H-games into romantic non h- or even anime?

Snow Drop has zero originality. That was my point. The little sister that suddenly gets taboo ideas, the childhood best friend who will do anything for the hero, the best friend’s older sister, the gorgeous widow who is available. Pu-lease… I just found the remark that Legends is derivative to be irratating since Snow Drop is so stereotypical. (That means, derivative). I understood that Legends is fairly pedestrian. But so is Snow Drop.

Snow Drop, as described here for a series, would be just be Hot Dog (the movie) meets Princess of the Mountain (if you keep one of the long plot endings).

If that’s your thing, enjoy. That’s why we do things… to enjoy our free time. More power to you and all that.

I just do not find that Snow Drop is a great a game. Not even when compared to what else was out on the market when Snow Drop first came out.

I’ve played DYLHB. I thought it was alright for light fare (which is all I expected from it). I’m not sure why people are so down on it here… it has more story lines to it then SD. Although SD’s longest story/gal has more in it then DYLHB. Is it that it is the equivalent of SD now? You know, stereotypical?

As I said… if you have a good crafter, you could make an interesting series out of any starting seed, no matter how average or pedestrian. That’s not a sign that the game or source material is good… just that the story crafters are.

Most fairy tales were teaching instruments. Stay in your place, or you will suffer and die. Mind your manners, or you will suffer and die. Beware of strangers, or you will suffer and die. It’s not until the Victorian era when childhood becomes to be seen as a seperate stage of life, and something to be cherished and protected, that the fairy tales start getting nice endings.

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-23-2004).]

Originally posted by Darkstar:
I've played DYLHB (...) it has more story lines to it then SD.

I am not going to ask where the story is in DYLHB, having played both I have seen two sentence history lessons on sugar packets with richer plots then DYLHB, so not going to ask how you can possibly conclude that it has more story lines to it, unless you mean more girls to choose from, but that does not automatically make something a better game.

As for lack of originality, after the first 200 adventure games, much like the one you sited, I think much of the originality was used up. Remember originality does not always rest in something that is actually original, it can rest more often in how the story is told, some of the most compelling stories and story tellers can take an old story and make it seem new.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Most fairy tales were teaching instruments. Stay in your place, or you will suffer and die. Mind your manners, or you will suffer and die. Beware of strangers, or you will suffer and die. It's not until the Victorian era when childhood becomes to be seen as a seperate stage of life, and something to be cherished and protected, that the fairy tales start getting nice endings.

Yes the originals were full of wonderful lessons(massive sarcasm) to teach children, obey orders, never question authority, when we demand you jump you ask us how high when you are already in the air, oh yes wonderful stories for children and even many of the 'newer' nice ones keep that general tone of obedience above all else, not a lesson I personally would be eager to teach children of my own someday.

That aside Snow Drop has a wonderful legend that is different then a fairy tale insofar as legends never need to have morals, and I think by standard convention fairy tales do, so it is possible to do so much more with the legend in Snow Drop then it would be if it was a fairy tale thus why with a good story teller can do a lot with this which you consider not to be original.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-23-2004).]

No, Snow Drop does not. The White Woman legend included in the game notes is interesting. And it’s an old tale found in several cultures. The actual “fairy tale” of Snow Drop is stereotypical hentai of the time. Just in a ski lodge, rather then in a high school/junior college.

DYLHB has more story in that it has stories for the lady choices presented. Sure, it’s a basis ADV with some guaranteed H scenes, but there’s more going on then one plot with various grades of “you didn’t win” endings. If Snow Drop was done today, it would probably get filled out more and make for an interesting B-game. Perhaps something more like Tottome Pheromone? That would make it a good gaming experience for more B-game fans.

As for telling a tale… it wasn’t told very well. In fact, it was told extremely poorly, as the game is implemented. Since it only has one real plot, for telling a story, it would be better going the route of Legends, and just be a picture book. Of course, that is what people are saying here: Snow Drop would be better as an anime. I agree with that. That would improve its entertainment value.

Children got taught those lessons for a reason. A 5 or 8 year old was expected by his or her “betters” to know everything their parents knew. Best to keep quiet, do as you are told, stay in your place, and not bother your betters or you might get a stretch at the Rack. Or picked to test how well a blade passes through human flesh.

Originally posted by Darkstar:

No, Snow Drop does not. The White Woman legend included in the game notes is interesting. And it's an old tale found in several cultures. The actual "fairy tale" of Snow Drop is stereotypical hentai of the time. Just in a ski lodge, rather then in a high school/junior college.

Yes it did, stop focusing so much on the limited aspect you seem fixated upon. How many stories turned from manga to anime, anime to game, game to anime or manga fixate on the limited amount you are "let's see what's in the game nothing too bad". No, they say oh this legend is in the game, let's take that, expand it and work from there keeping to the idea of the game. If people could tell you all of any story, legend or historical saga, for this example say the French Revolution in one of these games we wouldn't need history classes, just hand out games for people to learn without knowing it.

