Have some XChange3's scenes been censored in the englis

Hi all,
I’d like to buy XChange 3, but I’ve read on the internet that some of the scenes have been deleted in the translated version of the game.
Since I personally can’t stand censorship, I’d like to be sure that nothing has been censored before buying the game.

Can someone that has already received and finished both versions of the game, confirm or deny this claim?

Thank you very much, sorry for the trouble,

[ 07-21-2006, 09:16 AM: Message edited by: water12 ]

nothing in the English version is censored… but as for missing Scenes… I haven’t played the untranslated version so I wouldn’t be able to tell you if anyting is missing … but there are no censored CG images in this game.

Thanks for the answer.

What I meant was: “Have some scenes been cut off?”

(I now see that, considering that in Japan they “censor” genitals, my original post was misleading… Sorry :slight_smile: )

Can’t answer that, since I’ve just played the english version myself O.o

Yup, they removed Lipp. Talk about censoring.

They also changed Ayano’s rape scene.

So Peter when were you planning on telling us this?

[ 07-21-2006, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Yea i think they did too because if u notice in the back cover with takuya masturbating when his sister walkes in she is covered with underwear but ingame she is not. which really bugs me because when the dialog says something the screen does something different and u are anticpating the scene and never get it. Why does this have to be? any1?

I think the back cover was edited so there wouldn’t be any nudity on the cover. Its the same for the upper right pic on the front cover.

Lipp is in the game. She’s right there in the sections of the game where she interacts with Takuya. There is no other scene that could be included in the English version, clearly.

I would hope for the understanding of the bishoujo community. Altering a hypothetical scene with a character like Lipp is not quite the same thing as, say, changing His and Hers Circumstances to remove the sex scene with Miyazaki and Arima, which was done at the request of Gainax. Clearly there is no way a character with her appearance could ever be featured in a sex scene in a general release product in the U.S., which is incidentally controlled by a political party that is dedicated to fixing the “morals” of society with regards to sex above rather than, say, combating terrorism effectively. It is very sad that this is the case, but anyway, can you really see a hypothetical sex scene with Lipp being “okay”?

The underwerar on the back of the package was added so that we could use that image on the back of the package. It’s problematic to have nudity on a game package, so we drew underwear on that pic only. It’s not included in the game.

Oh no, they made the game fit to western standards so that it could be released without garnering extreme backlash from people in very powerful seats. We’d all better get up in arms!

Man, you people are crazy. There’s social and political ramifications when you release stuff in the west from Japan. Just look at what happened to that guy in Canada. Sometimes this stuff is done out of necessity, you know. PP is a business too, and I’m certain they want to remain alive, and will do what is necessary to do so.

The guy in Canada? You mean the one that got sentenced for having loli hentai?

It’s funny how everyone who brings that up neglect to mention the part about the actual child porn.

There’s no need to start offending people.
I just don’t like censored (or “fit-to-standards”) products - therefore I don’t buy them. I asked the question just to know how things were before spending my money.

Thanks to everyone that responded.

Sheez! Religion seems to get in the way of lots of things…grumbles

…if i remember correctly, it’s the case that was posted on the USA FBI page that had actual kiddie p0rn mixed with anime ones, while the case in canada only had anime involved

As far as I recall the guy in Canada had previously been convicted for possessing child porn.

then i am pretty sure that you are mixing the FBI case since in that case that guy was indeed convicted before

according to the (already dead) link i showed you guys eons ago, since the guy in canada admitted guilty and it was his first offense he escaped jail time (but has house arrest etc). i dunno how you guys work in sweden but i seriously doubt that any court will not put a repeated offender ,who was convicted before of a similar crime, back in jail and just leave him on house arrest

…unless there is a second case in canada recently that i am unaware of

[ 07-22-2006, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

I don’t think we’d penalize anyone for having cartoon porn actually.

dude, i wasn’t referring to how sweden takes on porn, but a general case of a court, regardless of country, penalizing a repeated offender, which you claimed many times that specific case in canada to be, which i strongly believe that to be NOT the case

at any rate, my point is, at least in canada, even anime porn could get you in trouble, regardless previous convictions

please try to get things right and not mix anything up between different countries before making that “it’s funny how everyone who brings that up neglect to mention the part about the actual child porn” comment

and lets not talk about getting “convicted” for a moment here…simply getting questioned (or arrested but not convicted) by police, seizing your stuff for examination, and the worst of all, getting your name on the newspaper and media (which is what happened in the canada case)…that prolly does enough damage and trouble to you and your life even if later on you didnt get convicted in court for whatever reason

Regardless of if I mixed them up, the thread is still about if X-Change 3 was censored, which has been established, even if the official term is “adapting for the english market”.

Regardless if some bloke in Canada, who may or may not have been a pedophile, got charged with possesion over some Hentai.

oh i know that, but just that i was a little upset about your somewhat unjustified and offending statement, that’s all

anyways, now that you know you got it mixed up, please be careful about what you say in the future, thank you

[ 07-22-2006, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

So are there any scenes deleted in the U.S version from the Japan version?

If so, what are they?