Have some XChange3's scenes been censored in the englis

Considering the game Jewel Knights Crusaders was released here and didn’t draw any attention, I don’t see why censoring had to happen.

I am very disappointed with PeachPrincess this time. The fact that such fact (some scenes/characters are edited out) is not mentioned on the game page totally upsets me. I had to find that out on this BBS but what if I never come here and take my time browsing through all the pages? What if no one asked this question? Is Peachprincess just going to keep it quiet? Omitting the truth is NOT that much better than telling a lie.

Frankly, I am pissed … very very pissed.

Granted, I personally dislike any “edited” game but I am well-aware of what current english market is like.However, I do expect to be informed if such changes were made. More so, I expect more from Peachprincess…

I have been a very loyal fan of english bishojo games and of peachprincess… but that all ends today …

I’m gonna have to agree with S.O.C. I’m a little dissapointed that there was no message about censorship in the game description and that we had to find out like this.

If there was a sex scene with Lipp then I can cleary see why it was taken out, but I am a little pissed if the Ayano rape scene was changed. I can’t think of anything that hasn’t already been in a liscened h-game or h-anime involving an acceptable aged character.

Apparently PP’s policy on rape is that it’s okay as long as the person doesn’t bleed or cry, since the trickle of blood and her tears were removed. I mean we can’t have distasteful things like that during a RAPE scene >_<

I also got the impression that it was supposed to be anal, but due to the censoring and the odd angle it made it hard to tell really.

[ 07-25-2006, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Policy or not girl’s tend to cry and bleed when robbed of their virginity. Benoit has a good point about Jewel Knights too.

I’m another one who’s disappointed with this censorship, if I’d preordered I’d be furious. Since I don’t buy stuff with non legally mandated censorship (and I try to avoid that if possible too, especially in the cut happy UK) unless it’s very cheap, it looks like I won’t be buying XChange 3. That’s a shame.

EDIT: The main objection that I have is not that I would miss the content that was cut, chances are that I wouldn’t. What I really object to though was the complete lack of communication prior to its release, and that by all accounts the stuff that was cut is similar to stuff that has already been released. It worries me that the cuts here could be the thin end of wedge.

[ 07-25-2006, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: dco_chris ]

As much as I dislike censorship, I wouldn’t think that this warrants the boycott of the entire English bishoujo game scene.

That is sad… I am still getting the games to support them and because I like the games.

I personally despise censorship but that is NOT the main reason why I am pissed off this time.

Peachprincess should have the decency to inform their customers that some scenes were edited out in xchange 3 on their game page. Unfortunately, they fail to do that. Sure, they didn’t lie … They told us the truth when they were asked by a forum member but seriously, how many people actually read this BBS? Are people who don’t read this BBS not deserved to make an informed decision when it comes to their purchases. I will repeat myself here. Omitting the truth is not that much better than telling a lie.

Sadly, Peachprincess is the only company that still ports Japanese ero games to english market.

I for one don’t particularly mind changing a CG slightly (as censorship goes, that’s not a big deal in my book). As for lipp - I don’t even know who she is, nor have I seen the Japanese version, so I lack all context.

What I’m not thrilled with is Peter’s response.

Peter – look. You’ve been very open in the past, and upfront. Even when you briefly entertained putting VMate on Doushin, you were up front when the ship hit the fan on the boards. So I immediately knew you were full of it in those first two paragraphs. And I don’t even own XChange 3! Compare it to the last paragraph, and the thing that strikes me is how you don’t actually deny anything in the first part while striving mightily to appear to do so. It reminds me, honestly, of Rockstar’s carefully-worded press releases “denying” they created the Hot Coffee content (that is, the ones that implied they didn’t create it without SAYING they hadn’t created it - because, of course, they DID create it).

It’s like this.

“Did you break into the bank last week?” “No.”

“Well then, was it you who stole my piggy bank Sunday?” “No.”

“How about Bob’s piggy bank?” “I can neither confirm nor deny …”

A little obvious, isn’t it?

[ 07-25-2006, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

While I don’t think my opinion means much but the censorship itself isn’t the problem, if you play eroge you must be somewhat used to it. Any warning would’ve been fine with me. Even if it had been put in the manual would’ve been fine with me but saying nothing and having it found out like this is only creates worse relations between the company and consumer.

