Have some XChange3's scenes been censored in the englis

Blood and tears weren’t censored in the rape scenes from “Virgin Roster”.
And since rape scenes themselves aren’t fully removed from Ero games that have them while scenes with Loli characters are you have to ask yourself - is the rape of adults more okay than the rape of minors?

As for the “Lipp scenes”, the characters interaction in the pictures could be compared to a picture of someone peeping.

If you translated an Ero-game in the future and it contained a scene where a loli character was peeping on two adults having sex… would the peeping be removed from that sex scene?

yes, benoit is correct (partly at least) about lipp’s scene being mentioned or hinted on a previous thread where we all talked about censorship just like this one…

and i believe that most of us overlooked that single little post so im not surprised people have forgotten about it (myself included), but it was mentioned nevertheless now that i did some searching…

anyways, not saying this as a defense on peter’s part (i too believe that altering ayano’s scene was a bit overdone and unnecessary in my opinion), but just as a fyi

I don’t really see the point of cencoring any scene in any b-games or similar, since it’s rated adults only O.o

As i said, if there were patches released by the company to alter these back to the original it wouldn’t be so bad. Many people might chose not to use them.

I agree with Jinnai, patches would be a nice option.

  • nods *
    … just bear in mind that “patching back to the original” will also give you back those cuuuuute mosaics… :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought the hint or action of removing an ending was said by Peter Payne, but it was someone else:

Still, there was a hint that editing could take place, so as Lamuness said, I was partly right. :slight_smile:

I have liked the other games in the series very much, but not so sure I will get this one since I’m against censorship in any form.
Still, I can understand why it has been done, but don’t really think they should have done it.

What I find funny though is that they have

in the main page of the sire. :wink:

We still haven’t heard the reasoning behind that move.

I’m just putting this out there, but wouldn’t it just be easier to learn Japanese so you can import the original game from Japan?

Besides, there’s a much larger selection of awesome titles available, such as Kanon, AIR, Fate/stay night, PRINCESS MAKER, and SHUFFLE, to name a few.

Well anyway i waited forever for this game to come out so it’s not stopping me from getting it.

Is it really that important? Does it really change the game around with confusion?

[ 08-01-2006, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: Master X ]

Ah, I think I remember this now. I can’t say I would have ever had any intention of getting the ending in question, censorship or no. Doesn’t mean it should (or should not) have been censored, which is entirely separate …

I can’t imagine Peter would approve of editing any game in any way that made things confusing, incomprehensible, or otherwise be a gaping hole where something’s supposed to fit (keep your minds out of MY gutter). Such drastic edits would leave the game like Escaflowne on FOX, which did horribly because it was so badly mangled it was unwatchable (so I hear, anyway). And I think Peter knows better than that.

Of course, the flip side is, if there’s a game that needed that much editing to be brought over at all … Peter’d probably skip it.

  • nods *
    … just bear in mind that “patching back to the original” will also give you back those cuuuuute mosaics… :smiley:

But i think you know what i meant. A patch generally doesn’t get as much critiscism, gets around the fact that certain locals have different laws for shipping and allows others to be able to view unaltered the game (except the translation and dropping mosaics…before someone says so). This seems to be the reason from the dialogues…

If PP doesn’t make a patch, it would be nice if someone else did, but considering the number of people with those skills are low…

No, not at all. Some people here are just mad that they weren’t told about the editted scenes.

I haven’t seen the PP version yet, but I have seen the Japanese CG, and I think I’ve got a reasonable idea which images we’re talking about. If so, I can’t see how that particular string of CG could have been included. Lipp looks to young to use any “she’s 18 - just really small” writing, and she’s a pretty definite participant in the original version.

Yeah, what’s different, EXACTLY? I dislike censorship (but I dislike the X-Change series too, therefore I’m just a neutral observer here :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: … ), and if someone “changed” the storyline for ANY reason, I refuse to buy the game-video-book-whatever.
But if only a few (how many?) CG’s “disappeared”… well, Internet is full of pirated Japanese CG’s, do you know? Questionable/disputable advice, yes, but this is a questionable/disputable situation for sure…

The removal of Jewel Knight Crusaders from the g-collections site as well as the loli from X-change 3, simply tells me that Mr. Payne is trying to avoid unnecessary trouble both as a publisher and for its customers.
Granted, I’d like to have all the original content available to me, but not if it will affect negatively to Peapri.

The censoring of the rape scene does seem odd, given the content of other previously released games, as well as hentai videos and whatnot, I’m curious as to what caused that decision.

Baldo, i suggest you to look at the most recent laws on the matter here in Italy.Be careful about what you’re going to buy from now on.

Uh, yeah. One party wants to push one set of values and another wants to push theirs. One wants to save us from sexual deviancy and the other wants to save us from guns, violence, sex, gender stereotypes, and foul language in entertainment. The honest truth is that neither political party is your friend. When enough people figure it out, maybe we’ll be able to get government out of our games.

Yes, reality affects our business processes and how/which products will make it to the U.S. market. However, it’s the lolicon issue that seems to be the primary wick. Rape is on prime-time television, often as part of dramas. Yet, nobody can say that the art of ZyX, Actress, or Trabulance is even comparable to the portrayed reality of television. Perhaps, until the dust settles on the issue, Peach Princess should look more at games that exclusively focus on characters that don’t tread on lolicon territory. That should help avoid the percieved need to censor certain content.

[ 08-04-2006, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Proxy Account ]