Have some XChange3's scenes been censored in the englis

I don’t really see why Peter says they had no choice but to censor it. It might be a problem if PP was a Canadian company, but the US already has lots of b-games with underage-looking characters. Anime as well, Kite originally came out censored but now it’s available uncut with the loli sex scenes and everything, despite the main character being specified as 16 years old in the Japanese artbook (and the flashbacks take place 4 years previous).

If they’re that worried, they should just make up some stuff like she’s really his older sister and she’s got some “little person” genes in her or something…

I 've already bought X-Change 3 , and would still have bought it even knowing about the minor censoring . I understand if it was decided that it needed to be removed to make the release possible , although I really hate censorship. As an adult , I should be able to decide these things for myself . I am disapointed that PP didn’t own up to the censorship up front .
What in the world was so bad that it needed censorship , when so many other games haven’t needed it ? What was so different here ?


However, the court has several times now struck down laws dealing with anime lolicon and while Judge Alito doesn’t seem to have any qualms about overturning precident like that, Judge Roberts has said that precident matters, like the rest of the court.

As for XC3, it would be nice if someone could make a patch to change those things back.

Perhaps they could release the game like that and add a patch on the site. That might still be murky area though…or sent via private request here at the boards or something.

It would be nice for purest to be able to easily edit things back in.

That would be nice, but I have my doubts…:confused:

Anyway, I would like to say that I am extremely chastened, and should it become necessary to make changes in a game in the future, I’ll signal it to this group and ask for your input beforehand.

Someone could probably restore Ayano’s scene without problem, should even be possible to combine it with the uncensored genitals without much trouble.

The Lipp scenes would be much harder though, while the original images could easily be restored, the problem would stem from someone first having to locate the original dialouge from the Japanese game, find a way to reinsert it into the English game then someone would have to not only translate Lipp’s dialouge but also make the game display the extra boxes of text.

No small task for any man.

[ 07-29-2006, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Even though i agree with everyone on the princple of not notifying the public in the main site I just have 2 thing to say.

  1. Most of the people in the BBS that I have read do not seem to like the Xchange series (not to say that it is not one of the more popular series), so it should not even bother them about the changes – except for the above mentioned principle.

  2. As the old saying go “Your just beating a dead horse.” Peter has already apoligized and agreed to let this form know of any changes in the future.

Even though I have not been a member long does not mean that I did not read the forum before I joined.

Beating a dead horse is fun though :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d rather have gotten X3, in its slightly modified form, than not gotten it at all. It was fun and stimulating to play. =) Lipp is not a critical character to the main storyline. The forced Ayano scene was disturbing enough as presented. I don’t doubt you could find your missing scenes in some dark, non-PeaPri connected corner of the Internet.

I think I saw a muscle twitch …

Yeah, I found that scene with Ayano quite disturbing. Not going to do that ending in a long time I guess. Heck! I even did the good ending with her afterwards to make me feel better lol.

So only those 2 things were changed/removed?

To tell you the truth i rather know this ahead of time just to avoid confusion.

But hey, now that i know it’s no big deal.

But is that really it?

(atleast now i know what to expect when i get it)

And PP seems to have gotten the message from some of us that wasn’t quite happy they made those changes, and are in the future going to ask our opinions before making changes…or something. So I guess it’s a good thing after all. (I hope).

Even thought there is not a big change in the game and I am not even in to the loli/genderchange thing I can’t just shake the feeling that PP has broken a trust in it’s consumers. I mean if this game was edited then what else is edited in other games and future games (even though we will probably have a full list on the forum of changes each time a game is released in the future now). Then I also thought of, why should I realy buy games that are edited? When I buy something I want the full thing. Granted US laws makes things hard…land of the free indeed…but this dosn’t change that fact that I want a good product.

My Japanese is by now fairly good and I can play regular eroge without much difficulty even if I often do come across a kanji I don’t recognise and have to look it up. I just hope that PP will have the guts to relese unedited games in the future despite the often shady laws of the US.

i’m not as fortunate as you, i’m totally blind with japanesse (even english is not my primary language), so i really hope that the english version is as good as the original one…

Well, I’m in the same boat as you Saihamaru. I do however have playd XC3 and I enjoyed it, so in my opinion it’s not bad at all.

I don’t think previous game have been edited at all, else we’d have heard of them by now.

There was a hint that they were going to edit this game, anyway. It was posted earlier that they were going to edit an ending where there was a loli character in a sexually explicit situation.

Havn’t been here long enough to really say somehting to that Benoit, but as far as I’ve seen only XC3 has been edited…O.o

It was posted earlier? I do not remember that at all … Must be getting senile …

What was posted earlier? O.o