Hitomi - My Stepsister is out

Originally posted by Computermania:
hard core..... Let me think... Will if you know the save spot you can shrink the time.. When you play the game. OK Here is the bad point about the Hitomi My step sister...after you see the one of the characters endings, endings credit can't skip. You have to wait tell it finsh the end credit.
Different question. Is it anybody that get this problem? First you install the game and you click play and opening of the Mercure will show up. When those opening is shown it is inwindows mode. After you see the Mercure opening you will have New Game or Continue..and etc. To make the full screen you go to the option and chooose full screen and you can adjust all of the settings. After you did that game will play as the that settings.©Ocourse. But after you finsh the game and click quit for some reason and when you start to play again it back to regular settings. Does this problem happen anybody? or they set up that way.....

Second issue first. The game does go back to original settings. Let's Meow Meow had a similar problem. Another issue is the fact that "windows mode" doesn't work; I can't shrink the screen (and access other programs) like I would normally be able to in windows mode. Hitomi fills the entire computer screen regardless of the mode I use.

And moving on to the credits, you cannot skip it. However, in some routes the ending WON'T be revealed until AFTER the credits finish playing. So if you don't wait patiently, you could end up skipping some endings (along w/ the accompanying CGs). Kinda sux if you're looking to get 100% CGs.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, they have probably set their mind on waiting what sales tell about their decision. And there is also the possibility that they were not free to make that decision, but a puppeteer behind their back made them install it.

I wouldn't be so harsh as to call the head office management "puppeteer." And obviously the management feels it's necessary to implement VM to put a dent in piracy of their products.

Originally posted by Computermania:
Lets Meow Meow is the you have to pick the characters to go with to see the endings but, Hitomi My Stepsister is different. You have to choose right option to see their each endings. So this game is little bit dark, but I like the Hitomi My Step sister is better....

*replaces the word "better" with "more challenging"*

Wow all this talk of anime-ish RPG’s for consoles and no one mentions Tales of Symphionia or Skies of Arcadia (regular or legends)? Or if they did I missed it somewhere…

Astro Boy was definately the face real manga, but it was only much later it became anime… Not sure if it was first their… of course most westerners lump manga in with anime, so…

My love of anime started with Robotech, which for being bits of three other series pieced together with a new storyline did what no meer ‘cartoon’ did back then, by having depth… I mean at the same time that series aired in the states GI Joe, Smurfs, He-Man, etc were state of the art for cartoons and all the characters were flat and lifeless… On the other hand Robotech had characters that died! Love stories! Heck a love triangle! And of course giant mecha robot clashes of titanic scale, but that just always seemed to happen around the other events in peoples lives… Their was nothing comparable…

Transfromers did however manage to be better on occasion than it had any right to be… it’s to bad that character development was so hit or miss that no development ‘stayed’ for later episodes… Oh well it was there only to sell toys anyways, so what it did do was still incredible when viewed now…

Ecchifan, of course Crescendo blows Hitomi out of the water. I still wanna know why that prostitute girl was in there at all, when they could’ve made the other girls’ paths longer, especially the tall girl’s. How was Hitomi like Crescendo though? I’m not seeing it. And Hitomi not as good as Tsuki? Come on, I thought Virgin Roster was better than Tsuki. There was no challenge or story in Tsuki. All the chicks do whatever the boy tells 'em to, and the boy’s so wussy he needs a demon to do even that much. And what was up with that super combo of the goodie-goodie girl’s that you had to get JUST right? At least the Virgin Roster guy was funny and half the girls fought back.

I’m gonna use the G-money for a future game, since there are no more old ones I want that I haven’t already bought. You’re pretty hard core if you have them ALL. Ecchifan, do you have all the others from the other companies, too?

Ecchifan, what’s Star Blazers again? I was born the time you’re talking about, and I’ve seen the rest of the old anime you listed. And I take it Otaku’s done been gone? What did they make?

woodelf, don’t Americans rip off everything, especially with the Asian movie wave nowadays?

Shadow99, how’s this Astro Boy?

