Hirameki International Games . .

Two questions actually, one is somewhat evident from the topic of this thread, Where are Hirameki International games for sale it seems not on their website? The second question is, when excatly is the Q4? I know in general terms but my last economics class was with a duel PhD professor and this is the stuff he did not teach us. I thank you ahead of time for your answers.

I should add I know their main website is http://www.hirameki-int.com/ but that does not seem to be where to buy their products and their links to where to buy do not seem to include the chance to buy all the games listed on their site.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Supposedly Amazon.com will carry them�� that’s where I picked up Phantom of Inferno anyway…

They also have a link on their site to their store… (I think it’s there’s) which is located on the news page, I think either the first or second… I’d have to go look to jog my memory to remember for sure. AkibaOtaku is the name…

As to when is Q4… hehe, I was just wondering the same thing. lol I thought it was supposed to be from october to december…
Then I started thinking maybe it’s January to March… but in truth, I don’t have a clue… sigh

[This message has been edited by ScorpioMysterica (edited 11-03-2003).]

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
Supposedly Amazon.com will carry them... that's where I picked up Phantom of Inferno anyway...

They also have a link on their site to their store... (I think it's there's) which is located on the news page, I think either the first or second... I'd have to go look to jog my memory to remember for sure. AkibaOtaku is the name...

As to when is Q4... hehe, I was just wondering the same thing. lol I thought it was supposed to be from october to december..
Then I started thinking maybe it's January to March.. but in truth, I don't have a clue... *sigh*

[This message has been edited by ScorpioMysterica (edited 11-03-2003).]

Okay so in theory at least whenever Q4 is to take place, their games such as, and the only name that comes to mind at the moment is Tea Society for a Witch as a DVD game might be for sale at Amazon, or directly in their store? Cool, thanks.

Still though does anyone know when Q4 is? The Fourth Fisical Quarter I take it to mean (okay that much I was taught), but when?

Actually, it might not be fiscal quarter. It can differ depending on the company. I would just assume fourth quarter of the calender year. (I mean, I know my current companies “fiscal year” ends in Feburary but my old company ended in April. Gets really confusing at times.)

Sam Goody has Phantom, saw two copies the other day. Not sure if I saw the others but Idol Fighter seems really familiar for some reason.

<-------- Is personally looking forward to Amusement Park for some reason…

I wonder if they are all going to be released at one time (my guess) or not… hmmm…

I know I tried to email them here while back and my email got returned to me saying the mailbox didn’t exist or something like that…

Ah well, win some lose some I guess

Originally posted by ekylo:
Actually, it might not be fiscal quarter. It can differ depending on the company. I would just assume fourth quarter of the calender year. (I mean, I know my current companies "fiscal year" ends in Feburary but my old company ended in April. Gets really confusing at times.)

I will have to keep my eyes more open then, see who might have some of these games. I know finding even general times is hard on the net, each company will proudly tell me it's fisical earnings for Quarter X without ever telling when Quarter X started or ended. The problem will still being in school (graduate school) and working part time for the school is you lose track of things like Quarterly earning reports for the company to know when those Quarters might be, thank you though for the idea of stores to check.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
<-------- Is personally looking forward to Amusement Park for some reason....

I wonder if they are all going to be released at one time (my guess) or not... hmmm...

I know I tried to email them here while back and my email got returned to me saying the mailbox didn't exist or something like that...

Ah well, win some lose some I guess [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Yes I got something back saying mailbox full I think when I tried to ask them about Q4 timing, well to take what you said and put it in the words of my grandfather "Somedays you get the bear, somedays the bear gets you." Promising games and promising future with the scary idea that they might not be as virbrant a company as I hope them to be at least.

Still searching for Q4 so if anyone even has any leads for the most general sense of what is commonly used, if there are some common standards for such things, which it seems there might not be, even that would be a big help.

According to a site for Nintendo Q3 is July to September which would meand Q4 would be October to December… If that’s true for this company or not, I’ve no idea…

Originally posted by Jason4:
well, I picked up the Phantom game At Anime Expo last July. I talked with one of the workers how seemed to be in charge and he very optomistic about the company. He also said eventually the website WILL offer the games for sale, but for now the games will go through retailers. He was very clear that these games will come out in the fall.

I just hope that the company hasn't taken a bad turn since July.

I hope not either and the more I think about it the more I am convinced they have not taken a bad turn since that time, I actually got an e-mail from them promising me the games will come out soon, I re-mailed them recently in hopes of getting a better response or any response.

