H-games into romantic non h- or even anime?

hey about the 10% thingy, did even thought that memories or other need larger capacity ?
like say,we may use the 10% of the brain max capacity. but we also need a space for memories, right ? btw i just bought brave soul i think it’s great games.

That news thing is talking too long for the page to display for me to read.

That's strange, as my DSL connection is at the moment, due to bandwidth being exceeded (damn my brother), comparable to a slightly boosted 56k connection. Loaded instantly. But then again, time of day might also play a part, since it's morning in most of the US now.
Originally posted by Nandemonai:
A very common myth, that 10% figure. The brain is the most energy intensive part of the entire body, consuming the most blood and oxygen resources. Any organism that was so inefficient would very quickly be outcompeted by an organism that was more efficient, and put the extra energy into something more useful.

I had heard it is only 10% active and if there is other, whatever else is it might be used cannot be proven to the extent of how much. Yes there is memory storage and all but the rest cannot be proven as to how much else is used.

Oh yes but the brain controls the power source for the rest the body so I would assume it would need the most energy regardles to work it is the power for the rest of hte body organisms so I figure it could run at 2% and so long as that 2% powers the rest none of it will ever overtake the control of the power source, remember it is nerve impulses from the brain that tell the heart to beat, which is why I say it is the control center.

10% of the brain myth


Man, you aren’t even staying consistant! Are you having fun? I hope so!

“Terms change” says he, yet “GIRLS != LOLLICONS!” :lol:! And you admit that! You do see the humor in that, I hope! Come on! “Think outside the box!” :lol:

Again, I said if we loosen the terms from 7 out of 7 days to 4 out of 7 days, we widen the areas where such similar situations are possible or occur. Are you trying to say you agree? You seem to agree. Did you mean to?

Of course I’m anal. I’m a professional computer programmer! Coders tend to be very detail and technical. It aides in the profession, so even people that don’t start out anal tend to develop anal tendencies. Mine are just showing a bit in this thread.

Frankly, at this point of knowing you, I doubt you have a significant other. This is why: When a detail like that pops out in an internet argument, it tends to be a lie on the author’s part. If your partner really exists, then my apologies to your partner (and I hope your partner has a great laugh), but the odds are currently against it from the little data available here. The tactic of interjecting what someone you live with thinks is generally done to prove your point by an invocation of an outside, objective opinion. However, it merely comes across that you are doing it because you are not drawing support from the watching community. “Invocation of Authority” is generally done by those that cannot communicate why their way is better, and want the people they are arguing with to just give up and shut up. For example: “That’s just the way it is, cause I’m the Daddy!” or "This is horribly written application. Blind monkeys drunk on drano could do better without trying! I know, I’ve coded for Microsoft for 15 years!"

Since you ask: At the time I got hired, I was a very different person (apparently, I was quite a tragic, romantic figure. Go figure). However, I haven’t yet gone a rant here, so I wouldn’t put them off. Most liked how I’d laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of pervese situations. Like this one. This is a “I wish…” “I wish…” “I wish…” “That’s stupid! Why would anyone waste time wishing for that! You are just stupid to even consider it!” "Stupid huh? Well, so’s your wish! So Nyah! (stick out tongue)"

BTW, science has long ago proven there is magic. Belief affects outcome is a proven scientific fact. And that is magic. But when was the last time a witch popped out from a parallel dimension in front of you? Or one taken a liking to you because you were kind to a flower and she decided that you’d look better in her bed then elsewhere? Which is more likely to happen? That or a man gets hired into a position in a club or resteraunt (or some other workplace) where all the gals want to get with him (and are very forward in trying to do so)? I’ve seen enough odd things to not rule out entirely the possiblity that a traveller from a parallel dimension has come to our world and fallen in love, but its certainly never happened in my view. Again, I feel I know which is more likely to happen, and I believe you do as well.

Most of the opinions on this BBS I have read have been:
* There are not enough English translated B-Games.
* We love Peach Princess and everyone that works at Peach Princess!
* Beware the Lemon Ninjas!
* Kana is a very serious story.
* Most posters don’t like “dark” games.

