Hitomi - My Stepsister is out

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
[QUOTE] (DOR don't count as a game dammit [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] )

No, actually it counts!
At least thanks to "Armored fighter Gyleban"... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

@wanfu2k1: Impressive. Are you a collector or something? Even back in my pirating days, I had no desire to play EVERY game.

@dummygirl: That was a little spoilerish, but I just speed-read over the parts I didn’t want to see anyway.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-01-2004).]

First, let me point out that I don't NEED to play H-games. I was perfectly satisfied playing RPG's until I stumbled upon H-games, and I could go back to doing so once more if worst comes to worst.
Second, although G-collections does release more games per year than PP and Hirameki put together, I don't NEED a new B-game every month. I certainly don't need one every month from a company that values its customers so little that it resorts to the "silent treatment" when customers have issues with the way they do business.

If G-collections thinks that, if they wait long enough, their customers will come crawling back, they're sadly mistaken. If they ever come out with a game like Kana or Crescendo again, I MIGHT buy it with V-mate. But that's it. If they don't want my business, then I'm perfectly happy to take it elsewhere. There's more and more RPG's nowadays that are incorporating my favorite B-game elements anyway...

While I'm at it I might as well pick apart my own post...

1. I'm annoyed at G-collections as much as ever (maybe more than ever).
2. I could still do without H-games, if ever the practical costs outweighed the benefits.
3. Maybe I am equating Hitomi with Kana or Crescendo (for me, if not in general). The premise does seem to strike a chord in me somehow. Then again, maybe not. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]
4. In any case, I'm entitled to change my mind. This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with holding out.E I've simply re-evaluated the current circumstances and come to a conclusion for the specific situation at hand. I'm not apt to "stick by my guns" for its own sake. I like to take a more flexible approach to decision-making, at least in the long-term.

But I suppose you guys will think what you will. I seem to have spared no effort in "defending" my position here. It's kind of amusing, really...the role of anti-Vmate rabble rouser must have gotten to my head. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-02-2004).]

@ Dark_Shiki: don’t feel too bad about it. As much as I am against VMate (maybe even moreso than you) there are certain games that if GC released them, I’d probably cross the picket line and buy them. Namely, the Fukuramikake series. I love those character designs so much, and the girls are SOOO sweet, I’d break down and buy them, VMate or not.

Of course, I’d be watching for a patch/crack to kill VM or maybe even try to make one myself.

My bad. Does it count as a spoiler if you get the info as soon as you start playing the game? Except for the number of endings and how many are light and dark, I think you get the info as soon as you start a girl’s path. wanfu2k1 or anyone else that’s played it, post if you disagree.
With the Virtual Mate thing, I just like b-games, and G-Collections sells the most games and gets them out quickly. My favorite thing to do is watch anime, read manga, and play b-games, so I want to play them- I don’t play any other games. I’m one of those freaks that bought this game the morning it was sold, cause I didn’t wanna wait.
On Hitomi, I like the twist on the dark games, but if you like sick stuff, it might not be sick enough or if you like romantic stuff, it might be too dark, but I’m one of those that likes romantic games and dark games as long as they’re not too sick. I liked Virgin Roster- I thought the boy’s thoughts were pretty funny, like in the beginning when he thought it was a good thing that the ugly girls realized they were ugly and therefore not good enough for him. I didn’t like Tsuki that much, cause there wasn’t much to the boy. I’d rather he be either sexually frustrated and confused like in Hitomi or just not sorry at all like in Virgin Roster. I’d say Hitomi is enjoyable, but it doesn’t touch Crescendo or Kana. To me, Crescendo, Critical Point, Desire, Kana, Private Nurse, and Chain are tight for their emotional pull and/or story, but most are degress of enjoyable with some horrible ones. Hitomi is one of those degrees of enjoyable.
As far as prices is concerned, I prefer to get these new games directly from G-Collections, considering that the prices have dropped from $49.95 to $39.95, they are the first ones to have it available, they ship it out the same day, Priority Mail S&H is included in the US, and every 6 games you buy, you get 1 free, so you end up paying only 29 cents more per game or $2.05 more overall for the 7 games over the Interact site that charges $29.95 + $4 S&H in the US per new game. I’ve been counting the g-money they send me with the new games, so someone post if this is not what you come up with.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
@wanfu2k1: Impressive. Are you a collector or something? Even back in my pirating days, I had no desire to play EVERY game.

@dummygirl: That was a little spoilerish, but I just speed-read over the parts I didn't want to see anyway. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-01-2004).]

