have you ever been in a real relationship ?

so anyone working in a Relashionship Right now??


I think she meant in a working relationship as in not on the bricks or about to fall apart.

Oh i just remembered that I’ve been married on internet for fun lol :D.
I just married a girl on a forum and we have been together for some monthes.
Unfortunately, just after she gave birth to our first child, I discovered that the baby was not mine so we had to break up.

Well it’s not really time travel…

There are also theories that say at the center of a singularity time is warped to such an extent that you could travel back in time. However, you would have already been crushed to death.

I’m in a ‘working’ relationship.

Sorry to take this off topic some more, but I had to respond to this. From what I understand from my knowledge of black holes, you would be ripped apart by tidal forces and turned in to string of matter long before the crushing effects of the singularity.

moved discussion here

Has someone already had the chance to undergo a “shitstorm” ?
like living with your GF for several years and the day you want to propose her, you see her in your bed with your own brother. :smiley: SHITSTORM !

Nope I havent and I hope to never see something so fucked up.

Sorry to necro old thread but situation has changed .

i’m back at school now-have been for afew weeks and well …there’s a girl I like …shocking . anyways,whats special is she’s probably only the second girl I’ve ever really been attracted too. I see attrative chicks every day but I never think more than once or twice about them …if you know what I mean. Anyway I seem to be thinking about this girl progressivly more and more . The problem is I’m maybe average and she’s a10 plus Ive never been officially diagnosed but taking an interent self psch test to measure social phobia I scored severe (an 87 I thyink) Im too scared to approach her . I also think we have nothing in common either I was in the lobby studyingtwo days ago and she had a scab on her leg flag football . She asked if anyone had gauze so I provided of course but thats beside the point Im too scared to talk to her and I l,oathe american"jock" culture with every fiber of my being. Plus Im becoming even more depressed than usual and its starting to negativl;ey impact my grades. I debated going to the psch department to look for a hypnotherapistto see if They could make it where I wouldnt like/care abou her anymore.


Probably the fastest way to get it out of your system is to just ask and get an answer instead of being in limbo. I know it sucks, and this “test” has you thinking you can’t bring yourself to do it, but I’m sure you can. If you don’t, and you see her hook up with someone, most likely “what if” scenarios will linger in your mind, and prolong your problem for weeks or longer (by my experience). Its better to just get rejected (if that’s what happens) and be miserable maybe a few days. It’s like these older men and women who never get examined in their respective ways out of fear that the doctor will tell them they have cancer. Wouldn’t you rather know than not know?

If you can’t talk to her, make her talk to you.

How ? I don’t know but it’s the first thing that came in my mind. :smiley:

Nevertheless, just saying “hello” would help.
I don’t know the details of your situation, but if she doesn’t know you, try to be before her everywhere she goes so she will notice you.
Then after some time, salute her and if she asks you who you are, just say that you saluted her to be polite because you think you saw her a lot recently but you don’t remember who she is, etc…

Salute? I think I understand what you are getting at le nuage, but I don’t think there are many here in the US that would call that “saluting” someone. I realize that “salute” and “salutation” are etymologically brothers, so to speak, but here in the US, when someone says “salute”, the first thing that comes to mind is people in the military (or some other organization with a military like structure).

/me check in his dictionary…

Saluer : to salute ; to bow to (s.o.); saluer quelqu’un de la main, to wave to s.o., to greet, to hail, …

Then “hail” her :smiley:
At least she will remember you.

Don’t you have friends or acquantices that interact with this young lady at school. May be, you can find out from them what she likes and dislikes.
But if you’re the outsider, lone wolf type. You need to get over that phobia. You need to look within yourself and find the root cause and confront it.

It will hamper you through out life if you don’t (speaking from experience).

Seconded. (Also speaking from experience.) I still am often quite a solitary person, but I’ve adapted enough that I can (somewhat) function in life (though there is much room for improvement).

I’m a girl, and I have a harem.

I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your mailing list.

Cute …I expect this knd of reply on 4chan but I expected more of the members of otakuism …guess I was wrong.

Thamks for the help KM and NBP . I thibnk Ill just try to swing by the psych department tuesday. If anyone is willing to help me alittle for free maybe I can kick my current interest . It would certaintly be better for my grades. I understand what you mean about the social phobia but ~20 years of inversion is hard to reverse. Same thing with my hatred fior jocks . I was treated like shit,marginalized, endured slander,…Im entitled to a lifelong grudge and hatred of jocks/football specifical;ly in my book .

You need to let go of that. It’s not healthy and doesn’t accomplish anything.

You are in college now, it should start with a new slate on life.
Once you get past that, everything else will fall into place.