Did I miss anything? I don’t think I did. But I’m always happy to learn more. I like B-Games, I like Peach Princess, and I hope to be a regular around here for some time. Unless I’m uninvited by our hosts…

The majority of opinion in this thread seems to be: I love Snow Drop, and I’d like to see it made into a manga or anime. On those two points, I disagree. There are things I’d prefer to be manganized or made into an anime before it. That isn’t a crime against B-Games, but it does seem to be treated as such by a few active here. Frankly, I was surprised to see that… I hadn’t expected this to be a “What’s the best band?” fight between primary school kids. But it has been fun, so I haven’t seen a reason to stop yet. Right now, it’s all fun. The world needs more joy and laughter, and I am happy to help out however minorly that I can.

Again, if your partner really exists, my apologies, and I hope they get a nice long laugh from it all.

Have fun!

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Frankly, at this point of knowing you, I doubt you have a significant other.

Alright, Darkstar. Here's the deal.

I don't care about the truth of this statement. It's not appropriate to go after SCDawg like that. What does that have anything to do with anything?

This board doesn't have flame wars. Let's not change that now.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
The majority of opinion in this thread seems to be: I love Snow Drop, and I'd like to see it made into a manga or anime.

Never said that. In fact I've denied this.

Do I like Snow Drop? Yeah, I like it a lot. I recognize it is a flawed game.

The topic was "which b-games would make a good anime", not "which would I like to watch an anime of". I suggested Snow Drop because it is complex yet simple enough to fit into 13 episodes.

You seem to be misunderstanding my continued discussion of the topic as obsession. I am simply debating the logic involved and answering posts.

Of course, we aren't even talking about Snow Drop anymore ...

DarkStar, what are you smoking? o_O

Anyway, thanks for that rant about the significant other. I can use that on another board!

Originally posted by Darkstar:

Man, you aren't even staying consistant! Are you having fun? I hope so! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

"Terms change" says he, yet "GIRLS != LOLLICONS!" :lol:! And you admit that! You do see the humor in that, I hope! Come on! "Think outside the box!" :lol:

I admit nothing. Actually you too are being a contradiction at times, you say these things exist in real life, but now loosen terms to artistic license is taken, so I take it you have "loosened terms" on fairy tales?

I also said terms CHANGE so maybe in 10 years the term you highlighted "GIRLS != LOLLICONS!" (which I never said and which is not entirely accurate) will end up being changed, perhaps either through ignorant over used American alteration of the word or some other reason Lollicons will start to me mean programming about kids from outerspace, I don't know, the point is in time it could change in meaning.

This has the implication, since you seem to have missed it, of go with the meaning that exists in the time you live, but realize it changes so when it changes change with it never hold to the idea that nothing changes. So when someone says something has changed, don't tell them how they are wrong, how you, for example, know fairy tales are always "this" because this is what it says in a book dated 1921 or something along those lines tells you they mean, adapt with the times.

As to the one statement made about my "significant other", oh yes she does exist and no she does not live with me.

Yes nations invoke the authority figure all the time "God Bless Our Troops" "God Bless America" and so on and so forth, and do it to justify their actions from time to time. So I am aware of that trick and would never stoop so low as to use it, at least for something as meaningless as this discussion.

Yet you too could be seen to be using it when you say "I'm a computer programmer". Yes it might actually be your job, but it is also a job which might give the impression of authority and knowledge about computers, computer games and therefore perhaps knowledge about good games versus bad that those who are not programmers would never stand a chance to hold.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-27-2004).]

aww guys please behave…dont make me close this thread too just like the other one…this appears to be worse than what’s happening on the other thread…

darkstar, i think you are going a bit too far on personal attacks. it’s not nice and please refrain from doing so in the future

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-27-2004).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I don't care about the truth of this statement. It's not appropriate to go after SCDawg like that. What does that have anything to do with anything?

This board doesn't have flame wars. Let's not change that now.

This board does have flame wars. You might want to open your eyes and see all the flames you've participated in, as well as the others. Most of them I've read here amount to the insiders telling new visitors to stop playing in their private playground, shut up, and go away, because new people are not welcome here. Having been a member of several small communities, I understand that most of that is an emergent behavior of the active posters disagreeing with the new poster and dog-piling them. But the message communicated to those not intimately familar with the community is that it dislikes new people, and "go away, we only talk to our own". Something for people in small communities who want others to feel welcome and stay (so you can grow) should remember from time to time. It really comes across as hostility, not chumming around. Please note: I'm not *picking* on the Peach Princess board. I'm pointing out how it looks. All small communties like this have this problem. To counter it, you need people rolling out the red carpet or welcome wagon to let people know you aren't barking at them, but just treating them like one of your own. Take another look through this thread. There's been 2 forms of disagreement... the main form has been "That's stupid and you are stupid for saying it". That *creates* the flame (when you send out hostility and insults to people, that's what you get back). Then there's the less used "I disagree. There's plenty of potential." which calls out the more calm response "Well, if you say so. I think other things have better mass appeal".

