H-games into romantic non h- or even anime?

Recently there is many H-games that have a good storyline. (my example maybe diffrent with yours so i don’t mention it). So what do you think about it? what kind of h-games that should have it’s romantic non h- or even anime version?

Fate/Stay Night. nods

Snow Drop. The game was far too short, and certain aspects needed expounding on (and others needed deemphasising). The 3-day vacation really isn’t long enough; it should have been 2 weeks or something.

A 13 episode show about Snow Drop could be quite interesting. Of course, it’s never going to happen because Snow Drop wasn’t that popular, I understand.

Crescendo would obviously a good one. And Brave Soul might be good although I haven’t played it yet. But are people really into romantic anime nowadays? Because I’ve seen games turned to anime series like Tsukuhime and some others ( I can’t remember but it was in an issue of Newtype USA) turned into very successful animes. But I noticed that all of them that the main story really isn’t love. Rather its something else like conflict with evil or the protagonist has to achieve something.

Kana ~Little Sister~. It would have to be an intricately woven tapestry of ‘present day’ scenes and flashbacks… and the tricky bit would be picking which ending to follow (since some endings are mutually exclusive)… but I would love to see Kana in motion. As long as they go with the PC version of Kana (brown hair, violet eyes), and not the Xbox version!

I read somewhere that the same artist who did the character design for Brave Soul also worked on the anime Scrapped Princess. While the stories are completely different, it may be the only way we’ll get to see some of the BS characters ‘come to life’. Scrapped Princess is to be released by Bandai, date unknown.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 08-07-2004).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Snow Drop. The game was far too short, and certain aspects needed expounding on (and others needed deemphasising). The 3-day vacation really isn't long enough; it should have been 2 weeks or something.

A 13 episode show about Snow Drop could be quite interesting. Of course, it's never going to happen because Snow Drop wasn't that popular, I understand.

yep i agree with you because this game has interesting storyline. A combination beetween horror and romantic H should be fun

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
A 13 episode show about Snow Drop could be quite interesting. Of course, it's never going to happen because Snow Drop wasn't that popular, I understand.

Didn't CLAMP release a manga about the legend told in Snow Drop? I am not sure if it is the same story based on the legend or just about the legend itself, but yesterday I thought I saw something like that in a local bookstore.

Heart de Roommate I think it could make a very interesting anime. Somewhat done in other formats but still interesting since you can focus more on maybe the comedy aspect of part of the plot while also working on the relationships.

Also Private Nurse but like Kana ~Little Sister~ it too would have to be a carefully painted portrait, while perhaps downplaying the "Mary Poppins" to avoid having it turn off people that did not like "Mary Poppins", but playing up the slight 'conflict' that was in the background or that I saw in the background.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-07-2004).]

Snow Drop really doesn’t have much of a plot. Not much to stretch out over 13 episodes, unless you are going to make it a multi scene sex romp with every female in SD.

Now, Legends of Fairie and Fairie Nights has tons of stories potential. But you’d have to change it from Battle Mahjhang to some other battle of merged wills.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Snow Drop really doesn't have much of a plot. Not much to stretch out over 13 episodes, unless you are going to make it a multi scene sex romp with every female in SD.

I think they could do 13 episodes without the sex romp if they tie more of the legend into the story. Within the game the legend is mentioned once maybe twice in a very brief section of the story.

Making the legend a larger part perhaps tell the tale over one whole episode, not to mention have at least one entire 'flashback' episode of the main male character's and Kyoka's, his childhood friend, experiences, could perhaps get them to 13 without ever having sex in the show.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-07-2004).]

It could be done. Probably it would be good. The problem is that, of course, it won’t. Snow Drop is very unlikely to make the transition to a TV show because there isn’t likely to be much interest in the show, and thus it would be a money loser.

I’m not sure why Snow Drop gets a rep for not having enough story. When you consider how they managed to tie together such diverse elements as the flower in the blizzard, ski lodge, hot springs, meals, ghost stories, indoor and outdoor sports, Yuki Onna, and diverse endings, it has a lot more than most of the light sex romps. The random event triggers may have detracted from game play a little, but SD remains one of my all time favorites.

I’ve given this link before, but for the benefit of new people, there’s a great live action dramatization of the Snow Lady legend on the IIV channel.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
It could be done. Probably it would be good. The problem is that, of course, it won't. Snow Drop is very unlikely to make the transition to a TV show because there isn't likely to be much interest in the show, and thus it would be a money loser.

Lack of interest you mean the game or that the story, legend, itself would not grab attention?

For the record the CLAMP book I was thinking of was Shirahime Syo which seems to be a telling of the Snow Goddess story and that seems to be doing well, you think an anime with that story as a background, as it was in the game, would not do well?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-07-2004).]

