Has anyone here know about Onegai Twin Anime?

Originally posted by Interzone:
Lets hope that in this instance fans can recognise substance over style (we can hope [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] )

I just got the first two box sets (episodes 1-24), but have only watched the introductory episode on the VIZ DVD sampler so far. The story does seem to have more substance than the usual slapstick, action-fest. I hope it opens the door for more serious anime drama, too.

Originally posted by Interzone:
The 4-5 month gap between box releases is in some way offset by the number of discs/episodes in each set - effectively four episodes every 6 weeks or so, which is similar to ADV and quicker than the schedules of Bandai and Pioneer. The third box is due in April, so it should be perfoming fairly well. Lets hope that in this instance fans can recognise substance over style (we can hope [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] )

Heh, I guess it just bothers me because I have trouble remembering about titles with such a long timespan between releases. I totally forgot about the second box set coming out until I ran across it in the store! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] *scribbles April down in his notebook*

Well maison Ikkoku is doing well enough that they are continuing releasing it. I remembered when they first put out the first boxset they wouldn’t even commit to finish releasing the series. I think there’s enough sales now that it’s safe to assume they will release the rest of the series. It’s a great series, and one where the ending doesn’t go out in a whimper

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Well maison Ikkoku is doing well enough that they are continuing releasing it. I remembered when they first put out the first boxset they wouldn't even commit to finish releasing the series. I think there's enough sales now that it's safe to assume they will release the rest of the series. It's a great series, and one where the ending doesn't go out in a whimper [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

How many box sets will there be by the time they finish do you think? See I am not sure I understand why drama anime would not fare well in the United States, I have thoughts on why it might not, but I do not fully understand why it might not succeed.

Yes I can see how a 4-5 month gap between releases can be a problem but if you are someone that really likes it is that not something to look forward to for that time or is it sort of anti-climatic when it comes out?

I hate the waiting… like for Aura Battler Dunbine and Saint Seiya…

I’m a bit mixed about Maison Ikkoku… I kinda want to check it out, but it’s yet another long series that won’t be completely released for along time, and I’m not the biggest Rumiko Takahashi fan. So I’m still undecided on it.

Originally posted by Faust:
I hate the waiting... like for Aura Battler Dunbine and Saint Seiya...

I'm a bit mixed about Maison Ikkoku... I kinda want to check it out, but it's yet another long series that won't be completely released for along time, and I'm not the biggest Rumiko Takahashi fan. So I'm still undecided on it.

It is what 12 eps a disc so what does that mean about 6 DVD collections when all is said and done?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
It is what 12 eps a disc so what does that mean about 6 DVD collections when all is said and done?

Maison Ikkoku is 96 episodes, currently released in boxes of 12 episodes. Should be 8 sets total.

Plus I'm sure there is at least one OVA and a final movie (not sure if Viz will release these).

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Well maison Ikkoku is doing well enough that they are continuing releasing it. I remembered when they first put out the first boxset they wouldn't even commit to finish releasing the series. I think there's enough sales now that it's safe to assume they will release the rest of the series.

Really? I didn't know that. That would have been a shame if they had stopped after only the first set. From what I've heard and what I've seen so far, it's a good series. Just wish more people knew about it.

If you can’t wait for the full R1 series release, it’s available in R2 format from cdjapan for $873.82. Surprisingly, the same set is available on LD for $448.39. I have a laserdisc player, and if I hadn’t already started collecting DVD sets, I might opt for the LDs.

According to cdjapan’s listings, there is an OVA anime.

DVD edition of the classic movie. This theatrical Maison Ikkoku film features a plot never dealt with in the TV series nor in Rumiko Takahashi’s original manga books (which was the best-selling series comprised of 15 volumes, sold over 18 million copies). The story’s about the night before Godai and Kyoko’s wedding ceremony. 72min / Author: Rumiko Takahashi / DVD VIDEO / aspect: MPEG-2 / 4:3 / 2 /Japanese

They also offer a missing episode DVD.
This one’s the first DVD edition of the Maison Ikkoku OVA show. Consists of an extra episode which is a comedy that takes palce on a desert island, and a summary episode that presents a digest of the entire TV show.114min. Single sided - Single Layer. 4:3. Region: 2. Color.

Forgot to mention - all of the above feature Japanese audio and no subtitles.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 01-21-2004).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Really? I didn't know that. That would have been a shame if they had stopped after only the first set. From what I've heard and what I've seen so far, it's a good series. Just wish more people knew about it.

I understand how the gap in releases and the poor VHS release might have people not completely know about this series, but are there other reasons, like not promoted as much for DVD release as other animes?

Ok first let’s point out that the subject matter and genre of Maison Ikkoku is not the most popular for mainstream audiences. Most mainstream anime people are action/fight fans ala DBZ since that’s probably what got them into anime int he first place. So it’s already in a niche in a nich market. Generally speaking I believe they don’t expect large numbers of sales for romantic series. Which is why Bandai was so suprised at the sales of AYA (which I hope will convince more companies to take more risks).