Second, if you drag anything into an internet flame, it's a free target. Examine how everyone fighting has jumped on everything even mentioned in passing because people were busy having a go at adding to the flame. That's why people who have SOs never drag them in, and especially not by saying "I just showed my partner this, and they are laughing their behind off at your stupidity". You keep that to yourself and laugh with your partner at them (if they want to play along, they can always register or just use your login to post their own response if thats their sense of fun). Otherwise, if you post it, it puts them into play as legitimate target and you only have yourself to blame (you posted an attack on the other guy via an "outside and out of bounds" agent). That's according to common sense, and according to netiquette (that's why that's evolved in that fashion). I trust basic netiquette is followed here? Most of netiquette is just an evolution of human behavior on the net, and a bit of polite curtesy.

Seriously, you guys need some new blood. Look at your responses to just a regular old net hand posting an opinion. Attacks, flames, denials of making attacks or flames. You'd think this was second grade, and a new kid had just transfered in. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] That's definately a sign of a small, stagnate community. When was the last time a new poster stuck around long enough for people to respond multiple times to them in something other then "I can't get Claire!"?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The topic was "which b-games would make a good anime", not "which would I like to watch an anime of". I suggested Snow Drop because it is complex yet simple enough to fit into 13 episodes.

You seem to be misunderstanding my continued discussion of the topic as obsession. I am simply debating the logic involved and answering posts.

Pardon me: What is the real world difference between "make a good anime" and "which I would like to watch"? Do you buy anime because they are made well (good production value) or because they look interesting (something you might like)?

To me, one is the equivalent of the other question. A well produced but very "boring" movie is still a "boring" movie, and not one I would be interested in. Of course, I recognize that everyone has different taste and interest, but the question is effectively identical. Your own answer to my original suggestion implies that you agree with the fact that there is no significant differences between the two questions. You called my first choice derivative, not that it could not be "well made". That implied you'd find such an anime boring, and therefore not worthy of the bother of making. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-31-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
DarkStar, what are you smoking? o_O

Anyway, thanks for that rant about the significant other. I can use that on another board! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

What, me? Nothing! I gave up smoking years ago. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hey, no problem. There's a few basics to these things. People with partners never drag them in... not after the first time someone reacts to it, at least. Why? Because doing so puts the partner into play, and that ends up getting some response ("My sweet wife was looking over my shoulder to see what I was laughing at so loudly, and she started laughing too! She says that you are the biggest idiot God ever created! She says that you must be the world's court jester, put here to make everyone laugh by merely watching and listening to you!"). Netiquette then puts that "sweet wife" into full play, and people with SOs end up never mentioning just how much she is laughing at everyone elses stupidity... not after the flame target that made out of her.

Now, people with SOs that mention them a lot outside of flames (ie, "I'd love to play some more on this great new game and tell you people about it, but the Mistress of the House just handed me a honey do list, so you guys will have to wait until Sunday for any more thoughts.") do tend to actually have them. But then, they also tend to mention them from time to time because that's just how they are. Other posters won't ever mention that they are married, have 3 kids, and 7 grandkids, even though they are all very important people in their life. That sort of person that keeps their real life and their electronic life seperate.

It's just basic human behavior under common stimuli. If you care about people in your real life and don't want them insulted, you don't invoke them in arguments or debates with complete strangers in a medium that strips away the majority of people's social inhibitions. Because some butthead is going to have a few goes at them when you tell that butthead that your daughter thinks they are stupid toilet face who needs a brain and personality transplant. Humans eventually learn that passing that bit of info on (even if it is cute and funny and *true*) draws insulting replies that can hurt. Imagine that?

Now, people without partners that are just trying to "look right" or "give an insult without looking like they are the ones making the insult" will, instead of getting mad that their SO/outside person they care about was attacked, say something to try and look like their "SO" exists. You do get the rare cases where there is a partner and the invoker didn't get mad and is instead trying to convince people their SO exists, but that's almost always because they don't consider their partner important in their life, merely an object, and they are instead offended that you didn't buckle down under the weight of two "correct" expert opinions (usually, in those cases, the SO never said anything of the sort).

