Gun-Katana + EXTRAVAGANZA + Cthulhu

I was wondering if anyone else here, has played Gun-Katana and EXTRAVAGANZA… more importantly both. Before writing a formal review for either, I wanted to trade some thoughts about them: primarily connections and allusions between them - thus the entire Black Cyc universe as a whole.

Because of the MASSIVE spoiling this would do, I’m hoping to conduct it via PM’s… like the old MinDeaD conversation was handled.

Oh! And I got your GSS emails DarkFusion. I promise to give back my thoughts on those. Plus Blood-Eleven says, “Hi!” :o

He’s got style but it’s… not nearly as cool as ??'s entrance :(.

True… you can’t beat perfection. :wink:

It’s still quite funny though. I believe Blood-Eleven has the same VA as Gore, so there’s the old “feeling” you get while hearing him. I love the “WTF!?” attitude the protagonists have when first encountering him, then try to rational that he’s some REALLY weird mutant NON-HUMAN, which only pisses him off. :stuck_out_tongue: He has a lot of funny lines though. Just as insane and “out of touch” with reality as Gore.

And of course if you’ve played Gore Screaming Show, you pretty much scream, “Oh shit… I’m fucked…” when you realize he’s the same species. 8)

Haven’t picked up Gore Screaming Show yet (in all honesty, probably won’t for a while), and as for Gun-Katana… Well it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just with my non-existant Japanese skills I wouldn’t have a clue about how to complete those missions that are more complicated than “Kill everything”. :expressionless:

Yea… this game has a complexity issue for achieving objectives to unlock the real endings. It has an “evolved” version of the MinDeaD “pick where you’re going” map feature, which is now even more complex thanks to the whole FPS factor. The time limit thing is also there… take too many days to figure stuff out, and you get a bad ending. :expressionless:

What even sucks more, is I haven’t been able to find a complete walkthru for Gun-Katana… errr… not that I wanted to use it mind you. Some friends have asked. Really! :mrgreen:

well since I havent played any Black cyc games , Im just trying to get my japanese up to a level where I can anything I say wouldnt be a spoiler right?

anyways Yuuka from MDB is a vampire hunter but where was she trained and where did she get her technology/ :?:

Gate of Ishtar seems probable if you ask me . :wink:

The Black Cyc universe takes place on an Earth where technology is quite more advance than our own. Consumer goods - such a television, mobile phones, home appliances, etc - appear to be the same as ours. However anything with military applications are waaay beyond what we have; such as genetic engineering (mutant creatures), computer science (there are working AI’s), robotics (advanced cybernetics), and firearms (minaturized caseless ammunition). However these technological breakthru’s are not available - or even known - to the public. Only government agencies, mega corporations, wealthy secret organizations, and a first class military have them.

Of course there’s also the whole thing, with latent supernatural powers (and creatures).

Yuka got her training from the vampire hunter society and her father (who was a vampire hunter). A lot of her physical prowess however, is natural to her. At the start of MinDeaD, you see her get a customized Glock from from J.J. – who is a vampire hunter “Fixer” (supplier and information contact) for Chisakura Island. I assume the computerized pile bunker was an inheritance or “graduation” gift, because I don’t recall her buying it from J.J. It was unique, yet none of the other hunters seemed to blink an eye at it (vampires were always shocked shitless though… literally), so I think the weapon is unorthodox, but not unheard of.

IIRC, someone mentions that the arms dealer in Gun-Katana got some of his stuff from surplus National Guard storages in America (which makes me wonder how advanced weapons technology is, if that stuff is obsolete). I doubt they were stolen, considering that the agencies in that game were NOT lacking of monetary funds. They probably just bought them off the government.

well except for the bio creatures I believe we are getting closer to all except to caseless ammo[not exactly a high demand]. I will concede superiority to narg if they are seperate but the feeling I got was that the vamp. hunters were only loosely organized at best. I think they could have been abranch off from GoI since vampires are probably more numerous and lack the cohesion of GoI’s enemies. I’m also assuming Black cyc vampires are supnat. and not the bio vamps that crop up in some series. Yousaid Blood eleven and Gore were the same species . I think they are gods though after all that is the only explanation for their extraordinary powers and and Gore is probably stronger after all, all kami arent created equal :wink: . this is just a theory based on what I know about shinto.

Well the Vampire Hunters are decentralized on purpose. Vampires hunt the Hunters, just as vigorously as the Hunters hunt the Vampires. If there was a central organization that the Hunters belonged too, then the Vampires would have attacked it to destabilize them. Same goes for the Vampires ¬ñ if they had a “Ruling Bloodline” the Hunters would seek out to destroy it. You see a little of that happen in MinDeaD ¬ñ “going for the head” of the enemy. In fact, I’d go as far to say, that this has already happened… hence the reason why both sides operate in a “terrorist cell” format: to make it harder to destroy them as a whole.

The Hunters do everything in their power, to prevent the vampire race from uniting under a single leader, because this would be a VERY bad thing. On the flipside, vampires generally get fearful when Hunters start to converge in a single location.

On another point: vampires also tend to be a bit “individualistic” to begin with ¬ñ they don’t naturally gravitate to the idea of someone leading them. Males tend to not get along too ¬ñ they all have that animalistic “alpha dog” thing. So yea… vampires are divided in the Black Cyc Universe, because it’s in their best interest for survival. However the MinDeaD game touches on a few “what if’s” if you play all the endings (expansion disc included).

As for the nature of vampires: they’re of the supernatural type.

Whatever kind of creatures they are, Gore Screaming Show and Blood-Eleven potentially have the power of a god, but are not actually gods. I believe the consensus drawn, from what little Gore and Eleven have explained about themselves, is that the species are “extradimensional aliens” like the Great Old Ones. Stopping Gore has nothing to do with faith or religion - Shinto priests tried to stop him in the past, and failed miserably - in fact, Black Cyc goes out of their way at times, to prove how “Godless” their world is.

intersting yet what is the supernatural then to Black cyc if not that which cannot be explained. Well I’ve no idea who the "great old ones " are but I couldnt see any priest stopping Gore be like mtrying to banish ameratsu. yet if I read your review right and I’m 99% sure afters eeing the GSS page on the BC website Gore has spent 200 years sealed in an abandoned rustic well “WTF” that needs elaboration if it didnt get it , I smell prequel material. :wink:

Aye. Gore can be “sealed” - but its not the “power of God” (or power of a god) that compels him. There’s also that whole Host-Symbiote thing. You don’t have to go after Gore, to stop Gore. He’s powerful and immortal, but not undefeatable. A powerful priest or ancient wizard can’t oppose him, but mere children could. But that’s going into Spoilerland… so I’ll leave it at that. :wink:

As for what’s a Great Old One:

Ah… I have an idea must mean kill Yuka or something to do with the odd lady , Mashiro

ah me thinks I understand, Gore is a being who defies all logic that we know as life [carbon or siliocon based] yet he is still abeing with existance that could -theortically- be ended.

Don’t worry - it is explained. Actually pretty well explained quite before GORE makes his first official introduction!

Compared to other Blach Cyc games, this game actually has a pretty nice and conclusive story that solvbes every open question in the end!
Thus it is conclusive to the extreme that it actually doesn’t call for a continuation - or so I thought until I first saw a picture of Blood Eleven! One thing we shall take for granted: if GSS is ever continued, the remaining cast should be exchanged entirely - or only a few of them should make cameo appearances in the next story at best. Here I think particulary about the cool guy that had me ROFLOAO when he appeared wearing something not-at-all-cool, though it somehow suited him! :lol:

well thats good because I hate plot hole, i take it you refer to the japanese Johnny casche wannabe guy with the guitar :wink: i gave extravaganza a quick peep yesterday lots of rapist slugs not that that offends me but just wasn’t very interested , convince me otherwise Narg!!!

Actually I can’t… because I’m not all that fond of EXTRAVAGANZA myself. I primarily got it, because it’s Black Cyc. The game has an interesting story, but I think its rather “blah” in comparison to MinDeaD, Gore, and G-Katana. This is one of many areas where I don’t agree with ErogameScape, which last time I checked, rated EXTRAVAGANZA higher than Gore and G-Katana. It’s a great sequel to Musashi… but that’s not enough for someone to go out and buy it IMHO.

I didn’t “connect” with any of the characters, was kinda bored with the tentacle stuff (Tinkerbell did a better job; see below), and the music was terrible (listen to the vocal theme songs; they suck compared to Gore, MinDeaD, G-Katana).

Don’t get me wrong: EXTRAVAGANZA is a good game. I got my money worth’s - its clearly a Black Cyc title. But unless you’re a hardcore Dark Sider, want to support Black Cyc, or curious to know EVERYTHING about the Black Cyc universe… I’d pass.

[list]MinDeaD BlooD DVD remake
Gore Screaming Show
Yami no Koe DVD remake[/list]

Those are the 4 Black Cyc titles I recommend to everyone. If you enjoy Yami no Koe DVD, then you’ll want to grab Yami no Koe Zero for some prequel coolness. If you enjoy MinDeaD BlooD DVD, then you’ll want to grab the MinDeaD BlooD expansion to see the final possible canon ending, that didn’t get in the core game due to time restrictions (plus lots of other endings and story elements not covered).

If you want REALLY hardcore tentacles, get these instead:

You should also take a peak at this series too:

well all three of those apply to me yet I wont be able to play for a while still story= impportant to me. Also I know GSS has tentacles too as some bastard saw fit to upload a pic from one of Gores bad endings on gurochan.Asshole >=( .

Well it is gurochan. :wink:

I never thought of GSS as a guro title really, since you can avoid the violent rape and get a good ending… in fact, that’s the whole intention of the plot. It has guro, but mostly serves as a “shock” factor and punishment.

I strongly recommend all the Yami ko Koe (i’v played all except the Zero).For me is the best licence of Black CyC.Well i really enjoyed them and they’re not that hardcore in the end (Well, when you have played Pigeon Blood you don’t find other eroge hardcore anymore ^^; )

You played Mayonaka wa Ware no Mono (???)? Now that’s old school hardcore. :wink:

I’m told Eien Tonnatta Rusuban: Papa wa Kaeranai (???) is out of print, is because its not kosher under Japanese law anymore.

I mean, she’s only (not work safe warning) a little girl.


Well no… And if you say they’re worst than Pigeon Blood i wont play them ^^;
Pigeon Blood is still the most challenging Galge that i ever played… He took me about 2/3 months to beat it and unlock all the 1300/1400 CG (yeah the CG take almost an entire CD) + Bonus…It’s the only galge who make me want to puke sometime or i could’nt bear to look at the screen (and i’m far from easily shaken since all my teennage day i was watching Gore Film almost everyday (and Bad taste and Braindead every weak at least) while eating ^^)

But, at that time i had my pride for beating all the galge i was playing…So i could’nt let Pigeon Blood go ^^ (and even if it’s was very very very Hardcore, the Gothic background and the art was awesome)