have you ever been in a real relationship ?

or would you even want to ? Me personally I love my women 2D . Real women just dont do it for me - no offense female members :wink:

Interesting topic to bring up. I think many would have trouble admitting such a thing in such a public place as this. Anyways, as for me (since I have no problem talking about this), I was in an on again off again relationship with someone for about five years when I was in my teens that even got physical for a brief amount of time. It officially ended when I was around 18 in a rather unpleasant manner. After that I occasional heard from her regarding stuff I would have rather not known (such as her moving in with some guy). The last time I heard from her was when she invited me to her wedding. She called me and said she realizes that we ended on rather bad terms, but that she wanted me to attend. Still having quite a bit of bitterness, I stiffly got through the call and childishly didn’t call her back to let her know one way or the other. For quite some time I simply referred to her as “The Wicked Bitch of the West”. Needless to say, that relationship affected me in quite a bad way for many years. I’ve slowly come to terms with it (and other issues in my life), and am even thinking of one of these days tracking her down and apologizing for my childish behavior regarding her wedding. While I am not actively looking to be in a relationship again right now (due to various factors in my life), if one begins in my life tomorrow I wouldn’t turn away from it (though I’m not sure I would know how to handle one properly given how long it has been, although on the other hand the time for introspection might give me an advantage). While I certainly enjoy my “2D women”, there really is no comparison to the real thing. You really have to experience it for yourself to understand.

Some songs relating to my former relationship:
Weird Al Yankovic - One More Minute
Mai Yamane - Want It All Back

This thread is a trap to enforce bishoujo gamer stereotypes :oops:

Someone post that picture of Stars Wars General Thoth or what’s his name.

OK I demand to see the picture bokmeow is talking about :stuck_out_tongue: . thanks for sharing KM I suppose in good faith I as TC should share. well Ive never had a gf , in fact I ve never kissed a girl on the mouth or cheek. In college being a nerd can be cool and clique but not in middle school . In all my previous education I was foiled by jocks ; bitter -hell yes :x Also for some reason I always end up a friend. Also it seems most women where I live have religous mores. Bottom line Im about to surpass Keitaro

Urashima s record with no relationship in site. The glorious eroge however gives me the power to endure.

I apologize for my double post however I have a wretched character limit right now I’d be eternally grateful if a mod/admin could combine these into one post or barring that not delete it.

I had multiple women and I do have a GF for 6 years now.

I believe you mean Admiral Ackbar. Here’s your picture:

Married for 20+ years thank you.

In this world full of divorces left and right, it’s good to hear of someone like you OrcAttack. Thank you for sharing here. Anyways, on to the main point of this post.

Don’t despair too much Lurker. I probably would be in a similar situation as you (even with me being eight years older than you right now according to your profile) if not for the fact that for some reason my ex-girlfriend was the one who approached me initially all those years ago. I too encountered the problem of always being looked at as the friend and never the romantic interest when I was actively looking for a relationship again a few years ago. Here are some brief bits of advice if you do want to try out a relationship with a female who isn’t 2D. (I would appreciate feedback on these, especially from those with more success to their name than myself.)
[]Have confidence in yourself. From my experience, women can detect insecurity from men from ten miles away.[/]
[]Show some interest, but not too much. Appearing clingy is a death sentence.[/]
[]Don’t be afraid to talk to a woman you think is “way out of your league”. Sometimes these women aren’t approached much because men are intimidated by how good they look.[/]
[]Be yourself, but know when to keep your mouth shut. They don’t need to know every single minute detail about you as soon as they meet you.[/]
[]As Kane Blueriver of “Lost Universe” says in the English dub, “If you don’t shoot, you can’t score.”. You lose nothing when you try and don’t succeed at asking someone out. The same can’t be said for much of life, so take advantage of this fact.[/]
[]Don’t be discouraged and give up trying to ask women out after your first (or second, third, fourth, etc.) try at asking someone out. Extenuating circumstances may exist.[/]
[]Humor is a wonderful tool. Use it. (This is part of why I have three versions of the “Looking for a Japanese Girlfriend” shirts.)[/][/list]

Just want to add, that much like a job interview, appearances and first impressions goes a long way with the opposite sex.
Also, while it’s not a must, but being physically active in a sport or in a weight training program helps.
While the muscle between the eye’s is the most important one to exercise, having a physically fit body does have its advantages.

Excellent advice BTW.

Does being married for thirty years count? On the other hand, even tho it works pretty good for me, I wouldn’t recommed matrimony to everyone. It’s no substitute for fantasy.

i just started a relationship almost a year ago. although it’s my first one, everyday i read a certain columnist who deals with relationship issues, might be a good read:


Yeah, it’s Admiral Ackbar, this is the one I’m more familiar with usually.

Whoa, not to artificially inflate the effectiveness of Peter Payne’s recruitment instrument or anything, but I actually picked up a Japanese girlfriend after she saw the shirt. Talk about a coinky-dink.

No offense (I was just wondering), but is getting advice from someone who doesn’t have much experience with women not a little bit strange?

No hard feelings. :smiley:

That’s precisely why I asked for feedback on what I said from those with more success than myself. On the other hand, you can look at it the way Thomas Alva Edison did for a different reason: I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

O.O AM I THE ONLY RL GIRL HERE??? Someone Please Let me know if I am alone?? Feels Really a little out of place currently

im sure there are other ladies in this bbs too

…hell, there are people who thinks that im a girl too :stuck_out_tongue:

No, you aren’t the only female member of the board that is active. There is also papillon and Ojamajo_LimePie. In the past there were some other female members that came here as well that I came across when I did a search for something (however I’m too lazy to try and find their board names).

As Shakespeare says , "whats done is done " so I try not to dwell on the past . :slight_smile: what Im really looking for (and substitute eroge for) is a weak relationship based on sexual gratification . While it may be do to lack of commitment but I also have yet to find the complete package that to me would indicate bridal material . Any tips on how to find either might come in handy later :wink:

So I take it you’re looking for a woman that cooks, cleans, and can make love to you like a porn star.
No questions asked, huh.

Difficult, but not impossible to find… Let’s see what comes to mind…,Mail Order Brides, Exotic Dancer… :shock: :lol: