Have some XChange3's scenes been censored in the englis

Actually, there is… And in Canada, people go to jail/get fined for possession of material depicting such behaviour.

The difference is that in those magazines, consenting adults are displayed. This is about a loli.

“Think of the children!” >_>

I do agree on that.

In other countries. In the US there is as well, but laws of that nature that don’t involve real kids have been stuck down by the US supreme court. It’s only when they involve real kids they uphold them.

It hasn’t been struck down yet because the only case that came before them involving loli-con also involve child-porn and the court decided not to take that case.

if censorship means i dont have to look child porn(draw or real) then quite frankly GOOD!

having seen the CGs for the removed loli scene im very happy its gone as the girl looks no more than 5 years old at best (note havent actually played xc3 yet, but am assuming the loli girl is the pink haired one)

although the rape scenes editing has confused me as it is a norm event in many translated b-games

Aren’t you using a double standard here? You’re saying it’s okay to censor loli, but not rape?

Neither one should have been censored, or PP should have made it possible for players to chose to have those scenes edited with a patch or something.

[ 09-03-2006, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

No, i said that editing the rape scene confused me, but thats because most games have at least 1 rape scene in it and they’ve never altered them b4

im not saying the rape scenes are good or bad, i’m indifferent to them

but loli is my biggest problem with b-games; i just dont like seeing 10 year olds at “it”

[ 09-03-2006, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: SpidiB ]

Jinnai, here in Italy not only material showing sex with kids - real or simulated ( watch out Baldo ) - is forbidden, but even sex with adults that looks like kids( same as before). Statements using “People are 18 or older” don’t mean much in such cases. Thanks to Berlusconi and its catholic lobby, and a special blast to the law’s promoters… :frowning:

[ 09-05-2006, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

This was pretty much the whole reason I joined this thread in the first place, but since I had just registered I didn’t want to get kicked or banned by stating what I felt was fairly obvious.

Seriously, if it’s the whole cost issue, with a niche market like this you have to have the support of your core group. Dodging the issue, the sarcastic replies, the empty promises, none of those things are keeping the trust of the people with the wallets. Ultimately you’ll find yourself losing their support, which would hurt a lot more than the threat of a lawsuit.

Also, I think editing out stuff and then having a patch to put it back in based on preference is just stupid. I mean, I don’t like the scat stuff that seems to be in quite a few games, but I just accept it as being in there, even if it’s not my taste.

Sucks to be you man. Atleast he’s out now so maybe if things get better you can change that…

But seriously, that’s why they can allow for patches or make regional variations. I know other companies, including small ones, change the distrubution (for good or bad) based on what country they are selling to.

True a patch is not the most ideal solution (the ideal solution would be a game that installed itself to everyone’s exact taste :smiley: ), however it is better than the current alternative.

Sucks for you then, but as you’ve been told before Italy is a non-issue in the Bishie-game market.

Not simply religion, but obtrusive Big Brothers are to blame. Our past government simply enforced this directive from Soviet… err, European Union council, technically binding for ALL members, Sweden included.

Baldo is right,Sweden have this directive i the law.

That the law exist is the point that it havent been enforced yet is just luck, if some politician get the word that PP games have loli sex the result could be that pp’s website would be banned by Swedish ISP’s. They do that with websites who could supply porn who is illegal in Sweden. I am afraid that if i showed my collection of bishjou games to a politician i would be branded as a pornographer, because they don’t have the knowledge.

I think that it is best to be safe than sorry, i doesn’t want to have to go to the police and have to explain that it is a harmless game that i have bought and imported.

And i think that Italy have a bigger issue in the bishjou game market, because animee was earlier there, and Italy have more people and therefor is a bigger market. There are games who is translated to italian, but how many are translated to swedish.

Well maybe im just ranting but this is my 2 cents.

I don’t see how. Unless I am misunderstanding things, that directive talks about realistic images. Typical loli stuff is anything but realistic and therefore not illegal.

My guess is that the law is defined like that for a similar reason to the law against psuedo child pornography in Britain, to stop anyone claiming that photographs are actually photo-realistic paintings or CG. To my absolute shock the British law is actually better worded for once.

EDIT: I totally understand your concern though. I find this pretty tricky because I refuse to buy stuff that is edited on principal, but don’t necessarily want to see what was in it in the first place. I won’t buy X-Change 3 because of the editing, but I might not have imported it anyway because of the content without the editing. I’m so confused.

[ 09-07-2006, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: dco_chris ]

The only thing you accomplished here was show that you don’t have the faintest idea about what the filter does.

Your thoughts on the matter are irrelevant as Peter Payne explained during the V-mate Debate that losing Italy as a market wasn’t such a big deal as it consisted of very little of their sales when Italicus whined then.

[ 09-09-2006, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

How much of a market share does Italy have, anyway? Even so, any sales are good sales. shrugs

True, decreasing sales is never something that’s good. However, sales in a perifriary market vs. a core market. the decrease in a core market is much more troubling than a perifriary market.

However sometimes decreases in core market could be offset by increases in emerging markets. However, one has to make sure that those emerging markets would be able to more than counterbalance the loss in the former core market and the increases are stable moderate- to long-term, not short-term spikes. Comapnies have fallen because they chased emerging markets and drop their previous core markets only to find out that the increase in sales was only for one product or the situation in that region was too unstable.

Italy is not a core market or at this point an emerging market. It’s not even tersiary market. It’s a perfirial market. Just like Japanese bushoujo companies might be pleasantly suprised at sales for North America, that does not mean they will care if those sales dry up.

you must have not read the entire post, we are talking about the US version and it is not censored(at least what was released), but the censorship we are discussing is the removal of bits of the game .

sometimes I feel I am being too nice.

[ 09-08-2006, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

It seems everyone here is missing the main point: Peter has changed this game “in corso d’opera”. He was working for a long time - and we know what long time means here at PP, lol :smiley: - and then suddenly he had to face those invasive laws. Instead of appreciating his efforts, everyone here is criticizing him instead of those laws… How sad…

And anyway please keep in mind that Lipp - the censored game character - is looking definitely like a minor.

“Law, harsh law, but still this is the law”. So obey and stop complaining. You’re all damaging PP position in doing so. World is filled with false and hypocrite people that want to whipe out sex from internet, and you’re giving them excuses, with this thread, going against Peter’s crew’s censorship decisions. Good job Peter, you have my full and total seal of appreciation.

If you still don’t want to listen, then learn japanese, order your full X-change 3 games from Japan - mosaics included - and hope your postal security service don’t bust the package - and please keep in mind i’ll pray the holy Buddah for the contrary to happen.

[ 09-09-2006, 06:34 AM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

The problem, as has been pointed out, is that PP is publishing games in the United States where it is legal to have the scenes in. There are no new laws banning anything, only new record keeping laws. There have already been games released with similar content and they have drawn no attention whatsoever, and that is why there is criticism.

Irony at it’s finest. You’re the one who’s seemingly incapable of grasping the fact that the U.S has no such laws.

I realize you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even you should be able to realize that Italy /= U.S.A

It’s also very humorous when the biggest whiner on the board tells other people to stop complaining.

As soon as that happens I’m going to buy a loli-game, manga, anime or whatever and mail it to you and put a huge sticker on the package saying “ATTENTION CUSTOM AGENTS: LOLICON INSIDE” just so you can get arrested for it.

You’re seriously expecting a customs agent to open a package with X-Change 3, and despite the box not giving any indication of it, suspect there’s lolicon in it and then not only install the game but also play through all possible scenarios till they happen upon the hypotethical scene?

You can’t be serious.

[ 09-09-2006, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Hmm… an excellent point. Maybe we should just have all the english speaking bishoujo game fans move over here.

Well, we’re also criticizing the way he handled everything. It makes people angrier when they feel they’ve been deceieved as opposed to saying “hey, we screwed up” or “we did it for this reason”.