Originally posted by dummygirl:
(...) And Hitomi not as good as Tsuki? Come on, I thought Virgin Roster was better than Tsuki. There was no challenge or story in Tsuki. All the chicks do whatever the boy tells 'em to, and the boy's so wussy he needs a demon to do even that much. And what was up with that super combo of the goodie-goodie girl's that you had to get JUST right? At least the Virgin Roster guy was funny and half the girls fought back.

In my opinion, TSUKI was better than VIRGIN ROSTER. I tend to dislike very dark bgames, so i disliked VR because the protagonist was a true f*****g bastard, violating just every girl he meets. He was really a true rapist.

As for TSUKI, the protagonist was not a wussy, he was a victim like the girls, because he was possessed by something who was forcing him to be a rapist and violate girls. He didn't want to do such things, but he was forced to do so. In a way, he was "raped" too.

Back to the topic, a couple of days ago i received my copy of HITOMI MY STEPSISTER. I'm playing now and, so far, that's a great game... a half-light/half-dark themed game. I will talk more about it later.

Peter Gilis, I like dark games that have girls that fight back like in Virgin Roster or better yet, ones that do the aggressing like in Hitomi. I wasn’t feeling the runover girls in Tsuki, and I’m not into the cop-out stuff like a demon possession with no explanation why it came or went. I like dark humor, so I’d rather laugh at the Virgin Roster boy’s thoughts, cause they’re just too out there, which is a refreshing change from the norm. Why does the boy have to be innocent in these dark games? To be fair, it’s not like the Tsuki boy is any more or less wussy than most any boy in these b-games or anime and manga really. Do you like Hitomi best of the dark games?

True enough, some girls in Virgin Roster fights back, but that’s completely useless because no one of them wins or get her reveange. That’s what i dislike about VR, you don’t have a “bad” ending where the protagonist lost the control and dies, is throw to the jail or feels bad and regret his acts.

As for Hitomi i think the same. It’s very refreshing to see a dark-themed bgame where the girls got the upper hand and from victim she becomes the rapist (with the protagonist becoming the victim now). It’s a kind of ‘Poetic Justice’.

[This message has been edited by Peter Gilis (edited 12-29-2004).]

Congratulations to dummygirl for getting the 69th reply!

Yeah, I know, I have too much free time and notice too much.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Umm I just had the umm Cave Walls for Anime. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Was not Astro-boy the first real Anime?
Let us not forget the TV industry recycled a lot movie cartoons instead of developing a American verson of Anime.

*lumps Woodelf w/ Wanfu as old foggies* :P

Yes, Astro Boy was the first "real" anime.

Originally posted by Benoit:

Yeah, I know, I have too much free time and notice too much. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Sad, but true. Is it too late to tell you to "Go get a life!"? (I'm only joking, btw)

Originally posted by Shadow99:
My love of anime started with Robotech, which for being bits of three other series pieced together with a new storyline did what no meer 'cartoon' did back then, by having depth... I mean at the same time that series aired in the states GI Joe, Smurfs, He-Man, etc were state of the art for cartoons and all the characters were flat and lifeless... On the other hand Robotech had characters that died! Love stories! Heck a love triangle! And of course giant mecha robot clashes of titanic scale, but that just always seemed to happen around the other events in peoples lives... Their was nothing comparable...

Transfromers did however manage to be better on occasion than it had any right to be... it's to bad that character development was so hit or miss that no development 'stayed' for later episodes... Oh well it was there only to sell toys anyways, so what it did do was still incredible when viewed now...

To me, Robotech became a wee bit too complicated (storyline wise) to follow. It sux when it appeared as 1/2 hour shows on tv, and I'm not around to watch every single episode. Transformers certainly had tremendous appeal for kids---cars and planes that transformed into cool looking robots!!!

If you look at these titles from the viewpoint of kids, transformers was the better product for the U.S. market, imho.