Hahah naah I wouldn't consider myself a collector, although I do seem to have a collectors mentallity, especially toward manga and anime [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Let's just say I got a good job which allows me a nice budget for entertainment. That and I hope that by buying these games more companies will realize it can be profitable and we can start getting games like Tsukihime, Kanon, Comic Party, that dragon game Unicorn's been playing, ect localized here. Speaking of which I guess I should put in my order of LMM here...

Originally posted by dummygirl:
I'm one of those freaks that bought this game the morning it was sold, cause I didn't wanna wait.

So are you saying I'm a freak [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Heh actually it's pretty random how much g-coll money you get per order. I've gotten as much as 300 and as low as 100 but I think the average is about 150 or so. I got like 280 with Hitomi, guess they wanted to give me some bonus [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
And no, I'm not telling (I still refuse to promote V-mate games), but let's just say I've mentioned it on this board before. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

*whistles "Devil Went Down to Georgia* nonchalantly*

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Okay, let me explain then, as much to understand it myself as to justify my decision to others. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

"I can explain ... "

wanfu2k1, yep, I sure am. It sounds like your anime/manga/b-game collection could be scarier than mine. My manga collection is the only thing I have of value, and it’s worth more than my life. Have you guys been into this awhile? Is there any other related field to get into besides anime/manga/b-games?

And thanks for the g-money info, wanfu2k1. The times I’ve ordered directly from G-Collections, I’ve gotten similar amounts. I just thought some coins had fallen out through the open cracks at the ends from the box being squished. It didn’t effect the game- there’s just alot of empty space with only the game and the coins in there.

Originally posted by dummygirl:
My manga collection is the only thing I have of value, and it's worth more than my life.

Actually, I believe a human life is worth about $100K. That's quite a lot of manga you have there.

I received a Hitomi my step sister…and I just started. So far, story line are OK. It explain very will about the past. Anyway, anybody finished the game? plus do you guys got all of the CGs? Will I will finish tonight. Not that very long…

Nandemonai, including all my student loans, mine is worth less than NEGATIVE $100K.

Computermania, it’s easy to get all the CGs, but I don’t think you’ll finish tonight unless you’re pretty hardcore. Hope you like it.

hard core… Let me think… Will if you know the save spot you can shrink the time… When you play the game. OK Here is the bad point about the Hitomi My step sister…after you see the one of the characters endings, endings credit can’t skip. You have to wait tell it finsh the end credit.
Different question. Is it anybody that get this problem? First you install the game and you click play and opening of the Mercure will show up. When those opening is shown it is inwindows mode. After you see the Mercure opening you will have New Game or Continue…and etc. To make the full screen you go to the option and chooose full screen and you can adjust all of the settings. After you did that game will play as the that settings.¬Å¬©Ocourse. But after you finsh the game and click quit for some reason and when you start to play again it back to regular settings. Does this problem happen anybody? or they set up that way…

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
"I can explain ... "

Isn't that a famous quote of "Frank'n Furter"?

Originally posted by Nameless Mofo:
@ Dark_Shiki: don't feel too bad about it. As much as I am against VMate (maybe even moreso than you) there are certain games that if GC released them, I'd probably cross the picket line and buy them. Namely, the Fukuramikake series. I love those character designs so much, and the girls are SOOO sweet, I'd break down and buy them, VMate or not.

Of course, I'd be watching for a patch/crack to kill VM or maybe even try to make one myself. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

I would try to make one myself, but I fear hacking isn't one of my many talents. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by dummygirl:
As far as prices is concerned, I prefer to get these new games directly from G-Collections, considering that the prices have dropped from $49.95 to $39.95, they are the first ones to have it available, they ship it out the same day, Priority Mail S&H is included in the US, and every 6 games you buy, you get 1 free, so you end up paying only 29 cents more per game or $2.05 more overall for the 7 games over the Interact site that charges $29.95 + $4 S&H in the US per new game. I've been counting the g-money they send me with the new games, so someone post if this is not what you come up with.

If what wanfu2k1 says is true, then buying at my place saves $2.36/game, for a total of $26 for 11 games. And that's assuming you buy each game individually. The savings is even greater if you buy games in bundles. I would NEVER want a mousepad that depicted a sex scene...they'd have to pay me to ship that to me. And, of course, I would never buy a V-mate game directly from G-collections in the first place. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] In any case, I don't buy enough b-games in general to ever see that free game (I'm rather picky about what I like). It might take years for me to accrue those points by buying GC games, and that's totally ignoring the V-mate factor. By then I very well might have moved on to greener pastures. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I must admit that until now I didn't know that GC offered free shipping. They hid it pretty well on their page...just another facet of their brilliant PR.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-02-2004).]

