have you ever been in a real relationship ?

Technically, I believe you are incorrect. So far as I have seen, the guy who got confused by your old avatar, and thought you were a girl for awhile, stopped posting when he found out he’d made a fool of himself. I don’t think I’ve seen a single message from him since then.

And yeah, we used to have at least one other female regular - ladyphoenix - but she hasn’t been seen in over a year.

As for the original question … Never had one, never wanted one, never felt the urge to try to get one. Only reason I know I’m not gay, in fact, is that yaoi does not appeal to me at all. I realize this makes me a very strange person; I eventually decided that I don’t really care that I’m a weirdo.

Honestly not proud to admit it but I’ve had far too many relationships, some serious, most just physical. I’m not, however, ashamed to admit I’m into BDSM, and have been with my pet for five years now.(I can’t believe it’s already been that long.) I can only hope this one continues to last for many years to come, considering we have just about everything in common, from playing eroge to kick boxing.

Kimuzukashii MEIJI’s little list here was actually pretty dead on, except for the fact that I show very little attention/interest yet still get it. (You’d be amazed how many women get interested rather then offended/repulsed when they see you with another woman on a leash in public.)

O.O well I really guess it can work how ever peeps want it to… I was passing a park about a Week back and people (Couples) where actually having sex there… loudly… O.O i was sooo Suprised I dropped my Ice Cream… And i wasn’t happy I decided to walk not drive… and I dropped my Klondike bar…

I Dated my Last GF for 3 years. I was older and graduated before her… … and well we just drifted I guess… I Got hurt really bad and got deppressed… really deppressed. She left me for a some guy… (I thought she was 100% into girls only) So that didn’t make me feel great… but Because of that During a Sad day I found Snow Sakura… and I played it… And felt happy. ^.^

Well first , bokmeow please relate the story of your T-shirt girlfriend if you dont mind . Dalburnan I am only mildly surprised as studies indicate women are more likely to have masochism than any other fetish. NBP while my sexual preferences could fill a whole post I have no problem doing my share of cooking and cleaning . I place a huge emphasis on compatibility.

While I have no comment on the leash thing, your statement about getting attention without showing any fits with something my friend (who is getting married in a few months) said about interacting with women at the extreme beginning. He says that going out of your way to ignore them will actually make them interested, because they will want to know why you are showing zero interest. I haven’t tested this out myself, so I can’t verify the validity of this advice. Supposedly this works extremely well with women who are constantly getting hit on by other men.
While I know that I wasn’t asked to, I thought I might clarify regarding my quote of Thomas Edison by pointing out which of my tips I failed.

When I was younger, I was a very insecure person. While I can’t tell you to what degree it played, I’m sure it was a significant factor. I partly credit my involvement with martial arts for a time (even being ranked second in the state in a certain category one year) with my much improved self-image.

When I was younger, I fell for women very easily and latched on with a death grip. So much so, that I was labeled as “creepy”.

Oh boy, the story behind this one. One particular attempt to start a relationship with someone taught me this important lesson. I still wonder if I might have somehow managed to start a relationship with this beautiful Japanese woman from Tokyo who was living in Hawaii on her parents dime if I hadn’t inserted my foot in my mouth. Part of the problem is that I can be honest to a fault.
Anyway, that’s my experience at learning the hard way. How about you guys?

I think… I am just Ugly… Peeps not interested in Ugly Girls… Its not that I am out of shape either… I just don’t have any Features that Peeps would go for.

Well with me, it’s always been a case of not taking my own advise. I’m great at telling my friends what to do or say to pick-up a potential mate(the perfect wing man?).
But, when it comes to my self, I tend to freeze up. Usually, I find myself taking a step or two back to collect my thoughts before I can proceed. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to excuse myself to do that(I probable need a shrink). :lol:

Other than that, I’m fine… I think?


… … That was strangelly unsatisifying… tear… grabs her shrink and walks off

I’m just too shy around girls in real life, unless i know them well enough. When I do know them, I am still loathe to talk to them because I’m so shy. Think younger Hinata shy. It probably has to due with my looks and self esteem.