Even touching on part of the legend means it has the legend as part of the story and I have always heard it called legend not fairy tale, which are two very different things.

DYLHB has more story in that it has stories for the lady choices presented. Sure, it's a basis ADV with some guaranteed H scenes, but there's more going on then one plot with various grades of "you didn't win" endings. If Snow Drop was done today, it would probably get filled out more and make for an interesting B-game. Perhaps something more like Tottome Pheromone? That would make it a good gaming experience for more B-game fans.

Yes but they are not great stories, they are stories that, yes I know this is not reality, but they are stories that even within the idea that they are not reality are a reach. Working with all horny waitresses that amazingly all have a different fetish that basically covers all the "major" fetishes out there, yes that is a great story line.

Personally I think DYLHB needed more to fill it out, a reason even in the realm of the absurd as to why not in one but two restaurants a bunch of waitresses who all happen to be horny and most likely many are virgins have been waiting for you the PC to show and have sex with them, at least other games have a better constructed backstory. Even Tottome Pheromone's backstory and reason that all that sex was needed was more plasuable within the realm of fiction then DYLHB's backstory.

As for telling a tale... it wasn't told very well. In fact, it was told extremely poorly, as the game is implemented. Since it only has one real plot, for telling a story, it would be better going the route of Legends, and just be a picture book. Of course, that is what people are saying here: Snow Drop would be better as an anime. I agree with that. That would improve its entertainment value.

I did not mean per say in the game, though I did not think it was told poorly, whereas the idea of being in a seaside restaurant with women that are always amazingly horny tells very poorly the second time around if not the first.

Despite what you are now saying about the anime, part of what you are saying and have been saying, in my view, when you are talking down about the game is that you feel it has no value as an anime because (all your reasons), but I am saying forget the limited view, base the legend and tale in Snow Drop and have a story teller expand upon that, and who knows what you may find. Take Star Wars for example, it's a very basic adventure story, but in the way it was told it has legions of fans that still dress up as JEDI Knights, but I bet the original outline was anything but that compelling. Likewise you take from this story and have an expert story-teller flush it out a bit. You seem to be saying the same now, so please understand the game would be the basis and I think it had a good story, the best ever no, a good one yes.

Children got taught those lessons for a reason. A 5 or 8 year old was expected by his or her "betters" to know everything their parents knew. Best to keep quiet, do as you are told, stay in your place, and not bother your betters or you might get a stretch at the Rack. Or picked to test how well a blade passes through human flesh.

The same excuses the "state" makes for taking over educating the young from public institutions and parents, so they learn who their "betters" are and know everything that is important to know, which is only what the state wants you to know, or perhaps in this case parents who tell such tales.

Not sure about keeping quiet. First lesson any child should learn is how powerful a and dangerous a weapon knowledge can be against those that fear it and try to suppress it, which is the opposite of what these fairy tales try to teach in your example. Also if done correctly you can speak out unknown, at least in the time periods you are mentioning in terms of the rack, and by the way, though I am sure you realize this, "your betters" have always been those with money and not so coincidentally power or vice versa, but not always those deserving of either which is why those in power should always be questioned without fear of the rack or some other device, remember they can only kill you once a lifetime.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-23-2004).]

It is a fairy tale. Legends are based on some person or event that actually happened. Fairy tales are purely fantasy. Otherwise, they’d be legends.

The fight is over why Snow Drop is superior to all other B-games in story, telling, and depth, and therefore it should be made into an actual anime series. That is what I strongly I disagree with. It’s not. It’s pedestrian at best. A good story teller could make it interesting. But they are effectively throwing away the game’s story to do that. Why? Because SD isn’t structured well as a story. It’s a puzzle game, after all, in which you unlock sex scenes by picking the correct solution. And it plays very much like it, rather then playing like a natural, unfolding story.

As I’ve said, if people want to burn their money into making Snow Drop the anime, good luck to them. I just don’t know anyone that would BUY such here (where I live in the States). Perhaps over in MangaLand where there’s a real market it would generate enough interest to be profitable? Without profit, there will be no other projects, after all. So that’s what I’m fixated on.

Otherwise, if we are just spitting and wishing, I’d prefer to see something ambitious. Perhaps a multi-year, large story arc conversion of Brave Soul. That would be nice. And I know people that would buy that!

I’m not sure why Darkstar singles out Snow Drop as an example of a bad game. There are certainly worse. I find the story, artwork and music well above average. As one reviewer said about the character design

I really like the artwork by Shikage Nagi. She has a great way of drawing “the girl next door.” And the way her art has a very airy, watercolor look to it adds to the fairy-tale story of the game. The way she draws the girls figures is great as well. Very well done “cheese cake” shots that just show curves and how the sun catches their hair. Very good artwork.
If you don’t like the illustrations for Snow Drop, you may also be disappointed with Little My Maid, where Shikage Nagi is once again the artist.

