


What did they do to my game?

(side note 1: is it just me or Valentine really sounds like Yuki Nagato?)
(side note 2: could someone translate Ky’s line at the end of the vid?)

Ky is in it… as far as I’ve heard he became a king and lost the Thunderseal, I think he’s going to be a boss.And if there wont be Bridget and Dizzy in it than Daisuke and his family will be murdered.

Wikipedia says that the story is several year AFTER GGXX which means:

-Bridget is grown up and un-girlish. OMG NOOO
-Eddie is dead. He was dieing in GGXX
-Faust is either insane or killed or dunno.
-Zappa is screwed. Nothing new.
-May is grown up. Nooooo no loli.
-Ino is, UNKNOWN. lol
-PWAB is dunno.
-Slayer is dunno.
-Dizzy is either raped by Ino (NO) or by Johnny (NO) or by Testament (NO) or by May (NO) or by Bridget (…ok)

I think that it copied Dynasty Warriors series.

I own PS1’s Dynasty Warriors. It is one on one fighting game.

You may know about Dynasty Warriors 2-5. They are hack 'n slash action games.

RonXE is my eye failing or is that a santa Konata avatar? (heartbeat)



Konata wants yours. :stuck_out_tongue:

edits I work on Kagami-miko avatar.


[ 11-30-2007, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: RonXE ]

Raven is coming…
(RonXE do you have a lot Konata material?)

Its not even close to Dynasty Warriors. I’ve played through the demo several times. Above all else, this game is an RTS. I’d say its closest to the early '90’s computer RTS “Z.” Like Z, this game is all about terriorty control and you always have to push, push, push. Just like Z, if you slowdown and try to build-up your defenses the computer will totally destroy you.

Only real difference is that you personally take part in the battles. Which makes things even more insane then Z was.

I’ll probably be picking this one up soon, but I’m waiting for a used copy, new 360 games are way too expensive here.

People what the hell is going on.
BRUTAL things are flying around. Like Justice makes a comeback.

there is a slight chance that Ky fucked Dizzy and made her his wife… if this is true i will commit suicide

If anyone gets a chance to bang Dizzy, it will be Johnny… that is if May doesn’t kill him first. :wink:

NO, ONLY BRIDGET OR TESTAMENT MAY MAKE LOVE TO HER… but I saw the cutscene that featured Ky’s wife and she has wings and is called the Maiden Of The Grove, they should say the name and end my misery…

I always thought it was Jam who was going to get Ky. She has thing for him. :slight_smile:

Testament rubs off as a fatherly figure for Dizzy to me… especially since Sol isn’t there. Johnny is the Mega Playa, and if anyone would be hitting on Dizzy (if only in jest) it would be him. Probably why May keeps her on the Mayship. :wink:

Here’s a thought… who would win in a versus battle:

The Legions of Robo-Ky or the Hordes of Mecha Hisui? Heh… I wonder what their children would look like? :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 12-31-2007, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Well your right about Ky and Jam, and maybe about Testament, but Johnny in truth isn’t that a womaniser. Plus if he dared May would rape him. But I just saw a cutscene featuring the wife of Ky and she has wings… but no tail so there may be hope. Bridget is hot in any way I look at him, BridgetxDizzy is √ºber hot. He may do crossdressing but there isnt any other problems with him, and the funny part is he doesnt know he’s crossdressing.

M. Hisui and Robo-Ky? Holy shit, in 9 months it would be “Are you John Connor?”

(Side Note: Massive Wierdness: Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus featuring a huge story mode with the zapping feature and 350+ scenarios. Coming out in 2008. I now doubt that Daisuke knows what hes doing.)

[ 01-02-2008, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

Guilty Gear 2: Overture SPOILER WARNING!!!
Guilty Gear 2: Overture SPOILER WARNING!!!
Guilty Gear 2: Overture SPOILER WARNING!!!

Huh… well I’ll be damned… you’re right…

Ky did marry Dizzy…Their son is Sin. I wonder what happened to Jam? :shock:

Also Valentine is an AWESOME loligoth hottie.

I deny acknowlageing this game as part of the Guily Gear series… this is an abomination that must be destroyed. Hmmmm… I’ll get 4chan to destroy Daisuke when we’re done with the CoS.

It’s not too bad actually. Plays a lot like Devil May Cry. 8)

If I want something like DMC then I’ll get Devil May Cry 4, not that thing. Ehhh… whatever, still waiting for Accent Core Plus…

Sweet Jesus, that’s… it’s like a really bad fan fiction of Dynasty Warriors with Guilty Gear characters. OH no, watch out for that Megami TEru Nakamoro “GATLING COMBINATION” wtf since when!!! rofl copter cakes is that sum “ARIEL DRIVE” somebody stop him, no. No, It’s like that one porno I watched when I was a lad. I waited for the women, but they never came… :shock:

Since were on the topic of titles that kill their own series, I bring forward Sakura Taisen DS.

Now seriously. Releasing a Taisen game on DS is a great move… but making a dungeon crawler? Are they purposely trying to ruin the series?

Plus, it totally makes no sense: It has the cast from all five games. Yet Sakura Taisen 5 only happens AFTER the events of Sakura Taisen 1 thru 4 (not to mention the movie). How can Oogami be macking on the girls, when he’s already married to Sakura? We already know the Taisen girls don’t go for a harem option. Oogami tried it in ST2, but they almost killed him for even thinking it. Plus Oogami couldn’t stay a Playa forever, because if you don’t pick a girl for the ending of ST4, all of them chase down Oogami for his hide (although it fast forwards a few years into the future, and shows that Sakura and Erica remain at his side still trying).

Ugh… they could have done something cool, and released a remake of the older titles on DS… or perhaps a side story of some sort for ST5. I can only hope there’s a Sakura Taisen 6 in the works, that will vindicate the line. Would be nice to see on the Wii too.