H-Games that made you wanna....hold your tears back

Wanko to Kurasou so far is the only game that made me almost tear up

Can’t say that any english H games have made me that way (or for that matter japanese ones), closest in english is probably Kana but thats not really saying much. I mean really, its a game, some more realistic than others but in life, shit happens and you got to deal with it. I usually play these games to relax, not to get worked up, there is enough of that in real life without me having to deal with it in my entertainment, hence I usually more darker games instead of the more realistic ones.

I’m unashamed to admit that I cried playing Kana, as well as Miyu’s route in Crescendo. (Due to Miyu’s route in Crescendo, I never hear Scott Joplin’s “Solace” the same way I used to hear it.) Other than that, I can’t recall any other in my collection making me cry. Sure, I’ve been depressed after playing some routes in other games, but they didn’t make me cry.

Here are a few extra things regarding Miyu if you don’t mind having slight spoilers:

If you recall the very first time you started a game in Crescendo, Ryo is sleeping at his desk. The girl with silver hair who wakes you up is Miyu.

Kaho mentions Miyu without using her name in a conversation she has with Kyoko.

To get Miyu’s route, complete the routes of all the other characters. The next time you start a game, a new decision will appear at the start of a game.

Since you have done Kaori’s route, I’m curious if you found the easter egg that was put in the game. (Here’s a hint: It has to do with another D.O. game that has been translated.)

Yeah that easter egg is pretty neatly done. and it fits in the story well too.
Personally, I didn’t feel that sad while playing Crescendo. Altough I did feel really bad when some girl was turned down, except in Miyu’s route, when all girls are put down by Ryo. Its a pity not everyone can be “saved”

i felt sorry for yuka

Sorry, most of these games aren’t (as far as I know) available in English, but here’s some. No particular order.

  1. A Profile
  2. Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo
  3. G-Senjou no Maou
  4. Moshimo Ashita ga Hare Naraba
  5. Kana ~imouto~
  6. Kazoku Keikaku
  7. Be Alive
  8. Symphonic Rain
  9. Kira Kira
  10. Tapestry
  11. Konata Yori Kanata Made
  12. Yukiuta
  13. Aster
  14. Hello, World
  15. StarTRain
  16. Dear My Friend
  17. Gunjyou no Sora wo Koete
  18. ef -the latter tale-
  19. Cross Channel
  20. Scarlett

Note that, out of that list, only three actually made me cry. Can you guess which ones? =P (hint: two are by the same writer)

I’m going to guess Kana and Kazoku Keikaku as two of the three, since they are the only ones of which I know the writer.

I always feel bad when I have to turn down Kyoko so I can pursue another character’s route. The only route that avoids turning her down is Miyu’s route.

I just can’t find it in myself to feel very sorry for her. Most of her problems are ones that she created herself. As the saying goes, “God helps those who help themselves” (which is a good proverb even if I am Buddhist).

  1. Phantom of Inferno [lol it was the end of chapter 1 that completely rollercoastered me, I thought it was a bad ending, and oh man was it a good one; player froze so that’s why I thought it really was an ending… Totally fell for Ein at that time :P]
  2. Utawarerumono [Aruruw. Haven’t played it through with voices so not sure if I’ll get the same feeling as when there were no voices…]
  3. Planetarian [Impossible to not know which scene I refer to lol. Both silent and voiced versions got me a bit… [voiced was a little awkward in that scene though…]]
  4. Yume Miru Kusuri? [I can’t remember if I felt soppy in this one or not… Don’t think I did, but I did get worked up a little in Aeka’s route]

So yeah, the first 3 are the ones that hit me good. Fourth was a different feeling, not tears; but thought I’d mention it.

I thought about it for a while, then I realized Why?
You may feel sorry for her experience with her cousin and uncle. That’s it, no-one coerced or forced her into anything she did, top of that she doesn’t show any remorse at all. You may say well “She’s a hooker with a heart of gold”, but that doesn’t work for me. So I feel bad for her, I would feel bad if I met some one like her in real life, but why should I feel sorry? everyone is master of his/her own destiny.
Jeez!! Big Lecture :roll:

i have seen people say they felt like crying after playing Private Nurse.

Well put Sid. That is exactly the point that I was advocating.

G-Senjou no Maou. The nakige effect of everything else I’ve finished so far has paled in comparison to the final stages of that.

Well, she does get gang-raped at one point. That’s not her fault, and it definitely counts as coercion.

her life was very hard

i think her mom and dad killed them selves, she killed to kill herself, got raped then framed by her stepbrother, shipped off the an orphanage there are a few other things i can’t think of

Look, I get her story is tragic and rough, and she wants redemption.
You’ll have to agree though that most of her problems are created by her.

She was raped and framed by her cousin if I am right.When her cousin was coercing her, she didn’t speak out. But that’s understandable.
She says that she is lonely, that doesn’t mean she is right to find solace by selling herself.She also had a miscarriage and she doesn’t feel bad. If you think about the part the part when she tells her story to Ryo, u’ll realise what I am trying to say.
As for the gang rape part, it was bad, but again she is to be blamed a bit for it as well.
I felt that in her “bad” ending she should have stopped prostituting herself, but no. How many chances does one want??

Methinks she needs help and advice from a psychiatrist more than a boyfriend.
isn’t she wrong and selfish to expect her redemption from someone else?
I did feel bad for her a few times, But I can’t empathize with her. Sorry.

one more thing

she miscarried in class and can’t have children anymore

I’ll quote a bit of Pink Floyd:
“Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?
Or was it the hand of fate, that seemed to fit just like a glove?
The moment slipped by and soon the seeds were sown
The year grew late and neither one wanted to remain alone”

As Sid already said, in a way though, she partially brought it on herself. Now before anyone jumps on my case about what I said, hear me out. I’m not saying she asked for it to happen to her. Nor am I saying she deserved to have it happen to her. I’m merely saying that due to her actions, she put herself in a position in which it was more likely for it to happen to her. It is kind of like a woman walking down an alley alone while drunk after dark in a known bad part of town. You just don’t do that kind of thing and not realize what risk you are putting yourself in.

Sid and I don’t deny that Yuka has had horrendous things happen to her. As with any person, you feel bad for what things life has dealt them. However, I can’t feel sorry for someone who makes things worse for themselves instead of trying to get better. Yuka could definitely use a friend to lend a helping hand (in fact I’d be all for a platonic story between Yuka and the protagonist), but taking someone like that as a lover is completely out of the question. How can you possibly love and respect someone who doesn’t love and respect themself first?

I see your point here, although I think that, no matter what someone’s behavior, if school is as dangerous as an alley in the bad part of town, something is seriously wrong somewhere. For me, the small amount of personal responsibility that she might bear for what happened doesn’t affect my feelings of sympathy for her. YMMV, of course.

I see people say this a lot, but it’s never really made sense to me. It’s a cliche that love is blind, but it’s often true. There have been many, many instances of people falling in love or remaining in love with people who are seriously messed up, and I don’t see why that shouldn’t be just as legitimate as, for example, loving a family member or a friend who is suicidal or an addict of some kind. We can’t choose who we love, after all.