Calling Snow Drop one of the worst implemented sex romps is a bit of hyperbole. Granted, it can’t be deemed classic literature, but then what bishoujo game can? Even our beloved Kana is basically a sentimental soap opera. It’s no more original than the 1929 romance novel, Magnificent Obsession, a story about a spoiled kid who ridicules a handicapped girl until she almost dies - at which point he falls completely in love and dedicates his life to finding a cure for her, to the point of becoming a brain surgeon and performing a life-saving operation. Check out the 1950’s movie version starring Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman if you want to see a real tear-jerker.

I think it’s safe to say the Yuki Onna story is a classic Japanese legend. I don’t think it’s a chidlren’s tale in the same sense as most European fairy tales. What’s the moral lesson supposed to be, don’t go camping alone in the middle of winter and let yourself be seduced by a mysterious spirit woman? I’m grateful that Snow Drop used it as a back story or I might never have heard this fascinating legend.

I guess I have a soft spot for Snow Drop because it was just being released when I first learned about bishoujo games, and it’s what led me to this board. I recall it was promoted as “one of Japan’s most popular games” at the time, so I’m a little surprised to hear the contrary now. In the end, it’s the same as with any game - it appeals to some people, but not others. Those of us who have enjoyed it don’t want to see others discouraged from trying it by excessively negative remarks.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
It is a fairy tale. Legends are based on some person or event that actually happened. Fairy tales are purely fantasy. Otherwise, they'd be legends.

Not always, there is the Legend of Paul Bunyan and Babe, His Giant Blue Ox, or are you telling me there is proof that a giant blue ox and a giant man actually lived as lumberjacks? If not then by your terms that is no legend despite it's title and several 100 year acceptance as a legend. Stop thinking so narrowly about terms and definitions, it's the same as people saying all Bishoujo games are porn, which they are not, just as not all that is about real people are legends nor are all legends about real people, sometimes they merely based on real events. Yes even Fairy Tales have a basis in reality, as was mentioned I am not sure it was here or somewhere else about Hanzel and Grettle's base in reality. Yet my main way to tell is if it has a preachy moral it's a fairy tale, if it has a good story and perhaps no moral, to a moral that makes you have to think, then it's a legend.

You also cannot prove to me the events in "Story of the Snow Lady" (also check page one. it is called Snow Lady Legend in the provided link) portrayed in Snow Drop did not happen in some form can you? My proof that some of it did happen is within the story because all stories have some basis in truth.

Originally posted by perigee:
What's the moral lesson supposed to be, don't go camping alone in the middle of winter and let yourself be seduced by a mysterious spirit woman? I'm grateful that Snow Drop used it as a back story or I might never have heard this fascinating legend.

That would be a useful moral, and also goes with what I was saying, as you pointed out perigee, legends, at least this one, rarely if ever have morals attached to them, and if they do they are morals that require some thought as to what they are, without having them nicely lit up like the Las Vegas Strip as they are in fairy tales.

[quote] I guess I have a soft spot for Snow Drop because it was just being released when I first learned about bishoujo games, and it's what led me to this board. (...)Those of us who have enjoyed it don't want to see others discouraged from trying it by excessively negative remarks.

I think this part of why I don't like to see the game so taken apart. It was one of the earliest ones that I played, to be honest I actually liked it a lot which is perhaps partly why I am so excited about the release of LMM, all but promised to be before the end of this year, it is done in a similar style in terms of artwork at the very least. Also, I also agree with the last statement perigee made, and perhaps that is why I have in part been so adamant about trying to show the story is not that bad, and by far has more story and a lot more originality and unquestionably more plausibility then DYLHB, as Snow Drop had the legend based most probably on someone's real experience, versus of the odds of finding not one but two restaurants full of waitresses that just happen to have been waiting for you the PC to fill their every sexual desire.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
The fight is over why Snow Drop is superior to all other B-games in story, telling, and depth, and therefore it should be made into an actual anime series. That is what I strongly I disagree with. It's not. It's pedestrian at best. A good story teller could make it interesting. But they are effectively throwing away the game's story to do that. Why? Because SD isn't structured well as a story. It's a puzzle game, after all, in which you unlock sex scenes by picking the correct solution. And it plays very much like it, rather then playing like a natural, unfolding story.

As I've said, if people want to burn their money into making Snow Drop the anime, good luck to them. I just don't know anyone that would BUY such here (where I live in the States). Perhaps over in MangaLand where there's a real market it would generate enough interest to be profitable? Without profit, there will be no other projects, after all. So that's what I'm fixated on.

