have you ever been in a real relationship ?

@ KM: check your PMs dammit even a go to hell is better than no response :slight_smile: .

@Darkstar: easier said than done my friend.

Whoops, sorry about that. Things have been a bit chaotic what with Christmas, another bachelor party, a wedding, coming things in regard to the New Year, etc.

For a few weeks, until it became clear my perversion would be a major problem and my stonewalling, etc. got me dumped. I’d like a relationship where the gal was either as perverted as me or just accepting of it.

Weiser_Cain, you should be able to find a group/willing potentional partners into it, depending on your kink or fetish. The internet is your gateway to finding people with similar turn ons. Or complementary ones.

Currently in a very serious one, and loving it. Haven’t been on this board in a while cause I don’t really play ero games anymore. No time to waste with my girl. :smiley:

Thanks for sharing PunkDaddy, it is always nice to hear stories like yours. I raise my glass to you and say “Kanpai!” in the hopes that you have a happy marriage that lasts the test of time. (Much like my grandparents who are coming up on their 59th wedding anniversary.)

… get out of here PunkDaddy.
Happy people doesn’t have the right to be on the internet…

LOL. It’s good to hear some people are lucky and can become happy :wink:

I don’t have a gf right now :frowning: . I was barely in a relationship during school(nothing physical) :). haven’t been in anything in college, although (I think) I am popular.
To be honest, girls scare me a bit and I can’t stand Snobs and Sluts(which form the majority in my college).
So yay, Iam a 19 year virgin :cry: :roll: :mrgreen:

Yes, I have been once. No, it didn’t last very long because:

both of us were in our late teens but still rather, immatured and each of us had our own issues. Me? I’d a lot of life history, was mentally unbalanced, slightly disturbed, clingy, possessive, etc. He also had his own problems: his own temper, his own views and both of us just didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. And in short: our relationship was very very destructive. >>;;

He might have been from one of the most influential families in my country but he wasn’t that rich… yet, he was likely wealthier than most people. Looking back, I was truly not a very nice person. And I think I didn’t deserve anything he did for me. Nor was he that great of a guy 'cos he was so mired in his own worldviews, he constantly hurt me over repeatedly. (I think I hurt him a great deal too.)

Also, nope… 2d men won’t do it for me. There might have been a time when I was totally into “perfection, a certain type of character, etc.” but then i just realized that no one is perfect. And sometimes, the “most perfect person can be a real f*cking PITA to put up with”. Like in a certain scene in this manhwa: “Talking About”, the “perfect man” turns out to be someone who keeps pushing the woman’s views down just 'cos he wants to live in a world of perfection. (In the end, well… she dumped him.)

Or if worse, you end up with someone who’s utterly shallow. I grew up in a school which was the equivalent of Eton, in its “better days”. Not trying to pull any stereotypes but 3/4 of the “very rich” people were really obnoxious jerks who just were so nasty and utter backstabbers. Thinking about this now, I don’t think I ever want to date someone who’s very rich ever again. All those “high class treatment” and “dates at high-end, upscale places” won’t ever compensate for all the hurt.

Also, I doubt I’ll ever date again. Almost every part of me: moods, personality, interests, tastes, etc. are often so random, that it’d be like dating someone from hell.

Wow, some thread necromancy. In any case, it takes a lot of guts to openly admit that you have mental health issues, even if there is some anonymity here. As for you being random, if I knew you in person and was attracted, I’d be willing to give it a shot. Random just makes things interesting. Of course, you’d have to put up with my odd traits as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh I was a lil bored.

And just how are people going to find me? (It’s not like I’m criticizing the govt in my country so I won’t get arrested.) Anyways, it was just well… depression, the deep sort. Too bad I couldn’t find a competent counselor sooo… I’d to pretty much recover on my own. And so, as you can imagine it… I wasn’t too stable at times. :lol:

Mmmhhh… interesting. :stuck_out_tongue: Nice offer, really. =P

“Odd traits?” Like what? BDSM? Erm… holding conversations with some 2d girl? avoids flying plates

I have a variety of issues, but probably the one that can most drive people around me crazy is that I show signs of having Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). Think of it as “perfectionism gone haywire”. Thankfully, I’ve learned over the years how to manage my symptoms. Still, you can occasionally find me ordering the tea and tisane (aka herbal tea) I have in a drawer, or feeling quite irritated with a game developer because a weapon in a game (in this case Half-Life 2) has a maximum ammo count of 150 and the magazines for that weapon hold 18 rounds (i.e. I’m upset because 18 doesn’t divide in to 150 evenly). While you might think that I’m a neat freak because of this, that isn’t the case. My need to order things only seems to extend to small things like what I mentioned above. The other big symptom that can drive people crazy is when I insist on doing something a particular way. Once when I was in middle school, we were supposed to weigh some things in science class, and it drove my partners nuts when I insisted on taking time to get exact measurements instead of quickly getting “about” what the weight was. Perhaps the need for exactness is part of why I’ve always liked science.

Wow, that’s kind of… “perfectionist”. But at least, you’re not like Adrian Monk(only watched a bit though…) who like… insists only on say… Sierra Springs water or on touching the “lamp-posts” in a certain order. :lol:

Tell me, how does “Still, you can occasionally find me ordering the tea and tisane (aka herbal tea) I have in a drawer” count as perfectionism? 'Cos there aren’t even enough boxes in the drawer? :stuck_out_tongue:

I used to be just like that… except that one day, everything kinda accumulated and I was having “massive problems” dealing with it all. Sooo… I just went “screw it all!”. Of course, it took me much much longer to be less… Crazy. =P

I’m kinda like that too. =P I tend to be far less stubborn now, though sometimes it still rears its’ head when i get utterly nervous and… that can kind of DRIVE people CRAZY. As in “I’m going to KILL you if you don’t shut up”.

I also have a huge list of other problems… but I’ve sorta managed to get over most of them(except when they decide to come back). :stuck_out_tongue: Like being raised as a boy(in a certain manner and not a good way) for a certain no. of years made me VERY aggressive and kind of… “angry, testosterone driven, anti-female, etc., etc.”. =p And so on and on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, do remember to reply to my PM. =P

If you have the time and/or curiosity Yuri (or anyone else for that matter), here is a really good article on OCPD that pretty much stays away from complex terms. It is a bit dated, but still entirely relevant.
As for the PM, I haven’t forgotten. I just don’t have what I promised ready for you yet. I may not have it for you until the local festival I attend occurs on the 26th.