H-games into romantic non h- or even anime?

Even Nadia had that… aham, ‘Asuka Langley Sohryu’-like personality, the series was good or sucessful enough to some big industry of entertainment (W–t D----y) to plagiarize. How shameful.

I just hope they will not make now a new movie or game “inspirated” in Brave Soul or Phantom of Inferno, too. (^_^)
(just imaginating an Ein-clone singing give me creeps) (@,@)

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
(just imaginating an Ein-clone singing give me creeps) (@,@)

How about a chorusline of them, then? ;p

Many people like Dragon Ball Z. This doesn't change the fact that most of it is crap, based off the fact that the "writing" is (with some exceptions) little more than an excuse to string fight sequences together; the TV show is a flagrant offender because of its "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" tendencies.

I strongly disagree with your bashing. Saying that Dragon Ball (Z) is crap is being very nasty to the title that founded the genre - shonen. Dragon Ball created the guidelines for shonen for years to come. Few mangakas can be creative enough to not be influenced by Toriyama's masterpiece. The genre needed legends, myths and heroes to build its universe. Toriyama did it.
If you think certain parts are bad, well... Consider that the mangaka wanted to end the series after the Namek saga.
(the above text largely inspired/translated from the French manga magazine Manga Spirit)

I really wanted to like nadia but after 2 vols especially since everyone said atlantis was a rip off of it. But I quit after 2 vols, Nadia was annoying as hell. Plus I heard it really lags in the middle-end of the series.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well I tend like her looks rather her temper, but she does reflect on her life later in the show. After I re-watch the series awake this time I can have a better judgment on the people.

Her attitude is severe enough that I don't care what the reason is, I don't like her. But that's just me. The show was popular enough to put Gainax on the map, after all; they must have done SOMEthing right.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I strongly disagree with your bashing. Saying that Dragon Ball (Z) is crap is being very nasty to the title that founded the genre - shonen. Dragon Ball created the guidelines for shonen for years to come. Few mangakas can be creative enough to not be influenced by Toriyama's masterpiece. The genre needed legends, myths and heroes to build its universe. Toriyama did it.
If you think certain parts are bad, well... Consider that the mangaka wanted to end the series after the Namek saga.
(the above text largely inspired/translated from the French manga magazine Manga Spirit)

You're arguing from irrelevancy. The reputation of a work, and its influence on other works, has NOTHING to do with whether or not it is any good. Most of the time good works are popular, and most of the time popular works are good. Not always.

Fist of the North Star was heavily influential, once upon a time, having a great effect on shounen as well. Doesn't mean it's any good at all. Conversely men like H. P. Lovecraft and Philip K. Dick were virtual unknowns while they were alive, only to be discovered later. Evangelion has had a profound impact on giant robot anime; this doesn't mean that people somehow MUST think it is good (and in fact the show has been panned by people who, I must acknowledge, have valid objections).

Besides which, you sort of contradicted yourself. "He wanted to end it after Namek" is all well and good in terms of putting things in context, but it doesn't make the show any better. The stuff after Namek was still written. The work must be considered as a whole; and I do agree there are some parts that are good (I find the Cell saga decently interesting), but ... as a whole, I just don't see it. Judged solely on the merits of the actual show, and not anything else (historical significance, reputation of creator, popularity), Dragon Ball Z just can't be scored that high.

Note: I'm only really talking about the anime. The manga is better. Note also that I have not actually seen much of the anime, and am speaking from information gleaned from the small parts I've seen and hearsay.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You're arguing from irrelevancy. The reputation of a work, and its influence on other works, has NOTHING to do with whether or not it is any good. Most of the time good works are popular, and most of the time popular works are good. Not always.
Dragonball (not DBZ or DBGT) was a good series, well atleast the mangas.
Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Note: I'm only really talking about the anime. The manga is better. Note also that I have not actually seen much of the anime, and am speaking from information gleaned from the small parts I've seen and hearsay.
Toriyama had little to do with the anime is probably why. In fact other than making sure it followed the managa overall in storyline and artowrk (and his lawyers made sure of this, not him personally), he had nothing to do with the anime. The first time he would see the episodes was generally when most of the rest of the Japanese populace did.

I’m more defending the manga than the anime.
But my whole point is that you have to see it how it was when it came out. It was new. It did what others never did before, and achieved it.
For its time, it was a great series.

now now…let’s not get sidetracked here. nadia and clare…fine i buy that, but lets turn the channel back to bishoujo or i will move this to off-topic

Lamuness wants this to get back on topic, so I shall bookend the conversation with this line:

I was referring ONLY to Dragonball Z, TV. Not the manga. Not Dragonball (which I actually know very little about other than “it’s some sort of wacky fun”). DBZ TV alone.

Nadia is pure gold. One of my favorite animes. I’m a Gainax fan and it was great to watch. There are some Nadia themes in the upcoming Steam Boy by the way, be sure and watch it. Nadia fans will enjoy some of the silly steampunk stuff.