Hitomi - My Stepsister is out

To anyone who buys the game:
I’m interested in your opinions!

I second that.

I’ve gotta wait for my finances to iron out a little bit - and make sure I’ve got enough money floating in the bank account for when LMM actually hits the distributors, since it’s on preorder… but I’ll probably pick up Hitomi as soon as I know I’m in the clear…

I’ll probably buy this because I’m curious about it. I hear “dark” but all the CGs seem to show girls that look to be more than willing. Hmm. I have to wait for my credit line to recover before I can buy it. Even though I make a cash payment on my cerdit card at the bank, the record of my payment still takes a few days to go through. I’m sure there are people on this board who have alredy ordered it and can give news sooner than me. If not, well, I’ll probably have it by next weekend.

Tik-tak. Tik-tak. tik-tak.

Looking impatiently to the clock

Waiting… waiting… waiting for my favorite reseller to have HmS in stock to order imediately…

Since I’m too lazy to even write my quickie review. I’ll just post here

Yes this is a dark game. The music that plays when the title shows really fits the game. Dark and horrory(is that even a word?). So far I got through 1 bad ending. I’ll have to say, this dark game is different from all the other dark games I would say more but then it would spoil all the fun Also if the entire game is similar to the path I went through, I’ll have to say this is probably the best dark game that’s come out so far.

I really like the character designs of this game. Although they really could do a better job of drawing the guy’s nether region.

Ok enough tormenting you guys, back to the game for me

Wow, a new master of the content-free review in the making.

Is rape an unavoidable aspect of the story? If so, how often did you encounter it? Are domination and sex slave-making major themes of the game, as in Sensei 2, for example?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-27-2004).]

Ok, need to make an addendum here. I went through one path which had a twist which what I was talking about earlier. It’s pretty much an entire branch. I really like how they have a flow chart button to see which paths you’ve taken and what paths are in the game. I guess it’s kinda spoilerish though.

Ok after I finished all the endings in this twist branch I started going through the main branches and I have to say it’s going back to your usual dark game.

Dark_shiki: the twist thread there isn’t any rape at all. back on the main branch it seems all your aspects are represented.

Well that’s good to hear. This is the best “dark” game, you say? What other ones have you played?

Another dark game. Looks like I"m going to have to take a pass. I had my fill with Gibo. I like to stick to the light hearted games to be honest. On a scale to 1 to 10 with 10 being really dark, exactly how dark is it and what kind of dark?

And even if it is dark, is there a story to speak about? And is it a good one?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Well that's good to hear. This is the best "dark" game, you say? What other ones have you played?

Maybe a better question would be "what dark games have I not played" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] I have all the G-coll games(DOR don't count as a game dammit [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] ) along with all PP's games, most of Himeya's and cs'wares games. I think I've pretty much played all the dark games that's been released in the US. This game is dark not psuedo dark like slave padgent or jewel knights. But the story seems plausible and not totally repulsive like virgin roster. It's kinda like gibo from PP but with a better story and better graphics IMO.
Originally posted by Benoit:
And even if it is dark, is there a story to speak about? And is it a good one?

The story is suprisingly believable, well at least to me [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] and ok I guess I can spoil a little, you might not be the only one who's dark and demented [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] So far I've gotten through all the paths for 2 of the girls, and I stand by my earlier post, that this is the best dark game I've played so far.

One more thing there's only 3 girls in this game so those of you who want a lot of girls in your game shouldn't bother with this one.

Hmm, I may be thinking of getting this one.

Ah, it’s good to know I won’t be missing anything by skipping the second V-mate release, too.

I agree with wanfu2k1 that this is the best dark game out so far, that it has a realistic story, and that they could’ve drawn his parts better. It’s about as light as a dark game can be and still qualify as a dark game, mainly because the boy isn’t always the sexual aggressor. It’s nowhere near as dark as Virgin Roster or Tsuki, for example. 2 of the 3 girls are sexual aggressors and the boy is a sexual aggressor with only 1 girl, whereas he’s a victim with the others. The interesting thing is that the same acts of sexual aggression give a different feeling depending on who’s doing it to whom. 4 endings are dark, and 4 endings are light.
When you play the darker routes, you find out about the past between his stepmother and Hitomi, which explains their weird reactions to sexual situations in the game, which is alot more realistic than the boy being possessed by what we don’t know and we never find out why it suddenly comes and goes, him just snapping one day, or him being a rapist for fun for no apparent reason. The boy’s mother abandoning him when he was little and him only getting pressure about grades from his father, the boy, his classmate, and Hitomi all being first-timers and none of them having any friends, and his stepmother being married to his cold, workaholic father also explain their motivations for sexual relationships filling the void. Basically, everyone is lonely and just wants to be loved. That being said, this is no Crescendo or Kana as far as story is concerned. I’m just talking about the dark game genre.
This is my first post, so post if I’ve spoiled anything, not given enough information, or you think I’m full of it.