I am not going to buy this game. My freedom is priceless.

Computermania, sorry, I thought you meant getting all the CGs. I never consider that I’ve finished a game til I get them all, but that’s just me. And, yes, the fact that you can’t skip the ending credits is annoying. Be sure to watch til the end, though. Sometimes they have stuff after the credits and sometimes they don’t- you can tell if it seems to cut off in the middle. And, yes, there’s a default settings problem when you quit the game, but Let’s Meow Meow has that, too. These minor annoyances are nothing new- loading a saved game always began the day anew no matter where you saved in Private Nurse and you had to play the same hentai scenes over and over just to get all the CGs, where I didn’t find much of a variation anyway. I get more annoyed at random hardness in the game like in Snow Drop, where the choices to advance don’t make sense or in Divi-Dead, where you can’t tell where most of the choices for the different paths are. Did you finish Hitomi all in one night?

Dark_Shiki, I’ll let you guys know how many games it takes me to get the free one in a few months. Do you guys buy in bundles? I always have to buy from different sites depending on whether it’s anime or what company of b-games and I just go to the store for manga unless it’s out of print. And with Interact, my copies of Come See Me Tonight 2 and Idols Galore came in loose plastic seals with no G-Collections cards in them. They’re legit CD-Rs, cause my copy of Tsuki from them before that was fine, but it just freaked me out a little.

wanfu2k1, did you get alot of g-money with Let’s Meow Meow, too? I wonder if they’re giving out more with the new games to promote V-mate sales and how they’re doing with that. It looks like all of you are annoyed about V-mate. Shouldn’t they have take a poll or something to see whether customers wanted it or not?

Dark_Shiki, yeah, G-Collections could have a S&H tab on the left instead of in red in normal size at the very bottom of their title page, and they don’t even tell you about the Priority Mail or how quickly they ship to promote themselves. Some other websites are even more annoying, since they don’t list the S&H info anywhere and you have to use check-out before you find out how much it is. Animetoxic doesn’t even tell you that S&H is dependant on how many units you buy- I only figured it out after multiple purchases, but they’re cheap as all get out, so whatever.

Italicus, good point. I live in NY, so I don’t know what freedom is in this land of the free and haven’t known for awhile what with all my constitutional rights being taken away by this administration, so I’ll just have fun playing these b-games so I can alleviate my depression. At least you’re not missing out on a Crescendo or Kana. I’ll post about the new games as soon as I play them through.

Originally posted by dummygirl:
Dark_Shiki, I'll let you guys know how many games it takes me to get the free one in a few months. Do you guys buy in bundles? I always have to buy from different sites depending on whether it's anime or what company of b-games and I just go to the store for manga unless it's out of print. And with Interact, my copies of Come See Me Tonight 2 and Idols Galore came in loose plastic seals with no G-Collections cards in them. They're legit CD-Rs, cause my copy of Tsuki from them before that was fine, but it just freaked me out a little.

I generally buy at least two games at a time when I buy from Peach Princess, just because the shipping cost is really high at $6. Pre-orders have free shipping, so those are different. I'm getting Hitomi alone, but that's because I've played everything I want that's already come out. I've thought about getting some more DVD games from Hirameki, but people here haven't had a whole lot of good things to say about them (with the exception of Hourglass of Summer).

Your copies came in plastic seals? CD-R's? What do you mean?

wanfu2k1, did you get alot of g-money with Let's Meow Meow, too? I wonder if they're giving out more with the new games to promote V-mate sales and how they're doing with that. It looks like all of you are annoyed about V-mate. Shouldn't they have take a poll or something to see whether customers wanted it or not?

I don't think they really care whether we want it or not. Besides, companies in general aren't going to ask their customers before they implement anti-piracy schemes. They just feel it's their right. Asking their customers if they approve would be unacceptable, maybe even ridiculous, from their point of view.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-02-2004).]

Dark_Shiki, I’m with you on the game thing. I have all the b-games I’m interested in, too. It’s good that you like the other kinds of games, though. I don’t like it if the hentai scenes are censored or deleted, so my choices are more limited.

With the plastic seals, I just mean the wrapper the games come in- mine were really loose and looked like they had been open at the end and put back in. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. For all I know, Come See Me Tonight 2 and Idols Galore don’t even come with those postcards in anticipation of V-mate. And by CD-Rs, I just mean the game disks.

That makes sense with their take on the anti-piracy thing. I’m just surprised that the outcry isn’t effecting them at all if there’s such a consensus from the small market.