Otherwise, if we are just spitting and wishing, I'd prefer to see something ambitious. Perhaps a multi-year, large story arc conversion of Brave Soul. That would be nice. And I know people that would buy that! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

There is some truth to this. I was not even pretending to consider practicalities when I suggested Snow Drop. In fact, you are right. Turning a multipath adventure game like Snow Drop into a TV series is not trivial and sequencing the events so as to be true to the original while maintaining a reasonable pace ... is hard. Therefore it's more expensive, and no one is going to plunk down the cash it would require to make Snow Drop into an anime.

When I said Snow Drop would make a good anime, I recognize that many aspects of the game would need to be changed (Keika, for instance, would essentially need a personality transplant). But the core of the story elements would be enough, if fleshed out, for a respectable 13 episode anime.

Originally posted by perigee:
I think it's safe to say the Yuki Onna story is a classic Japanese legend. I don't think it's a chidlren's tale in the same sense as most European fairy tales. What's the moral lesson supposed to be, don't go camping alone in the middle of winter and let yourself be seduced by a mysterious spirit woman? I'm grateful that Snow Drop used it as a back story or I might never have heard this fascinating legend.

The lesson is to always keep your deals and promises.

And technically, it's a fairy tale. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]


There is an actual person that inspired the Paul Bunyan legend. The Blue Ox comes from a kind of Black Ox that looks a bit blue in certain lighting. Since Paul became “larger then life”, so did his Ox. That’s how storytelling of folk tales often goes.

Have you ever worked in a club? I ask, because I have. And every single gal that worked there was scorable (and many would make good B-Game models). They weren’t “waiting” on a particular person… just the right kind of person. So, how can DYLHB really be any more outrageous then any other B-Game setup? Reality supports it happening more then Snow Drop.

Now, myths are stories that may have some kernal of truth to them. When a legend loses its kernal of truth, it becomes a legend. If we want to get anal about matters, most fairy tales are not fairy tales. They are legends. Fairy tales require a fairy. And most of Grim’s tales do not feature any Fae.

Tales that are preachy? That’s most teaching tales. And those tend to be tales meant for little ears. What is “The Little Engine that could”? It’s a teaching tale… never give up. If it was 4 centuries or more old, we’d call it a legend. Instead, it’s a pleasant fiction.

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-24-2004).]

Sorry long message

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Have you ever worked in a club? I ask, because I have. And every single gal that worked there was scorable (and many would make good B-Game models). So, how can DYLHB really be any more outrageous then any other B-Game setup? Reality supports it happening more then Snow Drop.

Never worked in a club, personally I have done all possible to avoid the food service industry learned a long time ago it is better to know as little as possible about the preparation that goes into food you eat. However, if you know of a club where all of the female servers are continuously horny all of the time then I would like to see it and perhaps would reconsider my aversion to working in the food service industry. However, if you do not now of one where all of them continuously horny all the time then no reality does not support it happening, because at any given moment of any given day in any given location you can probably find more then one person of each gender that is horny, but thanks to something called common sense, or perhaps common courtesy, they have learned to repress those feelings until they are out of the public eye at the very least or most of them have, those that have not are well frowned upon.

So unless you can find me a place where there is one male and nothing but females other then him who are continuously horny all the time with their “energies” only directed at him, I don’t buy DYLHB being more in tune with reality because as said in any given place at any given time you can find more then one person that is likely horny, but never will you find a place where all the girls are horny and amazingly only toward one guy, who will all agree to nicely have sex with him and then step back once he picks which is his favorite, oh yeah that has a basis in reality.

How can it be more outrageous then any other B-Game setup? Well it is far more likely someone can create a chemical to increase pheromones, kind of as was done in Tottome Pheromone, to attract people. After all, what do you think is the real modern day reason for perfumes and colognes, to increase or alter our scent, which is perhaps one of the first things noticed on a subconscious level that draws people to each other, so that has more basis in reality and is less outrageous then being hired by a horny woman for a restaurant filled with horny women. Then let’s see, there is Crescendo where you do nice things to help various girls while treating them kindly and being friendly, which means gasp they might actually fall in love with you and after courting them for a time, they might want to have sex, slaps head who would have thought it could work that way?

In Kana you spend a lot of time around her and it is understandable how she could fall in love with you on some level or another, happens in hospitals between nurses and those they care for (Florence Nightingale Effect), happens in a way within hostage situations and kidnappings too (Stockholm Syndrome), of course helping to care for her also helped bring it into reality as to why she could fall in love. Heart de Roommate once again you are kind to them and spend time around them and something just might happen, then there is Check In! you spend time around them, show them more favoritism then other girls, treat them kindly go out of your way to help them, and they fall in love with you, Private Nurse similar idea, add in the childhood friend concept to some of these games.

