Has an anime ever moved you to tears?

In particular Makoto’s arc.

The end of Chrno Crusade

The last ep of Mahoromatic

[size=150]Air [/size]!!! Don’t forget Air !

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien


The end of fate stay night

The last episode of the Tenchi Universe TV series made me cry.
Chobits was a real tear jerker as well.

Then there are the many games that have brought me to tears…

Ever 17
and the non anime games such as


I can see that. While it didn’t make me cry, it did make me very melencholy.

And, yeah, we won’t talk about Kana - the game which could make you suicidal.

I wouldn’t know about it driving me to suicide, but damn I’d hate to go crazy like that.

Wanko to Kurasou
almost drove to tear towards the end

when mikan will kidnapped and was trying to get home

i almost cryed

Basilisk. Perhaps some others, but I don’t remember.

Grave of the Fireflies

I can’t cry when someone die in Gundam or Code Geass because you never know if he is really dead or not.
Nothing is sacred anymore… they all come back sooner or later. :lol:

Pacifica!? Bah! That’s not the saddest part!

The saddest part…

… is when Cz allowed herself to get killed in the end (notice she didn’t fire anything back in the final attack and didn’t bother dodging the shot). WHY OH WHY couldn’t she just stop fighting? Shannon didn’t want to keep fighting - she knew he’d spare her if she spared him. Cz spent days just following him around, not even realizing she LIKED following him. Zephiris even had harem envy. Damn stubborn tsundere weapon systems… you could have been one happy family in the end! :cry:

Can’t argue with you there, Narg. Her “Gomen Mesai” in her little girl voice before she gets vaporized was gut wrenching.

Argh! You guys just have to tease me with spoiler tags when I’m nearly done with the series, don’t you?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I have one to add to bringing tears to my Eyes. RahXephon. It takes a while to get up to speed as to what’s going on, but it’s all explained in the course of the series. The ending gives you that emotional release that can bring tears to your eyes.

-Only one problem with it… Elvy’s death was really cheap and disappointing.

Just watched Clannad TV and Clannad After Story and both had me welling up ;-;.

depending on what ending is used
you might cry more

Well, I just got done with Scrapped Princess a little while ago. Apparently, I have no heart because both the part that Doug mentions and the part Narg mentions didn’t really affect me. I may watch again to try and analyze what it is lacking in order for me to feel moved.

No worries Kim, for me it was the family finally being reunited after all the crap they got put through, knowing that it’s over. You might not be as close to your family as I am to mine, so that might be why.

Yea, I played the game… I was bawling. I’m not looking forward to that ending…unless he can save her like in the true ending

Nope that isn’t it, as I’m quite close with my family. I just rewatched the last episode, and here are the observations I made:

  1. They didn’t wait long enough after Pacifica died before the spell pattern appeared on the floor and changed everything.
  2. When Cz says sorry during the fight in space it seemed more like a ploy to get Shannon to lower his guard to me, since she said it as she was charging at him.
  3. When Pacifica rematerializes in to a mortal form, they completely ruined the mood by having her get all freaked out at being seen naked.
  4. When Shannon returns with her and the family is reunited, the scene is way too short for me to really feel anything. You get a few shots of the group crying, and then it cuts away to the next scene.
  5. The music didn’t effectively add to the mood during any of the parts mentioned above.

To summarize it all in to a brief statement, I would say that the pacing is too fast for me to moved effectively, especially when the music isn’t effectively adding to the emotional tone of the scene.

Heh… moar spoilers.

[spoiler]The key is she didn’t fire.

Shannon fired his blast, while Cz own weapon systems were silent in that final charge. Note that she got BEHIND him. Shannon even cursed at the opening she had. Cz didn’t fire. Instead she charged. As an Artillery Peacemaker her weapon range is greater than a Dragoon’s (as confirmed in the official art/episode guidebook), further made deadlier by the fact her limiters were off. Cz had the advantage in that duel - except she really didn’t want to fight. Who knows why Cz couldn’t just surrender… maybe her programming made it impossible… but it’s evident that she could decide how she died.

The sequence was like this: Cz was behind Zefiris, swinged in front of her, then got behind Zefiris again. Zefiris was still stuck “forward” with Shannon cursing because Cz had gotten into a winning position. Note that Cz doesn’t open fire, like she had done endlessly the first rounds before. Instead there’s a deliberate several frames that show her moving towards Zefiris… she didn’t need to do that. Just open fire. Because Cz did that, in the next frame it showed Zefiris forward facing Cz again (she had time to flip around again)… and then the head shot at point blank range.

There was a long discussion on 2chan, that wondered about Shannon’s reaction to the head shot on Cz. He seemed shocked by it. The shot with him cursing and then eyes dilating, follows with the killing shot. You then get a reshot of the “she’s behind me” expression he had earlier, and then screaming Cz’s name. The notion is that Shannon didn’t make the shot, but Zefiris did. Earlier in the battle Shannon told Zefiris to not hold back… to give him full power. Then there’s also the open knowledge that the Dragoon didn’t like Cz’s special relationship with her master. Not to say she killed Cz with true evil intent… just that Zefiris didn’t hold back when she could kill Cz. Perhaps Shannon realized too late, that Cz was faking the attack run.

In any case, Cz told Shannon, “I’m sorry” just before the fatal strike. Those two simple words explain everything about her thoughts at that moment… the life she wanted and couldn’t have; the love she felt for Shannon. Another key point: she kept the ear ring Shannon gave her (but hid it from him and the other Peacekeeper). She wanted her old life… fate dictated otherwise.[/spoiler]

the anime ending to elfin lied sucks you have to read the manga to get the real ending
and it is much better and creapier