Have some XChange3's scenes been censored in the englis

Velsper and DemonSpawn, who cares about :smiley: UE :smiley: . A law emanated from European Parliament is an obbligation for every member state, and we’re talking of a political subject with more potential customers then :wink:

[ 09-11-2006, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

ROFLMAO. Sorry but that’s the only reply your gibberish is worth Italicus.

You’re either an idiot or the worlds greatest actor doing the performance of his life. I know which choice I’m betting on.

Laughs well the one who laughs last. Let’s see if i’m joking or not. :slight_smile:

In both cases, you’re wasting your money.

[ 09-11-2006, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

But the customs do care.

Reading through this topic, I got pretty displeased that a small company such as Peach Princess would be paranoid enough that they think they would gain attention from bitchy politicians and soccer moms more than big-name companies like…Rockstar?

I wouldn’t blame them if there weren’t already successful titles in the U.S. that had loli in them. Princess 69, Daiakuji, Love Doll, and Story of Little Monica come to mind.

Uhhhh…I think this might matter more…

Sales in U.S. >>>> Sales in E.U.

Um… I think you might be forgetting the fact that most of them are from the U.S., where loli is actually legal…

[ 09-11-2006, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: B173 M3 ]

b173 m3, Velsper is in Sweden, threatening to send me a loli-package with my name on in Italy, where it is not.Got clear?
And even if US sales are bigger then Ue ones, the fact Peter cares about them seems to me a clear demonstration that worlwide sales are still not enough to substain a decent - and big enough - hentai game market.

Coolgamer, i don’t need to purchase hentai magazines via internet. All i have to do is to go to any newspaper store around here and purchase one. And here.in.Ue.THERE.ARE.SUCH.LAWS. Got it, you egocentric USoAer?

[ 09-12-2006, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

Well said benoit, Yes it is dead and all I am hearing is the same thing back and forth. so it has gone beyond dead to rotting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps it is time fore Lamuness to lock this thread before it becomes another flaming arena, like the v-mate threads before.

In some places. Not everywhere is loli-con illegal. In some places any sex scenes would be illegal as well.

In the US, where their HQ is located, there aren’t any laws forbidding such a scene. Nor have previous releases drawn any major critism. The US Supreme Court has struck down laws atleast twice that outlawed loli-con (but upheld laws which used real children, even if it was only their face).

And US is probably PP primary target audiance. Canada being second and Europe third and elsewhere off their charts (can’t say for certain, but i’m sure about the US, or why have their HQ in the states).

The releases of these games haven’t drawn any real attention. Why? Because unlike GTA you can’t go into a retail outlet and buy it off the shelf. As long as these games aren’t readily accessable to minors in such a manner the media and parent groups will always have better targets to aim at.

[ 09-12-2006, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

A total different view from Ue, or at least Italy, since the day some teachers discovered a sordid traffic about Dragonball porn sticks circulating in some Lombard schools. :confused:

And you’re pointing right, Jinnai. This game is going to be sold in UE, too. So, in a worldwide perspective, Peter’s move is totally justified.

@ Benoit

“Repetitia iuvant”, said a latin proverb.

Anyway I agree,time to close this thread. Both sides of Atlantic have fully expressed their opinions here. If you in US can blame Peter for censoring the game, here in most part of the UE, where the lolicon is associated with pedophily and therefore severely punished, frankly we can not. I’m going to be displeased for sure if PP’s ISP is going to get banned from european networks…

[ 09-14-2006, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

Italicus, shut up already. You’re just reiterating the same damn thing over and over.

And for god’s sake, it’s EU not UE. It’s only two letters, get it right if you’re going to use it. It’s not brain surgery.

Ugh… Lamuness Please close this thread. This thread has become really pointless now.

ya i know…and honestly velsper has been a total nuissance the whole time (not just this thread but basically in every one of his post on this bbs, from the day he made the first post here)

for people in the US, while peapri is based in california, please keep in mind that there is a world outside of your country, and other countries in the world do not necessarily have the same laws as you do. don’t forget that peapri pretty much sells their games worldwide, not just the US, and there have been cases in the past years where questionable anime products have been seized by customs in various countries, and in the worst case police had raided in one of our bbs member’s home and seized his anime stuff…and that member has never been heard of again. feel free to search the bbs regarding this matter. my point is, please understand and respect people from other countries since they have their own problems and there is no denying about that

as requested i shall close this thread. and to prevent people like velsper accusing me of dodging the issue by closing the thread, allow me to say a few words since i have been pretty quiet on this issue personally.

in closing, i am pretty sure peter has learned his lesson this time and will consult with you guys if anything needs to be butchered. and plus, after testing yinyang a few weeks ago, i seriously doubt that anything would need to be axed or altered in this game.

finally, velsper, please seriously refrain from making insulting and condescending comments on this bbs in the future, or i will have to ban you. you have been warned.