Getting to know each other

Looks like fun, I’ll “play.”
Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name):
My astrological sun sign is Scorpio and I find things of the mystery nature intriguing … things like occult studies and new age things, yadda yadda yadda… So I needed a screen name, was screwing around, and came up with ScorpioMysterica

Favorite All-time Anime:
OK, first the truth. I’ve only watched two anime’s in my whole 25 years of existence. Lain and Perfect Blue and I can honestly say I loved both of them. Lain more so, because it was my first Anime series … unfortunately, I don’t do Anime very often and if I’m going to watch a series I want to buy the whole thing, and many seem to be out side of my dollar range… so I’m holding off on the Anime Department at this point in my life. I’m sure I’ll eventually have a rush of cash and dive into it someday though…

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game:
Can’t say…

Favorite Manga:
Again, the truth… I’ve never read a Manga to date. Yes, I’m seriously deprived here… sniffles… but I’m sure that interest will kick in eventually too.

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre:
Horror/Suspense/Thrillar etc…

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre:
Tear Jerkers… I like to be moved to tears. If the game can accomplish that it gets 4 gold stars from me. Quite a rare feet to accomplish too…
Runner Up: Stories with a heavy emphasis on romance.

Favorite Anime Character:
I can’t answer that… wouldn’t be fair considering I’ve only seen two…

Favorite Bishoujo Game:
Kana, of course. Never cried so much in my life, God it was great! (Can we say masochist… speaking of which, that’s another genre I enjoy… the whole BDSM thing…)

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game
Again, can’t honestly answer. I don’t speak/read Japanese at all (yet).

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character:
I don’t remember who she is, but the spoiled brat who seriously needs a spanking from Brave Soul. Was that Claire or however one spells her name? (It’s late here! lol)
Runner up, Charlotte (errr, dang I think I misspelled that one too!!!) from CRC. There aren’t too many animated chicks that I’d do, but she’s one of them. Heck, forget about doing her, she’d just make the absolute perfect girlfriend in my humble opinion. ((Here’s to hoping for games similar to CRC in the future.)

Hobbies: Too many really. That’s the reason I don’t invest more time and money in my Bishoujo Game Hobby, I got like 30 others that take up just as much time. I’m one of those freaks who knows a little bit about everything, but nothing in depth about anything.

That was sorta fun, we need to do things like this more often.


So, that’s what you were doing while I was hospitalized!
Very well, here are my answers:

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name):
My all-time-favourite animated movie is “The last Unicorn”.

Favorite All-Time Anime:
- can’t decide -

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game:

Favorite Manga:
Berserk (currently)

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre:
- can’t decide -

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre:
Romantic Comedy

Favorite Anime Character:
Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers)

Favorite Bishoujo Game:
Galaxy Angel (and its sequels)
Dai Akuji

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character:
Millefeulle Sakuraba (Galaxy Angel)

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character:
- can’t decide -

Besides bishoujo-gaming?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, that's what you were doing while I was hospitalized!

*blink* When were you hospitalized? For what? Did I miss something again? Or maybe I'm forgetting again? Gomen-nasai, I'm not much of a net-friend am I? [img][/img]

Origin of your screen name (if it's not your name):
Like fxho-san, mine is based off my name. My first initial, two middle initials, and then my last name. (Heck, most of my reviews are under my real name, so it's not like it's that big a mystery...)

Favorite All-Time Anime:
Depends on what mood I'm in and what I've see last. I'd probably have to say Ai Yori Aoshi since I seem to keep popping the discs in recently.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game:
To Heart

Favorite Manga:

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre:
Romantic Comedy

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre:
Romantic Comedy

Favorite Anime Character:
Hmm, can't decide...

Favorite Bishoujo Game:
Snow Drop, for various sentimental reasons...

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character:
Akari Kamigishi (To Heart) My purely Japanese game collection is limited...

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character:
Can't decide.

Avoiding work.

Hey Uni didn’t know you were in the hospital. Good to see your up and about and posting now and what did you expect us to do while you were gone

Originally posted by ekylo:
*blink* When were you hospitalized? For what? Did I miss something again? Or maybe I'm forgetting again? Gomen-nasai, I'm not much of a net-friend am I? [img][/img]

Don't go too hard on yourself! Because it was a sudden bilious attack on monday morning, I couldn't inform anyone here about it but simply went into hospital. Only Spec-san knew about it yet.