You compound the fact that Maison Ikkoku has dated Character desgins and animation and you can see why Viz didn’t think they could make any money off Maison Ikkoku. So they basically held off trying not to release this at all. But thanks to a ton of bugging by fans, they conviced Viz to at least try to release the dvds. I think(and I could be wrong as it’s been a while since I last saw the MI thread) one of the studio reps said on the Animeondvd forums that depending on how well the first boxset sold it would determine if they would finish releasing the rest of the series and was pleading for us to buy the boxsets. Apparently people did buy the boxset as they are releasing box #3 shortly

For romantic comedy fans, MI is definately one series to get. It’s totally different from Ranma’s episodic nature. As there’s a definate beginning, middle, and ending to this series.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Ok first let's point out that the subject matter and genre of Maison Ikkoku is not the most popular for mainstream audiences. Most mainstream anime people are action/fight fans ala DBZ since that's probably what got them into anime int he first place. So it's already in a niche in a nich market. Generally speaking I believe they don't expect large numbers of sales for romantic series. Which is why Bandai was so suprised at the sales of AYA (which I hope will convince more companies to take more risks).

Yet I think of series such as Chobits which has the romantic element in it and Love Hina which at least has that underlying element, and even perhaps Oh My Goddess and they seem to have all done well, are these along with Ai Yori Aoshi the exceptions to the rule? Or are they, minus Ai Yori Aoshi of course, technically not considered romantic series even if that premises is within each of them and some of their movies, or follow up OVA's which have sold well such as Love Hina Christmas Movie which clearly has a romantic aspect too it? Or am I confusing love with romance in this context?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 01-21-2004).]

The likes of Chobits, Love Hina and Ai Yori Aoshi have fanservice on their side, not to mention shiny, vibrant new animation, up-to-date character designs and more of a general buzz around them. Your typical teenage gaming

Originally posted by Interzone:
The likes of Chobits, Love Hina and Ai Yori Aoshi have fanservice on their side, not to mention shiny, vibrant new animation, up-to-date character designs and more of a general buzz around them. Your typical teenage gaming

In other words they are more or the less the exceptions rather then the rule with all of that added to them? However, in thinking there are few pure romance shows of any type that I know of that exist and last a long time over here, so I guess Maison Ikkoku is then more of a 'pure' romance?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Which is why Bandai was so suprised at the sales of AYA (which I hope will convince more companies to take more risks).

Okay, you got me a little confused here. Did Bandai have the option on AYA originally but didn't pick it up? Or did you mean Geneon (Pioneer)? Or was Bandai just watching their numbers in general?

I don't think of Maison Ikkoku as a 'pure' romance. I consider it a romantic comedy but with an emphasis on the romance side. I also consider AYA to be the same and Love Hina to have it's emphasis on the comedic element. Oh My Goddess would be closer to my idea of a romantic drama.

Originally posted by Interzone:
The likes of Chobits, Love Hina and Ai Yori Aoshi have fanservice on their side, not to mention shiny, vibrant new animation, up-to-date character designs and more of a general buzz around them. Your typical teenage gaming
There's plenty of fan service in MI. How many times does Akemi appear in a see-through negligee? How many references are made to Kyoko's panties? As far as the animation goes, I prefer Maison's hand-drawn look to the CGI-sameness of much of today's computer-composed artwork. Some of landscapes and cityscapes used in opening shots are really beautiful. A classic such as this series doesn't have to worry about standing the test of time.

Hmm, most of my last post mysteriously vanished…strange. I was basically reiterating my point that Maison Ikkoku plays it very straight, whereas Love Hina goes for slapstick and Chobits features sci-fi elements. Also, both shows owe a heavy debt to MI in my opinion - there’s a scene in the Chobits manga of Chitose sweeping outside Hideki’s apartment that is almost certainly a nod to Maison Ikkoku.

Fanservice. Okay, MI has Akemi but she doesn’t feature that often. As for references to Kyoko’s panties, nothing sticks out in my mind (although I’ve only seen around a third of the show). And anyway, do references count as fanservice? During the show there are numerous sexual references (in one episode Godai has stacks of porn mags strewn across his floor that he hastily collects when Kyoko comes a-knocking), but this reflects real life as a drama should. By todays standards, MI does not have much fanservice. It certainly doesn’t detract from the plot, anyway.

Originally posted by perigee:
As far as the animation goes, I prefer Maison's hand-drawn look to the CGI-sameness of much of today's computer-composed artwork. Some of landscapes and cityscapes used in opening shots are really beautiful. A classic such as this series doesn't have to worry about standing the test of time.

I too prefer the more authentic look of MI. There is such a subtle, gentle character about it that is sorely lacking in so much recent work. For me it's timeless in both look and content, although the sad fact is that some anime fans will scoff at the visuals because they're not modern enough [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Is there a way, or necessity, for Lamuness to split the off topic posts in this thread (most of them) into a new one? I feel uneasy about giving off-topic replies. Don't wanna get scolded [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 01-22-2004).]

Sorry my bad, I keep getting bandai and geneon titles mixed up, it was a geneon(pioneer) rep who stated it. Course the good news is that since AYA is doing so well they already liscensed AYA enishi and it should be comming out later this year

I would have to say OMG (or AMG depending on who you are talking to ) is the closest thing to MI in terms of pacing, feel and fanservice . MI is a real slice of life romantic comedy without any superpowers like KOR or sci elements like chobits. AYA while also a slice of life romantic comedy is high on the fanservice and comedy. AYA like someone already said has a slicker look because it’s newer and has more flash that attracts new generation of anime fans. Most newer anime fans don’t like the look of the older animes, which is probably why old gundam and lupin doesn’t really do very good sales wise. So there’s alot of things going against MI.

Just posting a heads up since it’s kinda related to onegai twins. Comicsone just released the please teacher fanbook, which is basically an artbook, with commentary, promo pictures, episode guide, and little short stories about each of the characters. It’s pretty cool if your a please(onegai) teacher fan.