Shall I go on as to how many of the games and I never said all, but many have a great basis in reality then DYLHB? Granted some like Secret Wives Club and Slave Pageant do not have that basis in reality, but then again it is easier for me to believe one, maybe three wives, who are sexually deprived might try something like that then it is to find a restaurant filled with horny waitresses that each have their own unique fetish that pretty much covers the board of fetishes.

They weren’t “waiting” on a particular person… just the right kind of person.

So in the case of DYLHB the right kind of person just happened to be a young male? Well that sure narrowed down the possible pool of candidates to perhaps oh close to maybe a billion world wide, he’s lucky he got there first, or was it his wine knowledge that pushed him to the head of the class? Yet even given that, the right person just happens to be the same for each of them when all they know about him is he started working at their restuarant and knows something about wines? At least in the other games the female characters know more about the male character so I can see each finding something about him that makes him worth perhaps getting to know better, but DYLHB, what makes him perfect? That he’s a “sex friend” of one of the others?
Now, myths are stories that may have some kernal of truth to them. When a legend loses its kernal of truth, it becomes a legend. If we want to get anal about matters, most fairy tales are not fairy tales. They are legends. Fairy tales require a fairy. And most of Grim’s tales do not feature any Fae.

Other way around I am afraid, look at most of the legends of “American Heroes” or “British Heroes” or pick your nation’s heroes and you will find that those stories are about 90% accurate, it’s the 10% inaccurate that is a what makes them legends and it is always an impressive 10% that turns these people from ordinary people into icons for decades to come, and ensures their legend will not be forgotten.

Not all fairy tales require a fairy as you said, so please once again stop thinking inside the box, to quote a phrase. Little Red Riding Hood, considered a fairy tale, where is the fairy? Goldilocks and the Three Bears, considered a fairy tale, where is the fairy? These are fairy tales because history has long ago accepted them as such and so what if history has been perveted, it was done so long before our time and this is something that we can let get perverted because frankly so long as they keep it as it has become fairy tale = moral lesson and legend = no moral lesson or one that must be thought of, then they can call Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Ghostbusters a fairy tale for all I care so long as they find morals to attach to them.


Tales that are preachy? That’s most teaching tales. And those tend to be tales meant for little ears. What is “The Little Engine that could”? It’s a teaching tale… never give up.

Oh most are preachy but few are preachy in a way that says try harder and think for yourself, most teach you to submit to authority as you pointed out and those are the only ones I have qualms with, I actually like the “Little Engine that Could” because in a way it teaches children what others, have said perhaps one of the best was Tennyson in Ulysses “(…)But strong in will/To seek, to strive, to find/And not to yield”. In other words as you said not to give up howver it also teaches them that the mind is powerful, mind over matter.
If it was 4 centuries or more old, we’d call it a legend. Instead, it’s a pleasant fiction.

Oh yes and if you bury a 10 dollar watch in the sand and dig it up 1,000 years later you can stick in it a museum and be world famous, works of fiction can become classics but they are not the same as legends, all legends have some bit of truth, as you so kindly pointed out with the Paul Bunyun story. We also would not call “The Little Engine That Could” a legend because it never truly happened, all legends have some basis in truth, just as all historical texts are partial fictitious.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-24-2004).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Does this mean for me to give up on waiting for the Elf Maiden of my dreams?

While the settings can be rather strange let us not forget you still have to work for the 'good' ending and that is where have the reality of adult games.

Nah, keep the dream for Elf Maiden alive.

That is sort of what I was trying to say, with the other games, at least with the good endings and the bad endings too in Crescendo there is a sense of realism because of how you have to treat the women throughout the game, it was not the DYLHB oh geez this guys here let's have sex with him, type of plot.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
The lesson is to always keep your deals and promises.

And technically, it's a fairy tale. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Nah it's no fairy tale, because it is a lesson you have to think about so technically it's a legend.

I would not have gotten that moral from the story without thinking about it, the moral I would have gotten if forced to guess one, is never make a deal that can later come back to bite you, or never make a promise you have no intention of keeping if there is a chance you might see the person you made it too again. See either of those could be morals, not ideal morals but still morals so it is a legend not fairy tale, no clear cut moral.

all of the female servers are continuously horny all of the time

You're saying the same thing twice. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]
Never worked in a club, personally I have done all possible to avoid the food service industry learned a long time ago it is better to know as little as possible about the preparation that goes into food you eat. However, if you know of a club where all of the female servers are continuously horny all of the time then I would like to see it and perhaps would reconsider my aversion to working in the food service industry.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Have you ever worked in a club? I ask, because I have. And every single gal that worked there was scorable (and many would make good B-Game models). They weren't "waiting" on a particular person... just the right kind of person. So, how can DYLHB really be any more outrageous then any other B-Game setup? Reality supports it happening more then Snow Drop.

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 08-24-2004).]

Really? Did they get naked with you, all of them, one at a time (in order), immediately upon meeting you? Was one of them your cousin, and still interested? Did they each have a unique fetish? Did the boss join in? And were they attracted to you because they thought you were a girl?