Dalburnan if your partner likes eroge better take good care or I’ll steal her. :wink: If she liked Toho Science fiction films she must be very close to the ideal woman. :smiley:

Well I am a Girl… And I have to Agree with Confidence is Nice. But a Shy Confidence is also Really good. If you come on yet have a bit of Trouble Speaking it can be cute. also In my opinion Find Girls with the Same interest’s. Thant may be hard to do but it would make conversation infinitly easier. Go to Cons and stuff. Sakura-con E3 or something. ((Speaking of which is there a Bishoujo=com or gathering thingy???)) Its much easier to approach someone if they have an Interest in something you are. I originally met my ex because We both where staring at Pocky and Ramune. drools Ramune…

Do you like guys?

Or only girls?

That’s very Personal O//O well… Honostly I like Girls more… They are Soft and cuddly and warm… Just certain things that Guys don’t… bosom cough
But with Girls its mostly Sexual…

I Do like Guys… But I never had a Guy approach me… But if a guy approached me doing what I said and Sharing an Interest with me… I would probably give him a Chance.

That’s very Personal O//O well… Honostly I like Girls more… They are Soft and cuddly and warm… Just certain things that Guys don’t… bosom cough
But with Girls its mostly Sexual…

I Do like Guys… But I never had a Guy approach me… But if a guy approached me doing what I said and Sharing an Interest with me… I would probably give him a Chance.

I too suffered from the whole liking someone and wanting to be around them too much and being labeled as stalkerish KM so I feel your pain . Hormones can confuse you and make you do things out of character.

My thoughts exactly. :smiley:


O.O Well I just Can’t argue with that Logic… Girls can Be awesome… tear I just wish I had more Bosom… ahhh the things i would do with a nice sized bosom :twisted:

I like a nice booty better. :lol:

all Preference Really…

But to get a bit further back on Track. GUYS go to CONS and Stuff. People with similar Interests and life styles will be there… I would love to hear more about peeps on here getting married or something.

:slight_smile: “It’s a trap” was the first thing to came to mind as well :lol:

As for me, I’ve been in real relationships, a couple of great ones, some uneventful ones and some disastrous ones as well; but hey! live and learn :slight_smile:

2D is great for sure, but real 3D has no comparison :smiley:

Might as well share my 2 cents, since the thread turned into a thread advice, but before you approach, ask on a date or have a relationship with a girl, you should first keep in mind that:

[]Women are not ethereal beings[/]
[]Women do not come from venus or another planet [/]
[]Women have values and traits just like you or anyone else[/]
[]Being with a woman is the same as being with any other person[/][/list]

My point here is, that in the end you are simply interacting with another person, and this interaction can be a great one or an awful one based on how you approach it and how effective it is in the end.

Never approach any girl with any preconceptions or “ideal scenarios” in mind, just relax and take the time to know another person, believe me, you’ll be surprised with the results :slight_smile:

I agree 100%, this is the best advice to follow, however it’s also the most difficult to acomplish…
But let’s revise this later…

Agreed, however DO let her know why you like to be around her. Why is she getting your attention?

This doesn’t apply if you only like her thong line :lol: but if something about her attracts you, by all means talk to her and let her know, BUT in a subtlle way. Being clingy is never okay, always know when to retreat.

Talk, approach, take a risk, however this applies to every woman

Don’t paint an inaccurate version of yourself, let her know about your uniqueness and what makes you different of the rest.
But be aware of her responses, if she doesn’t care about your job/pet/ BDSM CG collection, find another topic.
And ALWAYS listen to her, know what moves her or is in her mind

Good ole’ confidence… .

Yup, but I’ll add that Is not only humor, but actually having a good conversation with an interesting topic; the internet is your best sidekick here :smiley:

In the end is about getting out of your comfort zone and be confident of yourself and any outcome. If you don’t feel confident, then simply ask yourself what is the cause of this and work on it.