The only tiny fear is that their news has not been updated since July, despite the response that is still a fear.

Thanks too for the info about the company from what you have seen and were told.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-04-2003).]

Hmm…it depends on the company i suppose what q4 is. Normally it’s the oct-dec christmas shopping period. But then again I’ve heard it mean spring quarter, and to really confuse you in our school Q4 is actually in late spring early summer as july is the beginning of the new fiscal year. Heh guess I’m doing nothing but adding to the confusion

As for Hirameki I’m not sure where to get their stuff as I’m not really interested in those dvd player games. They also released an anime series Solar high isamu I believe but they only released 1 vol of that and I hear people weren’t too happy at it being only 3 eps per disc.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm..it depends on the company i suppose what q4 is. Normally it's the oct-dec christmas shopping period. But then again I've heard it mean spring quarter, and to really confuse you in our school Q4 is actually in late spring early summer as july is the beginning of the new fiscal year. Heh guess I'm doing nothing but adding to the confusion [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

As for Hirameki I'm not sure where to get their stuff as I'm not really interested in those dvd player games. They also released an anime series Solar high isamu I believe but they only released 1 vol of that and I hear people weren't too happy at it being only 3 eps per disc.

Is not three episodes for disc nearly standard though or is it four per disc? I have one anime series and it is 4 shows per disc.

True I myself am complaining about the DVD games and then also say I want one of the ones they advertise, ironic in a way.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Is not three episodes for disc nearly standard though or is it four per disc? I have one anime series and it is 4 shows per disc.

It varies. Depending on the producer, the series, stuff like that. I think the general trend is moving towards the 4 episode count for a disc at MSRP $29.99 but there's still a lot of variation out there.

Just thought I’d let you all know that I got an email back from Hirameki International Group, Inc. The tenative release date is middle December… I quote though "However this date is subject to change, especially because it would be in the later half of the Christmas season."

So at least that gives us something to go on.

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
Just thought I'd let you all know that I got an email back from Hirameki International Group, Inc. The tenative release date is middle December..... I quote though "However this date is subject to change, especially because it would be in the later half of the Christmas season."

So at least that gives us something to go on.

Thank you, that is a time to go around and middle December might still make sense, last minute shopping for those of us that shop on the last day or so before the holidays.

Originally posted by ekylo:
It varies. Depending on the producer, the series, stuff like that. I think the general trend is moving towards the 4 episode count for a disc at MSRP $29.99 but there's still a lot of variation out there.

Well that would make sense I guess about 5.25 an episode broken down that way and I know no one does taht but still that is cheaper then saying 10 dollars an episode.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Well that would make sense I guess about 5.25 an episode broken down that way and I know no one does taht but still that is cheaper then saying 10 dollars an episode.

Actually it's about $7.50

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Actually it's about $7.50

That is why I am a Social Sciences (sociology) major and not a math major, cannot do math like that without a calculator or computer program LOL.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
That is why I am a Social Sciences (sociology) major and not a math major, cannot do math like that without a calculator or computer program LOL.

Well then maybie you can tell me why they
plan to have the anime and games you want when you don't have them money. Anyhow this
$29.95 a dvd still don't work if you are say
a Dragon Ball fan , that is more like $2995+
for the series. Most people want to buy I think the whole set, rather than your favorite episode for $29.95 on VHS that marketing still thinks what the public wants.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well then maybie you can tell me why they
plan to have the anime and games you want when you don't have them money. Anyhow this
$29.95 a dvd still don't work if you are say
a Dragon Ball fan , that is more like $2995+
for the series. Most people want to buy I think the whole set, rather than your favorite episode for $29.95 on VHS that marketing still thinks what the public wants.

Well if I am interperting your question correctly they following what some people in sociology consider the number one rule of capitalism, take any advantage you can, of your situtation. They obviously feel people will still pay for the VHS and figure that they can make more money off one one VHS sale then they can off a DVD collection sale.

If the public was not buying it, that is if the public was not buying two or three of their favorite episodes at the price mentioned, and if a large enough sample of the population was not doing it, I assure you they would not sell the VHS tapes at that cost and would instead sell a DVD verison or a DVD collection. Truth told the people are still buying it and enough are still buying it that they feel it makes economical sense to continual the process as it exists.

If it were not profitable then they simply would not sell the VHS tapes if they were not interested in turning them into DVD, so it is not as simple as saying they are not making enough profit.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-06-2003).]