Hmm…I think I’ll give this game (and V-mate) a try. It doesn’t hurt that I know where to get it at a very reasonable price. And no, I’m not telling (I still refuse to promote V-mate games), but let’s just say I’ve mentioned it on this board before.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-30-2004).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Hmm...I think I'll give this game (and V-mate) a try. It doesn't hurt that I know where to get it at a very reasonable price. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] And no, I'm not telling (I still refuse to promote V-mate games), but let's just say I've mentioned it on this board before. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Back in the C-G's Virtual-Mate? thread you posted
Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
First, let me point out that I don't NEED to play H-games. I was perfectly satisfied playing RPG's until I stumbled upon H-games, and I could go back to doing so once more if worst comes to worst.

Second, although G-collections does release more games per year than PP and Hirameki put together, I don't NEED a new B-game every month. I certainly don't need one every month from a company that values its customers so little that it resorts to the "silent treatment" when customers have issues with the way they do business.

If G-collections thinks that, if they wait long enough, their customers will come crawling back, they're sadly mistaken. If they ever come out with a game like Kana or Crescendo again, I MIGHT buy it with V-mate. But that's it. If they don't want my business, then I'm perfectly happy to take it elsewhere. There's more and more RPG's nowadays that are incorporating my favorite B-game elements anyway...

Oh well, you held out for a month anyway. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

I knew someone would make some sort of snide remark.

Okay, let me explain then, as much to understand it myself as to justify my decision to others.

First…the reason I don’t like V-mate is half personal, half principle…and half personal again. On the personal side, I feel inconvenienced by the need for an Internet connection, but mostly I don’t want to put up with the hassle of having to carefully consider when and on which computers I install my games. On the principle side, I feel that the restriction of my ability to sell my games is unfair and unwarranted (though I’m currently too lazy to actually actively sell my games online). Also, I feel that the system is a breach of privacy and personal property rights in general. Finally, my second personal reason is G-collections has blatantly pissed me off, ignoring direct questions about the system on their board, as well as giving the impression that this system is designed with the general purpose of restricting customer rights.

Heh, in fact the more I write, the more I think that this may be the first and last V-mate game I buy from G-collections. But I digress…

Now, why would I buy a V-mate game despite these reasons, and despite all my propaganda against the system? For one, I’m a devout believer of effect-based philosophy. Usually, when a person dislikes a commerical product, he/she vows never to buy it, therefore depriving the company of his/her business. However, one sale actually has little effect by itself. The only real way to create a perceivable effect in sales is to convince others to not buy it as well. To the best of my ability, I’ve already done that. Whether I buy the product or not myself…is ultimately negligible. By my way of thinking, I’m still staying true to my core anti-Vmate belief, even if I do choose to buy a V-mate game.

The only caveat there is that if others construe my behavior as “flip-flopping,” then my argument is weakened. However…I maintain that what I’m doing is not, in fact, flip-flopping. I’m “trying it out.” This trial will potentially even strengthen my argument against V-mate, because I can argue from personal experience. Furthermore, with my supernatural powers of nit-picking, I might even find new holes in the system to point out and debase.

Okay…and finally on to why I would want the game in the first place. Hitomi sounds like something different from what I’m used to. I’m actually a fan of dark stories in general, but dark stories in H-games usually lead to pretty nasty fetishes (IMO) of domination, sexual abuse, etc. cropping up. The story in Hitomi sounds compelling, and first impressions by others bolster this view. Second, I’ve found where I can get the game new for $30. This is the price point, for me, where good new-release b-games become competetive with $50 new-release RPG’s.

Essentially, I feel the reduced price is worth the hassles of dealing with V-mate for this particular game. I don’t think I would ever pay $50 for a V-mate game, even for another Kana.

I must admit though; I feel a little fiendish irony inside that off-sets the cognitive dissonance of doing something I’d previously vowed not to do. You see…in my case at least, GC is not making more sales with this system in place. Yet they’re reducing their price, and also paying for the V-mate license. To place their arbitrary limits on me, they’re forced to make an overall financial sacrifice. Sounds like a devil’s deal to me…only I’m the devil. And when the patch/crack comes out…then I can just laugh that much harder. Hey…don’t look at me like that. I warned you it was fiendish.

So yeah, to sum it up…interesting cheap negligible trial, satanic undertones


[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-01-2004).]