Has anyone here know about Onegai Twin Anime?

The series gets panned by Anime Academy but fares better with T.H.E.M.. Since it doesn’t continue the storyline of Please, Teacher!, I’ll give it a lower grade.

What I have not been able to find out is why did they link a plot such as this to Please Teacher? I mean why the same town, most of the trouble I see in the reviews is people saying their problems involved what they did to show ‘honor’ to characters from Please Teacher. Having not seen it no opinion either way, but as a sort of sequel it still sounds interesting.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
What I have not been able to find out is why did they link a plot such as this to Please Teacher? I mean why the same town, most of the trouble I see in the reviews is people saying their problems involved what they did to show 'honor' to characters from Please Teacher. Having not seen it no opinion either way, but as a sort of sequel it still sounds interesting.

Because there is only one reason for Onegai Twins' existence: Onegai Teacher was a wild, smashing success. So much so that the novel was released in the US. The novel. That is, I believe, a first.

So they decided to do the same thing, only different. So they made Onegai Twins. And just to increase its appeal to people who liked the original they linked them. They didn't have to, sure, but they did.

Personally I haven't seen either one in any amount of completeness, something I hope to remedy eventually.

What do you mean ‘novel’ I have seen the manga verison but are you saying there is actually an all text verison of Onegai Teacher as well?

I can somewhat understand what you are saying and perhaps things like Star Trek are unique but basically they stuck The Next Generation on a different Enterprise, occasionally gave passing references to people from the past like Kirk, or after well established bringing people like Spock back for a few shows but they mostly had a set ‘world’ to place the show. Part me still wonders if they merely took the world of Onegai Teacher, without the same precise town or any cross-over characters, if they could not have pulled something similar and avoided many of the troubled reviews.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 01-11-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
What do you mean 'novel' I have seen the manga verison but are you saying there is actually an all text verison of Onegai Teacher as well?

Yup, that's right. There are:

1) "Graphic Novel" volume 1 & 2
2) Fan (art?) book
3) Novel

I have the "graphic novel" (well... manga) and the novel (don't have the fan book yet), but haven't started reading the novel yet. Not to spoil things, let's say the manga has a small different twist from the anime.

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 01-11-2004).]

Originally posted by fxho:
Yup, that's right. There are: I have the "graphic novel" (well... manga) and the novel (don't have the fan book yet), but haven't started reading the novel yet. Not to spoil things, let's say the manga has a small different twist from the anime.
[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 01-11-2004).]

Yes I have noticed what you mean about the 'differences' in the novel versus the anime and some I did not notice until I rewatched the anime. Is it true though that the last show on the DVD collections was never on television and is OVA only? I have heard that but have not been able to confirm that from anything with the DVD's themselves.

Thanks for the links.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Is it true though that the last show on the DVD collections was never on television and is OVA only? I have heard that but have not been able to confirm that from anything with the DVD's themselves.

That's what I have heard too. It is quite funny!

That would be my guess as well. Sort of like that last episode of Excel Saga, I can’t really see them putting it out as a normal television episode. But it was funny as all heck…

Originally posted by ekylo:
That would be my guess as well. Sort of like that last episode of Excel Saga, I can't really see them putting it out as a normal television episode. But it was funny as all heck... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Yes it is funny, but what I don't get is since it was not on television why are their parts of it that are still 'scrambled'? I cannot say more but those that have seen it will hopefully know what I mean by scrambled. For that matter why are any parts still scrambled when it is on DVD?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 01-12-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Yes it is funny, but what I don't get is since it was not on television why are their parts of it that are still 'scrambled'? I cannot say more but those that have seen it will hopefully know what I mean by scrambled. For that matter why are any parts still scrambled when it is on DVD?

In this particular case, I think they purposely used the mosaic for the humor effect. To just let people use their imagination or to put an emphasis on what was there. At least, it made it funnier to me.