Now, I try out how to live without gall bladder. So far, it looks like it is quite less painful than with an infected gall bladder... [img][/img]

And as soon as my liver has accustomed to the missing part, I may even return to my previous lifestyle with a small advantage: Because I have now less of the gall-fluid for my digestion, most of the fat that I eat will leave my body on the other end instead of being used to build up those useless rings at the waist... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 06-29-2004).]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
and what did you expect us to do while you were gone [img][/img]

Fold your hands and pray for my recovery? [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Well, the main thing is that you’re back now Unicorn-san!

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Fold your hands and pray for my recovery? [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Heh maybe if we noticed you were gone [img][/img]

Ahh so that's what a gall bladder is for. I didn't even know we had one, thought only snakes and chickens had them things, course I only know they had them because i've eaten them before.

Hmm, I knew we had one, didn’t think about what it was used for though. As long as all my internals are happily doing whatever it is they’re doing, I leave them alone…

Good luck on your recover, Unicorn. As I’m sure your doctor will tell you, you do not want to eat fatty food. I have a friend who underwent the same surgery and after one BBQ rib he was very sick.

Originally posted by perigee:
As I'm sure your doctor will tell you, you do not want to eat fatty food.

At least, he told me that I should refrain from it for now while my liver accustoms to the new situation.
I also heard that it makes a difference if the fat is from animalic meat (like your friend's BBQ-rib) or from vegetables. So, I still hope that I may enjoy pommes frites and potatoe chips later on without troubles.

Well, if I’m going to start posting here again, I might as well do this.

Origin of your screen name (if it’s not your name): It’s a favorite literary character of mine.

Favorite All-Time Anime: There’s no single one, but Eva, Lain, Escaflowne and Z Gundam are up there.

Favorite Anime Based Off a Bishoujo Game: Strangely enough, I’ve never seen one. Well, a few adult ones…

Favorite Manga: Hmmm… probably Five Star Stories, but Love Hina and Hellsing are up there too.

Favorite Anime/Manga Genre: Probably Giant Robot shows, but I watch everything.

Favorite Bishoujo Game Genre: RPG

Favorite Anime Character: Ummm… I dunno. Char maybe? I like too many, all for different reasons.

Favorite Bishoujo Game: Brave Soul

Fav. Japanese Language Bishoujo Game Character: well, I’ve only ever played one game in japanese, so I guess it would be Carrera from Viper GTS

Fav. English Language Bishoujo Game Character: Too difficult to pick.

Hobbies: Anime, video games, drawing.

Originally posted by Faust:
Origin of your screen name (if it's not your name): It's a favorite literary character of mine.

The one from Saber Marionette? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
The one from Saber Marionette? [img][/img]

Hehehe, no, he's been around a bit longer than that. But the SMJ Faust is a worthy character of the name. GGXX Faust is good too [img][/img]

Sadly, I've never actually read any of the SMJ novels. I have all the anime, and the manga though. I hope more novels get picked up for release over here.

There are novels? All I know of is the manga (didn’t really like it all that much … it was rather different from the anime).

Yeah, the novels were the basis for the anime. Actually, the story in the novels is different as well, but they were written first. I think there were 9 of them?

I actually like the manga, but I think the anime’s storyline is much better. Didn’t like the character re-designs for J to X too much.

The manga was … too ecchi for my tastes. I preferred it when the misogynism undercurrents were, well, undercurrents and I could concentrate on the rest of the show (which I did rather like).

Of course the entire premise is loony if you know ANYthing at ALL about genetics, so…

I didn’t get the manga since most people who read it didn’t like it. I like the anime though

I dunno, I may have indirectly had something to do with the manga being picked up. Probably not, but I have to wonder.

I was talking to a guy at ACen a few years ago, and didn’t realize he was involved with a company…and I mentioned I wanted to read the Saber Marionette J manga. The guy said “there’s a manga??” and I said “yeah, at least, it says so on the subtitled VHS release”. He told me that if he’d known it existed he would’ve been trying to get the rights for it.

Probably coincidence, since I don’t think the guy worked for Tokyopop…

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I didn't get the manga since most people who read it didn't like it. I like the anime though [img][/img]

What about it was not good did they say? I have seen all by the last part of the anime the J to X I think it is called, but did not like how it became more "cartoonish" with each incarnation. I really like the style of the first one, and would have liked them to keep that style for all of the others.