Electronic communication and human behavior hasn't changed since the first dial up message boards and VAXNET email lists. If you ever get a chance to read up on how people act and react under those early communities, you'll see that people are still behaving in the exact same way under the newer forms of electronic communication. Only the names have changed. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]


I probably have been contradictionary in this thread. I’ve vassaled between being hard-nosed in defending my opinion about what I’d like to see made into an anime, and kicking back, relaxing, and having fun chatting (like I normally try to be while here and have generally done so, outside this one thread).

I said if we widen the terms, we get a larger set of similar circumstances. If we allow for artistic license, we can get similar situations to DYLHB and Snow Drop. You just don’t have to go as far to reach a similarity to DYLHB as to Snow Drop in my opinion (you have to “drop” a character from Snow Drop to find similar circumstances versus you merely drop the “7 out of 7 days” to a human norm to reach DYLHB similar circumstances). Do you disagree on that? If you think Snow Drop is closer to reality then DYLHB, then we are done debating that point, and will have to settle for disagreeing on it.

Words do change. Look at the differences words take on when another language absorbs them. English to Japanese and Japanese to English provide many examples. I wasn’t talking, however, about in 10 years. We were discussing now. Right now, “GIRLS != LOLLICONS!” here. Are you contesting that? Or trying to change this point to how words change through the natural evolution of human usage?

Pardon… but either you can argue that words are what the mean now, and not how they are misused, or you can argue that the context you meant was different then their given meaning/definition. But it is logically pointless to have a debate with you arguing both sides of that issue. We can discuss how things change, or what they mean, but if you argue both sides, you don’t need an outside partner to take this up with. Therefore, you can take it off-line and settle it with yourself, sparing the board long, long, long posts of how you describe that “changes change but nothing changes”. I believe you were the one that brought the conversation to heel on that point. Just so you know, when you start arguing over definitions, that’s a serious sign the actual debate or argument is over or has been left behind in most places (although not as often true on boards where the speakers don’t share the same first language and same culture). Might as well argue about the poor grammar and how people should have used better punctuation. Yes, I know I enabled and followed on this point. I recognize that fact. I’m still learning who the posters are, and the nuances of this community. I was going with the flow on that point— which, I believe, was an actual complaint of yours, that I wasn’t and should? (We should always be careful what we wish for. ) That item gave me a nice chuckle, thank you. I appreciated it. Honestly.

Well, since she exists: Good luck to the both of you. May you both experience more happiness then sadness!

Unfortunately, you did stoop there. If you didn’t mean for it to look that way, please examine how you responded and see how you did so. It’s something most of us tend to do, one way or the other. I do it myself from time to time, but I try not to when on the Net. I don’t always succeed , however. People don’t really know me on the Net, so they don’t know when I’m really talking from a “professional” or “experienced” capacity, and from a simple “Shooting the breeze” one. Peach Princess isn’t likely to take any of our opinions here seriously, but if they had hired one of us, suddenly our opinion has a different value to them. (Well, if it’s what they are paying you for. )

I was not using it when I said I’m a computer programmer. I was agreeing that I am indeed a bit anal, and that my profession tends to reinforce it (as well as trying to subtlely alert readers to the fact that I find it acceptable to be informed when people think I am being overly or unnecessarily so). Unlike many coders, I can go from the “big picture” to the finest detail most of the time, which has its advantages as well as its draw-backs (makes me a good coder overall, but there are people that out “computer” me out there). However, the fact that I’m a coder should not give anyone the impression that it is an “Authority” position on what is a good computer game. Only that I understand computer code. Code knoweldge does not equal game crafting knowledge.

Some people might not understand the difference. So, for them… Just because you can build a car does not mean you can design a car that looks stylish or is “fun” to drive. Just as I should be able to make an application, does not mean I can make a fun application. To make that connection is similar to thinking just because someone can write, they are an expert author on making detective stories or action adventure movie scripts. Only people that make games have any professional authority on the making of games. While I do have professional authority on making UI (User Interfaces) and therefore feel that I can rip poorly implemente User Interfaces in games a new hole to breathe through, it has been a very long time since I worked professionally (that means, get paid) on games. The only thing I’m an expert on about games, in that sense, is what games I find (or found) fun. And we are all experts on that. At least, I hope. If you thought I was trying to “prove” that I professionally and objectively know a good game from a bad one, I apologize.