DYLAHB was less realistic than I think you're remembering.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Well it is far more likely someone can create a chemical to increase pheromones, kind of as was done in Tottome Pheromone, to attract people. After all, what do you think is the real modern day reason for perfumes and colognes, to increase or alter our scent, which is perhaps one of the first things noticed on a subconscious level that draws people to each other, so that has more basis in reality and is less outrageous then being hired by a horny woman for a restaurant filled with horny women.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-24-2004).]

I just have one thing to say, really.


It’s official. SCDawg, you are now playing the part of a complete moron. Go, man, go! It’s important to support the arts! But, a minor piece of advice. All this effort you are putting into this will make many readers think you re too busy trying to pee on what you obviously see as the truth. Otherwise, you wouldn’t spend so much time and energy on attacking another idiotic opinion.

Yes, I know of such a place. Congrats! They really exists (at least from time to time). But they’d never hire you because you are being mush too silly and short sighted. They like a nice, sensitive man that thinks about things first before speaking and is civil, rather then one that goes on rants (which make some of the ladies scared that he might go off and start wailing on them). Now, if change your description from ALWAYS horny to merely horny approxiamately 4 out of 7 days, I know of even more places. Most of those places aren’t limited to clubs, but a rather long list of normal work places from department stores to assembly lines to body shops to museums to code development shops. I believe that is reasonable when considering the “basis in reality” for B-Games. After all, artistic license is generally taken in the games so that things line up a certain way. Sometimes, it’s realistic. More often, its as silly or whacked as any soap opera or porno. I expect you understand that.

Tottome Pherome? Sure, that’s realistic… a witch is just going to pop out of the ethers and bespell you to steal other women’s chi. Oh, pheromones? We have them now. They don’t do squat on humans. Why? Cause our minds are so gnarly (that’s coder talk for highly complex). Pheromones might make us minded to look for an opportunity when we wouldn’t have otherwise… or it might just make us mad rather then interested. Or it will make you very disinterested. Depends on your mental state at the time you are exposed to it (the exact same agent) and your own experiences. You see, human sexuality isn’t a simple thing. That’s why all the test marketing of such things have resulted in the same “arousal” results as taking a bath… each of us is just too unique a being. Too much grey matter riding around on our smaller lizard brains. It is the same for our near genetic kindred. It’s especially been studied in the great apes.

Aren’t you the one saying to step out of the box? (I could be mistaken… been several people that have decided to take a dig at me for stating that Snow Drop isn’t the end all and be all of B-Games ever made.) Of course, I should have expected this from the place that freaks out when casual visitors confuse the terms lolli and lollicon. I’ve been finding that incredibly funny in juxtaposition to all this “step outside the box and stop obsessing”. But, if you really want to know: yes. Goldilocks and the 3 bears is not a Faery Tale. It’s a teaching myth. As is most of the other Grim tales (I said that earlier, why did you ask me that?). The acadamia of English Literature have some serious on-going fights whether witches count as fae, as they were sometimes thought of as fae in the dark times. If a witch is a fae, then all the traditional tales involving witches are fairy tales. Otherwise, they are just teaching tales.

And most stories have “morals” you can discover. Why? Because something happens. That allows us to “analyze” a meaning from that. For instance: An stranger who was old and somewhat cripple begs the hero for aid. The hero renders it, despite some amount of trouble or bother on the hero’s part. A few years later, a limo arrives, a lawyer climbs out of the vehicle, ask the hero his name, and then hands him a manilla folder containing cashier checks for a total of $5 million dollars (US). (Actual events from some time ago.) We see the Moral: Always help others. Second example: a man driving home, sees a woman pulled over on the side of the road. Her vehicle has apparently broken down. He pulls over and goes to help her. She takes a tire iron and bashes the back of his skull in when he’s bent down looking under her car’s hood, killing him. She steals his wallet, car keys, and car, driving away in it. (Again, actual event in the US from a few years ago.) We see a moral: Never help strangers. Neither is a legend (they are purely historical events). Neither is a fairy tale. We could craft either as a teaching story, and make it very clear to young minds (very preachy). That also wouldn’t make it a fairy tale. Only by adding in fae into the story do we make it a real fairy tale. However, if we change the setting to mideavel times, then casuals will call them “fairy tales” because the mainstream associates such “folk tales” with the term fairy tale. Just as the mainstream of America associated B-Games with porno, rather then just stories with pretty women in them. You are making the same mis-step in your use of the terms.

Want to continue to be anal? You are not in a good position for it, unless this is a B-Game and you are the hero. In which case, I hope this is scoring you heart points with a heroine choice that also posts here.


