhere, so I figured to use this one to avoid problems. [img][/img]

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name):

It’s my first name, on other boards I go by Series5Ranger. (Any body who guesses what show that references give yourself a gold star badge (hint))

Favorite All-Time Anime: Record of Lodoss War OVA series

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game:
Dragon Knight 4 Wheel of Time

Favorite Manga: like Ah! Megamisama (Oh! My Goddess)

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: Anime based off ren’ai games:
n/a (yet)

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: RPG, but the romantic ones (i.e. Crescendo) come in a close second

Favorite Anime Character: Deedlit

Favorite Bishoujo Game: EVE DVD Ltd. Ed.

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: Carrera (Viper V-6, Viper GTS)
(Sue me, I dig sexy demonic chicks)

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: Clare (Brave Soul)

Hobbies: Playing FFXI, Watching Anime, Comic Books, Computers, Computer Gaming, Waiting for DOA: Ultimate to come out so I can see my favorite runaway shinobi, Kasumi

As I understand it, Dragon Knight started out as a very tongue-in-cheek manga by Shigeru Mabuchi. The early episodes of Takeru’s adventures were released in Dragon Knight, which was not a very serious anime. The later adventures were the basis for MegaTech’s Knights of Xentar (which was supposed to be called Dragon Knight III, but they ran into legal hassles with TSR over copyrights). Eventually, the later Dragon Knight OAV’s were made, such as Wheel of Time which is far more serious than the earlier manga/anime. I don’t know if there are Japanese Dragon Knight bishoujo games.

Originally posted by Wolfson:
As I understand it, Dragon Knight started out as a very tongue-in-cheek manga by Shigeru Mabuchi. The early episodes of Takeru's adventures were released in Dragon Knight, which was not a very serious anime. The later adventures were the basis for MegaTech's Knights of Xentar (which was supposed to be called Dragon Knight III, but they ran into legal hassles with TSR over copyrights). Eventually, the later Dragon Knight OAV's were made, such as Wheel of Time which is far more serious than the earlier manga/anime. I don't know if there are Japanese Dragon Knight bishoujo games.

The game was going to be called Dragon Knight 3 because it was the third game. It is an RPG series, this I know. It may well have had its genesis in some manga written ages and ages ago; I do not know. I do know that Dragon Knight is one of the flagship series in Japan, and its failure in the US severely cramped the market (which was still quite nascent).

Was that the third Dragon Knight game? If so, it was the first in the US. If it was sequeling earlier Japanese games, then the earlier material may not have come from manga, but from bishoujo. I only have the artist’s name, and the limited information that MegaTech published with Knights of Xentar, cross-referenced with the earlier anime (which, incidentally, does credit elf RPG). I credit MegaTech with trying, but I think that they marketed their product a little badly…