have you ever been in a real relationship ?

double post

Thanks for the feedback Nintakaru. Your little list of things to keep in mind reminds me of why I don’t understand these people that go ga-ga over celebrities and such. They are just people; human beings like you and I.

Well given i’m a bit older than the typical anime fan now days not sure how that would pan out…

and it’s sad because aside from anime, rpgs are my main interest and that has even less girls…

I understand where you’re coming from Jinnai. As my profile says, my interests are “Anime, Computer Games and Computers, PnP RPGs (mostly D&D), Japanese Language and Culture, and many more things too numerous to put here…” with many of those too numerous to mention things having to do with academic things such as various branches of science, etymology, and other yawn inducing subjects for most women. Also, 30 is approaching at an alarming rate (though I don’t particularly fear it happening). It’s kind of sad when the girls who are barely women that attend the community college have no memory of ever listening to an LP, and you on the other hand grew up with them, and there wasn’t a CD player in your house until you were a teenager already.

It isn’t really necessary to have the same interests. :!:

That is True but Common Ground is Always Nice.

I am Definitly Not A huge fan of this Idea but I hear It works way better than I give it credit for… Those Dating sites… My Aunt who is a Shrink told me that it really can match you with someone you can really do well with. But you have to be honost with the Questions and stuff… I don’t like the Idea Paying for anything But I just hear good things… And if it can make people happy then I think it is a Great thing

Maybe, you want to hear the story of Ladyphoenix?

A former regular here and even webmistress of her own bishoujo gaming homepage, who told us all about her private problems with her boyfriend in the legendary thread of insanity? Whom we gave there comfort until she managed to bring that relationship really into the correct direction?

Then they married, and her homepage went on updating-hiatus and here we don’t read of her anymore either… :frowning:

But we may at least take comfort in our former bishoujo goddess now being happy. :idea:

(… and if you should be currently reading this in lurker-mode then YES: this was your cue!! The last FWOBiGoLS is summoning you - in the name of our exchange of LMM-trading-cards back then! :stuck_out_tongue: … )

I take that back with the updating hiatus: the last time the page was updated was this year in April! The goddess may forgive me… :wink:

There are free sites.

Check out my profile:


You can click on the personality awards to see what they mean. :wink:

I don’t use that site for dating. But there are lots of funny tests. http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Rifegu/tests/
:lol: :wink:

O.O I have been to that Page quite a Few Times I never knew. And it would be sad to see More peeps go… But hopefully future Peeps who will get married will still come and chat… I dont’ think I would ever want to be with someone who wouldn’t let me play my Games.

I think we’d be really good friends if we lived near each other. You’re like a mirror image of me…except my adademic interests tend toward history, especially political, cultural, economic & religious evolution, astronomy, etc.

You’re probably right Jinnai. Anyways, here is a link that shows my contribution to a “yawn inducing” thread at a board I contributed to for an extremely brief amount of time.

^.^ Its nice to see people getting along ^.^

Interesting read, although there are some more important nuances you missed, especially with the many worlds theory, that is that if you could travel back in time and were successful, you wouldn’t know it because you yourself would just create a new copy of yourself there while your current consciousness would continue to exist in this world, thus making it quite difficult, if impossible to determine if you were ever successful.

You just proved we’d get along well with that. :smiley: Nobody on that forum noticed something like that in the post I made.

I don’t believe that theory. :smiley:

Believe it my friend when you initiate time travel your mere presence creates change and parallel universes. Once this occurs you cannot return.

I’m more or less like nandemonai.
I’ve never been in a relationship and I’m really not interested (yeah sometimes my "uniquesness makes me behave strangely).

It’s not like I’m lack confidence or something like that… and I’m 100% straight, but even if a cute woman proposed me to go out with her I would refuse.
In fact I’ve rejected 2 girls and 2 others one w,ho were clingy enough to make me understand what they wanted, became discouraged because of my inaction.
Now that I think about it they were all cute so i think that in ou current world that makes me an idiot :lol:
(still remember one ep of Spin City when Paul rejected a top model and in the end when he realizes what he has done he screams “Oh my God, what have I done !?”)

But now… i’ve changed… since I play eroge, I want a 2D girlfriend. :lol:

Epic quote from South Park : I don’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die.

I think Time travel is impossible. :stuck_out_tongue:

Time travel IS possible.
in fact you do it every day if you move, since if you “approach” the speed of light you go to the future (if you compare to someone who doesn’t move).

I’ll make a topic about time travel so we can talk further. :o