Actually, I turned them down. Unlike the guy in DYLHB, I can say no. That just kept them interested. Especially when my cousin (2nd, once removed) filled them in on my story. Also, unlike the hero of DYLHB, I have the physical power to stop the average woman and have no problems backing up a verbal no with collecting their hands, holding them down, and tickling them until they give up (at least for a few days). Many people are used to living with frustration and not getting what the want.

My point was that it is easier to fall into circumstances like DYLHB then Snow Drop. And that means DYLHB is more realistic then Snow Drop. I’m sure there are few people that find the average ADV High-School/junior college to be realistic (or more precisely, reflective of their personal life experiences).

It was someone else that completely fixated on DYLHB. Personally, I don’t see a point to making it an anime, but some people really love Bunny costumes, and I’m sure they’d vote for it. To each their own.

Another long one apologies again to all others.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
It’s official. SCDawg, you are now playing the part of a complete moron. Go, man, go! It’s important to support the arts! But, a minor piece of advice. All this effort you are putting into this will make many readers think you re too busy trying to pee on what you obviously see as the truth. Otherwise, you wouldn’t spend so much time and energy on attacking another idiotic opinion.

Lesson one which might save you a lot of agony, when I think I am right, as I do in this case, the end of all time itself won’t stop me from fighting to defend my position from anything or anyone who I even think might attack on my view. Yet tell me why am I being a moron because I say you’re not seeing the whole issue? Oh sure ever time I question someone I am a moron is that the case, then if questioning another person makes me a moron then I am one very often in this life, a highly educated moron but still a moron huh?

So tell me oh mind reader, what is it that I see as the truth? Keep in mind I don’t believe there is such a thing as one truth, just varying convenient interpretations of the same facts to fit the situation in which “truth” must be defined for which that convenient interpertation is then called truth.

Yes, I know of such a place. Congrats! They really exists (at least from time to time). But they’d never hire you because you are being mush too silly and short sighted. They like a nice, sensitive man that thinks about things first before speaking and is civil, rather then one that goes on rants (which make some of the ladies scared that he might go off and start wailing on them).

Trust me the one thing I am not is short sighted, cynical and far too honest at times thus considered even more cynical yes, but short sighted not something that fits me. So they exist from time to time, yes that makes them perfectly fit in the more realistic category, well okay no it does not push it to any more realistic then it was in the past.

Oh so I guess that means you’re out too huh, they’d never hire you because you are being much to short sighted to see another’s opinion and either accept it or realize they won’t back down? Or does this not count as a rant and short sighted from your end but a civil discourse over differing opinions? Though using the word anal, calling someone a complete moron, saying pee, saying there opinion is idiotic and decrying the views of many on the board you are posting I assume is very civil and not something women would look at and say “geez what a asshole” (as my female companion has called you after reading this post) and move on to someone that actually says what they feel and fights for what view believe in? Well along with her view it sounds rather childish to me, last time I heard such insults was middle school.

Not sure about not being hired either, maybe computer girls don’t like someone that speaks their mind and prefers someone that bows to the rules and is “civil” but first hand experience tells me that is not true with real women, living proof is sitting across from me reading a book.

Now, if change your description from ALWAYS horny to merely horny approxiamately 4 out of 7 days, I know of even more places. Most of those places aren’t limited to clubs, but a rather long list of normal work places from department stores to assembly lines to body shops to museums to code development shops. I believe that is reasonable when considering the “basis in reality” for B-Games. After all, artistic license is generally taken in the games so that things line up a certain way. Sometimes, it’s realistic. More often, its as silly or whacked as any soap opera or porno. I expect you understand that.

Ah but 4 out of 7 does not match the game, the game is 7 out of 7 and anything less pushes the game far out of reality since as I said at any given time in any given place you will find some, but never all, the people that are perhaps horny. Yet you said it is more realistic and now you say artistic license is taken, so which is it, more realistic or artistic license, those are two different ideas since artistic license pushes realism to one side very often and more realisitc means it does not take much artistic license if any artistic license.
Tottome Pherome? Sure, that’s realistic… a witch is just going to pop out of the ethers and bespell you to steal other women’s chi. Oh, pheromones? We have them now. They don’t do squat on humans. Why? Cause our minds are so gnarly (that’s coder talk for highly complex).

Thank you but I can of figured that’s what you meant since I know only 10% of the brain is used. Frankly, any species that uses only 10% of it’s brain and still thinks itself superior while only mastering new ways to kill itself in the name of saving itself has proven many times over to not be running at full capacity when it comes to brain potential. By the way you have never been bespelled by a woman? My sympthaties to you.

Natural pheromones might have an effect that cannot be disproven since I think it has already been proved. However even if you want to say that they do not, chemical compounds do (check the link from the message above yours) and it was that aspect of the game I was referring to more then any other. However, prove to me throughout human history there have not been those that could actually use “magic” and I don’t mean the Vegas kind of magic either. Since no one can prove or disprove the existance of magic beyond a reasonable doubt, they can only prove that not all that claim to have such powers actually have them, so there is a possibility it has, is, or will happen sometime throughout the passage of time.