He meant that the game wasn’t popular enough.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Snow Drop really doesn't have much of a plot. Not much to stretch out over 13 episodes, unless you are going to make it a multi scene sex romp with every female in SD.

Now, Legends of Fairie and Fairie Nights has tons of stories potential. But you'd have to change it from Battle Mahjhang to some other battle of merged wills.

I'm sorry but I have to question this. Legends of Fairy/Fairy Nights had even worse storylines, I thought, than some of the sex-fest titles. I realize some people seem to like them, but I thought they were fairly soulless exercises in "how to copy from the book of cliches". Nothing was handled with any more depth than going through the motions - at least that was what I kept coming back to. You'd have to scrap virtually everything and rebuild it from scratch.

As for Snow Drop, there were a number of areas they could easily expound upon. The first thing they would have to do is expand the length of the vacation from 3 days. They spend time on the characters doing vacationy things - this is good for a few episodes by itself. Then there are allusions to the Yuki-onna story (good for another couple episodes' worth, spread out). Then you spend time focusing on each character. And they established a number of things that could be shown during flashbacks. This, combined with a final couple of episodes for the latter part of the game (where the actual plot is), could easily fill a 13 season. You don't even need any sex scenes, although you could probably get away with some implied stuff.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 08-07-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
He meant that the game wasn't popular enough.

Exactly. Part of the point of doing a port from the b-game medium (instead of the more common anime medium) is that you attract fans of the game. Well, in the case of Snow Drop it didn't do that well in Japan (so I have heard), so a TV show based on it wouldn't have the buzz it would if it were a more famous title.

Originally posted by perigee:
The random event triggers may have detracted from game play a little, but SD remains one of my all time favorites.

They weren't random, just incomprehensibly hidden. People were in set places at set times. You just were not clued in to where any of them were. Under this scheme, it makes sense that the game shouldn't let you waste time - if you go somewhere and no one is there, it should pretend no time passed. Instead, Snow Drop chose to penalize you for not being psychic. If you went somewhere that was empty, instead of being nice (and allowing you to go somewhere else) you just missed the event because so-and-so is in (say) the pool room and not in the dining room.

Not the most user-friendly gameplay system, but I can understand why they did it that way (the game would have been too easy) - but the game was made unnecessarily difficult by this frustrating gameplay mechanism.

One game that I think would actually have anime potential is Critical Point. It already has most of the devices for at least a short series built into it, even if it didn’t necessarily follow the path of the game itself.

Wasn’t Chain and anime?

Well what if Snow Drop was released as any non game tied anime, sure those that play the game would know, but still wouldn’t do well?

Originally posted by NerdZer0:
Recently there is many H-games that have a good storyline. (my example maybe diffrent with yours so i don't mention it). So what do you think about it? what kind of h-games that should have it's romantic non h- or even anime version?

Lots and lots of H-games are being turned non h-games and/or animes at Japan.
Even some h-games released in english, as far i know, already have non-h versions, like Kana, Private Nurse and Desire.

That's my list of translated h-games who can be turned non-h anime shows:

*EVE BURST ERROR - If we considerate all the five games from the EVE Series (Eve Zero, Eve: Burst Error(+), Eve: the Lost One, Adam the Double Factor, Eve: The Fatal Atraction), this one can be turned a great TV-action/detective series with 36 or more episodes.

*CRESCENDO - can be turned a TV-Drama/Romance with 14 episodes (2 or more for Ryo and his story with each girl).

*DESIRE - can be turned a TV-F.C. with 13 episodes (6 for each main character and a final epis. for Martina/Tina).

*DIVIDEAD - can be turned a 6-parts OAV-Suspense/Terror for the main (all the truth discovered) ending.

*KANA-LS - a 13 epis. TV-Drama series for the best ending with Kana (with some "complications").

*BRAVE SOUL - a 13 epis. TV-Action/Fantasy RPG series.

*PRIVATE NURSE - a 6-parts OAV-Romance/Mistery series.

*HEART DE ROOMMATE - 26 short episodes TV-Comedy/Romance series (you know why ^^)

*3 SISTERS STORY - a 6-parts OAV-Romance/Mistery series.

*SEASON OF THE SAKURA - a 13 epis. TV-Romance/Comedy series (but this one will *never* be done without be processed by Gainax, Clamp, etc. ^^').

*CRITICAL POINT - a TV-F.C./suspense with 13 episodes for the best ending.

*TOKIMEKI CHECK-IN - a TV-Romance/Comedy serie with 13 episodes.

*SNOW DROP - a TV-Romance/fantasy/drama serie with 13 episodes.



The others (almost all of them sex-parties) just one or maybe two-parts OAV.

[This message has been edited by Peter Gilis (edited 08-09-2004).]