Has anyone here know about Onegai Twin Anime?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Just posting a heads up since it's kinda related to onegai twins. Comicsone just released the please teacher fanbook, which is basically an artbook, with commentary, promo pictures, episode guide, and little short stories about each of the characters. It's pretty cool if your a please(onegai) teacher fan.

What language is it in?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Sorry my bad, I keep getting bandai and geneon titles mixed up, it was a geneon(pioneer) rep who stated it. Course the good news is that since AYA is doing so well they already liscensed AYA enishi and it should be comming out later this year [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

How could you mix those two up? I'm so disappointed in you...

Just kidding. I'm not a big Bandai fan in general, but I do like Geneon quite a bit. Just my personal opinion...

The fanbook should be in English. ComicsOne is a publisher targeting the US market. I havn't seen it myself, so I'm not a hundread percent positive, but I'm pretty sure it is. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

It’s in english, that or all of a sudden I mastered the japanese language There are some very risque pics of our teacher Makes me wish I collected megami magazine a lot earlier

Speaking of which, where do guys get your megami magazines? The mooks aren’t that hard to find, but I need to start just collecting the issues…

Slightly more on topic it looks like Rightstuf at least, is now taking pre-orders for the Onegai Twins novel, also from ComicsOne. It’s listed as Novel 1, so I’m guessing there is more than one, but beyond that I don’t know.

Anyone else know any details?

Originally posted by Faust:
Slightly more on topic it looks like Rightstuf at least, is now taking pre-orders for the Onegai Twins novel, also from ComicsOne. It's listed as Novel 1, so I'm guessing there is more than one, but beyond that I don't know.

Anyone else know any details?

How do they normally print manga? In the traditional right to left format?

Nothing else other then the release date which you saw I guess, Rightstuf gives it as April 15th.

Comicsone usually goes with how it was presented orgionally. So it would be right left for Manga and left right for manhwa. Or was that the other way around. Well hopefully the editing for this novel will be done better I have high hopes for Comicsone as they also are doing Iron Wok Jan which is an awesome manga about cooking of all things…

As for megami, I usually just stop by my local kino bookstore in little tokyo to pick them up. But you can get them at jlist and akadot. I think there’s links here to jlist and here’s the link to the M magazine section at akadot.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
As for megami, I usually just stop by my local kino bookstore in little tokyo to pick them up. But you can get them at jlist and akadot. I think there's links here to jlist and here's the link to the M magazine section at akadot.

So what is megami?

Heheheh Megami is evil encarnate Actually it’s a monthly magazine devoted to the beautiful girls of anime. NO GUY PICS AT ALL in the mag, only pics of bishoujos in rique poses and swimsuits. In each issue there’s bunch of foldout 2 page and 3 page posters of various bishoujos, plus usually there’s a extra large centerfold poster. They also have reviews of anime, Hentai dvds and bishoujo games course it’s all in japanese so the reviews don’t help me but the pictures and posters are worth it

Anyway here’s a link to a site that has been reviewing the last 10-15 issues of megami.

Very interesting thank you for that link. Since it is just the girls of various animes, it seems to be very nice.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Heheheh Megami is evil encarnate [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

It most certainly is not. I had nothing to do with that magazine.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
It most certainly is not. I had nothing to do with that magazine.

Well what evil ones do you sponsor ... err recomend with B - content?
Any good anime ones for adults rather than just panty starved teens?

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 01-28-2004).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well what evil ones do you sponsor ... err recomend with B - content?
Any good anime ones for adults rather than just panty starved teens?

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 01-28-2004).]

Rather an interesting way to say it and a good question, a lot of what I occasionally stumble across out there seems more geared to the latter category.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well what evil ones do you sponsor ... err recomend with B - content?
Any good anime ones for adults rather than just panty starved teens?

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 01-28-2004).]

Not knowing any Japanese, I can't possibly give any realistic advice. But I do know that the one you mentioned is not part of my organization. Unless you're making me an offer for it?

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well what evil ones do you sponsor ... err recomend with B - content?
Any good anime ones for adults rather than just panty starved teens?

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 01-28-2004).]

LOL...unfortunately megami focus on mainstream anime characters(stuff that's on TV) so they can only up the ecchi factor so high. Course their reviews of bishoujo dvds and games has pictures although they are mosiaced and small picture clips. No full 2 page poster spreads of fully nekked bishoujo girls [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]