As for why it was left in the DVD, like with the games, it depends on several factors. Was it an overlay or part of the original image? If it's part of the original image, then they would have to have the animation redrawn to remove it. If it was an overlay, it could have been a decision on the part of the original licensor or the American licensor.

Originally posted by ekylo:
In this particular case, I think they purposely used the mosaic for the humor effect. To just let people use their imagination or to put an emphasis on what was there. At least, it made it funnier to me.

Like in Onegai Teacher episode 1 when Kei knocks the box and the contents are mosaiced. There have been wild theories on what's in the box from, errrr..., massagers to alien technology. At least in the manga, they show the contents without any mosaic, jejeje.

I should have posted this much, much earlier, but I forgot out this place:

They’re semi-individual reviewers who are no smarter than you or me, which I find reassuring, to some point. Semi-individual in the sense that the guy picks and chooses which reviewers he wants to post up. On the other hand, I don’t like people who are no smarter than me because then I put all the jerks in the same category as me. Although, for the most part, these reviewers I don’t mind, it’s the people like the ones on EBGames, that I don’t like.

And I’m rambling again… Nuts…

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 01-13-2004).]

I find people that seem to be as smart as me often suffer from the same cynicism as I do these days, which is why I like someone that merely has similar tastes regardless and perhaps is smarter or not yet is lacking such cynicism.

Thanks too for the reviews, the more reviews the better the picture I think we can all get about this anime.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Is it true though that the last show on the DVD collections was never on television and is OVA only? I have heard that but have not been able to confirm that from anything with the DVD's themselves.

Here is a good explanation about it.

Yeah the last episode was an OVA that wasn’t aired on TV. Since it wasn’t broadcasted it made it easier to turn up the ecchi level, which they definately did

As for the novels, I hear that turns up the ecchi level up a couple more notches than the OVA, while I was hoping to read it during my vacation, I ended up rewatching Lodoss instead so I still haven’t confirmed how ecchi the novel is. The bad thing I heard from people who did read the novel is that the editing for the novel was really bad.

The manga is good and I suggest people that liked the PT anime get the manga as it’s only 2 vols and there’s a slight twist in the manga that’s very different in the anime, but I think works better in the manga.

Hmm…forgot to mention that the US dvds of PT use the Home video masters instead of the TV masters which gives us a little more fanservice than the origional tv airings.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
As for the novels, I hear that turns up the ecchi level up a couple more notches than the OVA, while I was hoping to read it during my vacation, I ended up rewatching Lodoss instead so I still haven't confirmed how ecchi the novel is. The bad thing I heard from people who did read the novel is that the editing for the novel was really bad.

The manga is good and I suggest people that liked the PT anime get the manga as it's only 2 vols and there's a slight twist in the manga that's very different in the anime, but I think works better in the manga.

How many novels are there 2 like the manga, well I hope they are decent translations at least.

Yes I agree with what you say about the manga and how some of the differences work better, but I like some of the anime better in some scenes.

One part though in the manga, which I will not mention here as not to spoil it for others, left me with more questions then when I saw it differently in the anime, so I am not sure if it was better to have more explaination in that case but it is well worth reading, just read them last weekend.

There’s only one novel… and it’s about 250 pages. I have it, but I haven’t gotten a chance to read it yet.

I need to pick up the fanbook too.

I have the novel. Almost done with it. It’s quite…Quite… uh… well, it greatly explores Kei’s adolescence and his taste for more lustful things in life. For those who watched the anime, it’s like the very last OVA episode, but on a much grander scale. I like it. It’s not all about Kei’s puberty state, though, and as far the timeline goes, I believe it starts in about three months after they first meet. So, it’s not an epilogue of what happened after the manga, or the show, even.

Oh, and uh, just on a side note, there’s some pretty bad grammatical errors and such that slipped past the editor. For a nice example, for those who have the book, you can check on page 68.
精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 01-14-2004).]

Mistakes in spelled words and the such or something far more noticeable?