I apologize to everyone who is upset by the (very small) changes made to the game, which were completely and absolutely necessary for us to release the game. Perhaps I should have posted beforehand, essentially asking fans if they’d prefer to have the game cancelled, or the small changes made. I will do so in the future (although it would only affect the fans who happen to be active readers on this BBS – someone who didn’t happen to read a post here would feel equally slighted).

I’d also like to point out, if it’s of any value, that we did lower the game from $49.95 to $39.95 during production, in part because of the changes we had no choice but to make.

I do hope that fans will get this game, since it’s really one of the best games we’ve released – the third chapter of the X-Change series is really great, with tons of story paths that really rock, including the maid path in question.

I am honestly very sorry that I didn’t make a post about the changes ahead of time. It was not my intention to hide anything and really, the changes amount to something like 0.03% of the game. And really, we had no choice but to make the changes we made.

I welcome your feedback!

The main reason why I am upset this time is because PeachPrincess did not inform us the change made in the game (editing/cutting of scenes) beforehand on xchange3’s game page. Instead, I had to find it out on this BBS in this thread. As mentioned, only a handful of people read this BBS. I myself am no longer a frequent BBS visitor also. PeachPrincess SHOULD inform their customers of any change and editing of any game on the game’s page So, ALL of us (not just ones who read this BBS) can make an informed purchase decision.

Yes, I despise any unwarranted editing. You can say I hate it with passion but I am also a realist and am very aware of what current English ero games market is like and that’s why I purchased every single English bgame made up until Doushin despite games I don’t find appealing (In fact, for those of you know me. You should know almost none of the current English titles are to my liking).

What I am asking here is simply giving us a head-up on the game’s page as to any editing are made or not. MAYBE if possible (even though not likely), port games without any unwarranted editing. That’s it. No more, no less.

What was it about Ayano’s scene that you couldn’t keep? Considering you sell games like Virgin Roster, Tsuki and Sensei 2 it makes little sense.

And seriously, you can’t really think that if someone has a problem with rape scenes that they’d be obliged by those changes.

It’s more like 2,5% - 3% actually.

That’s pushing it, all anyone has asked for is a small disclaimer on the product page like “Some scenes have been removed/altered from the original product”.

I for one would not have bought X-change 3 if that disclaimer had been there since I refuse to support censoring in any form.

The changes were also rather sloppily handled. There are two CG’s in the Picture room that look exactly the same now due to the changes, that is going to look rather odd to someone who doesn’t read the BBS.

[ 07-26-2006, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Atleast its not as bad as what happened back then in Nocturnal Illusion or May Club (anyone remember those games?)

I see the set that Velsper is talking about.

I don’t support unnessecary censoring, but i will in the end of August still buy X-Change 3. I like the series and if it have to be a little censored in order to get released i accept that. I think it is better to get the game in this form than not get the game at all.

Atleast its not as bad as what happened back then in Nocturnal Illusion or May Club (anyone remember those games?)

Yes i remember those games and i played them and liked them even that they where heavy censored.


I do hope that fans will get this game, since it’s really one of the best games we’ve released – the third chapter of the X-Change series is really great, with tons of story paths that really rock, including the maid path in question.

Yes as i said i will buy the game because i like the series.


As much as I dislike censorship, I wouldn’t think that this warrants the boycott of the entire English bishoujo game scene. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Benoit said what i thinked really well.

Please read the posts I made carefully…

I am tired of repeating myself here…As muh as I hate censoring, it is NOT the main reason why I am angry at PeachPrincess…>__<

I seem to recall that there are 5 pages of CGs with about 36 CGs per page. So assuming 2-3 CGs were modified or removed it would be about 0.03% not 2.5-3%. Also I would estimate only about 3-5% of fans would even pay attention to one set of duplicate CGs in the CG room. Its not like these games are error free, most would just chalk it up to errors or a duplicate scene a la Private Nurse. In fact, I would even argue that most fans don’t even get 100% completion to see all the CGs anyways. You must remember members of this board are a large vocal minority.

How the hell do you count? There are 250 unique CG’s, not counting backgrounds, which means 1% is 2,5 pictures, 8 images have been changed/removed that I can see. 8 divided by 2,5 = 3,2 which is the percentage.

If we are generous and include the background thingies there’s a total of 267 CG’s which means 1% = 2,67 CG’s. 8 divided by 2.67 = roughly 2,99.

Conclusion is that around 3% of the game has changed, a far cry from 0.03%