Pheromones might make us minded to look for an opportunity when we wouldn’t have otherwise… or it might just make us mad rather then interested. Or it will make you very disinterested. Depends on your mental state at the time you are exposed to it (the exact same agent) and your own experiences. You see, human sexuality isn’t a simple thing.

Well actually it is as much a thing for us as it is for any other species, humans simply attach more importance to it then we have been able to prove any other species might attach to it, us with our superior 10% used brains. So in truth you cannot prove that scent does not have an affect. Scents have been proven to alter moods too, so the right scent can be calming, alluring, and arousing at the same time, scent is perhaps one of the most powerful stimuli.
That’s why all the test marketing of such things have resulted in the same “arousal” results as taking a bath… each of us is just too unique a being. Too much grey matter riding around on our smaller lizard brains. It is the same for our near genetic kindred. It’s especially been studied in the great apes.

Oh you are quite right to a point but the major difference is with bath powder there is no other scent that is mixed with it and in fact the scent is perhaps diluted by being put in water. However each of us has our own unique scent which might and is likely sensed on a level we do not realize, so enhance that scent or “mix it” with the right agent, and it can become more alluring to a particular person. Also rats and pigs are considered to be closer genetically then apes I believe, makes you proud huh, we have at least as much in common with pigs and rats as we do apes on a genetic level.
Aren’t you the one saying to step out of the box? (I could be mistaken… been several people that have decided to take a dig at me for stating that Snow Drop isn’t the end all and be all of B-Games ever made.) Of course, I should have expected this from the place that freaks out when casual visitors confuse the terms lolli and lollicon. I’ve been finding that incredibly funny in juxtaposition to all this “step outside the box and stop obsessing”.

Never said stop obsessing, I said stop viewing things so narrowly, stop saying “well this means this because this book marked Dictionary says it means that” or something along those lines.

Also why post here if you seem not to like what some of us say, or most of us since you seem displeased within the statement “Of course, I should have expected this from the place that freaks out when casual visitors confuse the terms lolli and lollicon”, or was that not displeasure but a way to commonly and non anally state your disagreement with the way most of us view things?

But, if you really want to know: yes. Goldilocks and the 3 bears is not a Faery Tale. It’s a teaching myth. As is most of the other Grim tales (I said that earlier, why did you ask me that?). The acadamia of English Literature have some serious on-going fights whether witches count as fae, as they were sometimes thought of as fae in the dark times. If a witch is a fae, then all the traditional tales involving witches are fairy tales. Otherwise, they are just teaching tales.

As I said history has taken those terms and perverted them, or something has, and the new commonly accepted usage makes those you just said are not fairy tales now fairy tales, unless you care to spend your life in a futile attempt to correct about 5 billion and growing people that call such writing fairy tales.

Words and concepts change, it’s like how access use to be a noun only, but now it’s also a verb, all things change with time and being too fixed or clingly to one interpretation and refusing to change when it does, is a bad thing as far as I am concerned.

And most stories have “morals” you can discover. Why? Because something happens. That allows us to “analyze” a meaning from that.

Yes but one way to view the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” is not a story on why lying is wrong, but why it is wrong to tell the same lie twice to the same group of people, in other words lying is fine, just don’t get caught lying. See for the most part people have to have these things spelled out for them in order to get them, or they might get the wrong idea, such as noted above.

I believe Einstein said it best “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former”. Never assume people will get a moral from a story, or anything for that matter unless you do light it like the Las Vegas Strip and even then guide them to it by the hand or most just might miss it. That is why I have said what I have in the past about morals and you have failed to prove this as wrong, you merely say everything has a moral, I never said things did not have morals, I said fairy tales had obvious morals, at least in terms of the fact there is a moral.

Want to continue to be anal? You are not in a good position for it, unless this is a B-Game and you are the hero. In which case, I hope this is scoring you heart points with a heroine choice that also posts here.

Actually that was my question to you, if you desire to cling to fixed ideas, risk insulting the views of most of the people on the board for how they “freak” about certain words, resort to name calling such as moronic or idiotic, than I would ask if you would like to continue to be anal and I think your position is far worse then mine, you have failed to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt, (that’s legal speak to mean you have failed to prove anything beyond the point where it cannot be questioned or disproved).

Oh my real life “heroine” is frankly amused at how someone (you mainly) could be, to shorten it, “Such an idiot”.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-25-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Thank you but I can of figured that's what you meant since I know only 10% of the brain is used.
[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-25-2004).]

A very common myth, that 10% figure. The brain is the most energy intensive part of the entire body, consuming the most blood and oxygen resources. Any organism that was so inefficient would very quickly be outcompeted by an organism that was more efficient, and put the extra energy into something more useful.