If you want to discuss technical aspects of computer games (the architecture or implementation), then yes, I probably have a bit more of a clue then the stereotypical 13 year old. But if you want to discuss what is more fun in computer games, then my opinion has no more weight then anyone else who plays games.

Did that clear that up? I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was Will Wright or Sid Meier or Chris Sawyer in disguise here. I’m just another poster who loves B-Games!

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-31-2004).]

This board does have flame wars. You might want to open your eyes and see all the flames you've participated in, as well as the others. Most of them I've read here amount to the insiders telling new visitors to stop playing in their private playground, shut up, and go away, because new people are not welcome here.

I haven't seen anything of what you talk about. No flame wars. Everyone has stayed civil in every discussion I've seen.
Except... in this one, when you started to get offensive on SCDawg.
When was the last time a new poster stuck around long enough for people to respond multiple times to them in something other then "I can't get Claire!"?

Not that long ago. Wolfson is your example. I joined some time before him, and have stuck around. Then there's the fact that we have a new member here since a couple of days ago.
People that post for help in the Bishoujo Game Help section usually don't stay because all they want is help with a game, not joining the board.
Just so you know, when you start arguing over definitions, that's a *serious sign* the actual debate or argument is over or has been left behind in most places (although not as often true on boards where the speakers don't share the same first language and same culture).

No, that's just how SCDawg is.
Originally posted by Darkstar:
Pardon me: What is the real world difference between "make a good anime" and "which I would like to watch"? Do you buy anime because they are made well (good production value) or because they look interesting (something you might like)?

To me, one is the equivalent of the other question. A well produced but very "boring" movie is still a "boring" movie, and not one I would be interested in. Of course, I recognize that everyone has different taste and interest, but the question is effectively identical. Your own answer to my original suggestion implies that you agree with the fact that there is no significant differences between the two questions. You called my first choice derivative, not that it could not be "well made". That implied you'd find such an anime boring, and therefore not worthy of the bother of making. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-31-2004).]

They are not identical. Many people like Dragon Ball Z. This doesn't change the fact that most of it is crap, based off the fact that the "writing" is (with some exceptions) little more than an excuse to string fight sequences together; the TV show is a flagrant offender because of its "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" tendencies. Some people like Devilman Lady, and that's a really bad show too, mostly centering around the show desperately trying to be deep and utterly failing. I like the RPG Rhapsody, somewhat, but am forced to acknowledge it is - at best - barely this side of mediocre when considered according to the usual objective criteria used to judge TRPG's.

For anime, general objective criteria can be defined. Good shows are well done in any of several ways; usually well written and well animated. (I'm oversimplifying a bit; these 2 categories can be broken down into separate ones ) Some shows are good with just one of these points, but it is harder to compensate.

In the case of Snow Drop the writing and general concepts in the storyline are sophisticated and complex enough that it would be relatively easy to base a decently complex 13-episode season around the game's events. (I've expounded on these before, not going to repeat it here.) Further, the graphics are in a distinctive style many like. Legend of Fairies, on the other hand, is a stock storyline with stock characters done in about the most straightforward way I can imagine, with a "twist" to make it different. And the graphics are outdated. To make a well written show out of it would, in my opinion, require junking so much of the original, that the end result (while it might be quite good) would not ultimately resemble the original very much at all.

This isn't a very good explanation of what I mean, but I hope you can at least get an idea of what I'm trying to say here.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I had just watched the anime ( yawn -- some very late nights ) Nadia - the secret of the blue water and just thought while reading this post. if you think getting Claire is hard, What about catching Nadia..
[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 09-01-2004).]

Actually, Nadia herself is the main reason I don't like the series. I just can't get over how nasty she is.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Seriously, you guys need some new blood. ... When was the last time a new poster stuck around long enough for people to respond multiple times to them in something other then "I can't get Claire!"?

You are a newbie yourself. Irregardless of whether or not the board actually does attract new people, you will be inclined to think not. If someone "joined" even 2 weeks before you started posting, you will think they are a regular, unless you religiously check the profile of anyone who ever posts.

Besides which, I can easily name a new face. You.

Most of the whole show. I missed some episodes (had to work, anime club was showing it) but I really just had no respect for someone who yells at a guy for saving her life. She annoys me, and she’s a main character, so she gets a lot of screen time.

Personally i agree with nandemonai that nadia is a b!tch in terms of her personality, and that’s why i dont like the series much

but how does nadia relate to clare anyways?