Originally posted by dummygirl:
[B]Ecchifan, of course Crescendo blows Hitomi out of the water. I still wanna know why that prostitute girl was in there at all, when they could've made the other girls' paths longer, especially the tall girl's. How was Hitomi like Crescendo though? I'm not seeing it. And Hitomi not as good as Tsuki? Come on, I thought Virgin Roster was better than Tsuki. There was no challenge or story in Tsuki. All the chicks do whatever the boy tells 'em to, and the boy's so wussy he needs a demon to do even that much. And what was up with that super combo of the goodie-goodie girl's that you had to get JUST right? At least the Virgin Roster guy was funny and half the girls fought back.

I'm gonna use the G-money for a future game, since there are no more old ones I want that I haven't already bought. You're pretty hard core if you have them ALL. Ecchifan, do you have all the others from the other companies, too?

Ecchifan, what's Star Blazers again? I was born the time you're talking about, and I've seen the rest of the old anime you listed. And I take it Otaku's done been gone? What did they make?

Actually, I thought the "prostitute girl" (as you put it) put the finishing touch in Crescendo's lineup of characters, and made this game an outstanding one. Love triangles stories are common. Helping a troubled youngster get back on the path to redemption isn't. my comparison of Hitomi and Crescendo relates to the characters in the games, and their story developments. In Hitomi, your choices were: screw the stepmom, screw the stepsis, or screw the crush. Not particularly original. And I didn't feel the mother-daughter relationship was explored enough. Crescendo went a lot further in the way they chose to insert characters, and how these characters were developed.

My comparison of Tsuki and Hitomi referred to how "dark" the games were. And obviously Hitomi is nowhere near as dark as Tsuki. So with Hitomi you have a product that's not as dark as Tsuki, nor as well developed as Crescendo. that's why I said Hitomi isn't as "good" as either one of them.

As for the girls in Tsuki following orders, you should note that Tsuki is a BDSM type of a game. the male dude is the master, and the gals are his slaves.

I bought all the GC games b/c I wanted to show my support for this company by buying its products. Simply voting w/ my dollars. Nothing hardcore about that. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Besides, with the exception of Dor, I felt the rest of my purchases were money well spent.

Otaku Publishing ceased translating h-games into English (and French) b/c of pirating. They are probably most known for Paradise Heights. Another company that I forgot to mention is C's Ware, which now only sells Japanese h-games online through Himeya Soft.
I don't have all the games that were translated to English, maybe 90% of them though. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

I don't remember what Star Blazers is about.

FYI, I just submitted my review for Hitomi to gamefaqs.com this morning. I’ll let you know whenever they post it up. As a teaser, here’s the tagline for the review:

“Mildly Disappointing Debut by Mercure”

Originally posted by Benoit:
Congratulations to dummygirl for getting the 69th reply!

Hey! Get your mind out of my gutter!

I think that’s such a shame about C’s ware. They released both “Divi-Dead” and the Eve games, as well as the semi-story driven “Desire”. Most of the time, they had pretty good taste.

Otaku Publishing ceased translating h-games into English (and French) b/c of pirating. They are probably most known for Paradise Heights.

True Love is their key game. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Just a heads-up for any Europeans out there -Archonia are selling Hitomi (and Let’s Meow Meow) for the curiously low price of 15 euros. It’s most likely a misprice but they’ve shipped me a copy and it hasn’t been rectified.

Peter Gilis, true true with the Virgin Roster bit. I think the closest thing is that he regrets what he does only so much as he’s stuck with a crazy girl. I have a soft spot for Virgin Roster, cause it’s the first b-game I bought. I recognize it’s not one of the good ones, but I don’t think it’s one of the bad ones, either.

Benoit, that 69 thing went totally over my head. I thought you were serious. And I have less of a life than you. You seem pretty lively.

Ecchifan, I agree that Crescendo is outstanding- it’s my favorite one. And I feel the same with the mother-daughter relationship in Hitomi. That was disturbing and put the plot into it. I just wasn’t feeling the love for the prostitute girl, cause I’d rather she have self-respect in the first place, take responsibility for her actions, or just love sex and making money. The whole I wish I were an angel bit is a little too much for me. And she wasn’t even saving up the money she got from prostituting herself for anything. I don’t believe in this whole cleansing thing. You dirty, and you can never go back again. What you need to do is move on. I especially wasn’t feeling the love cause my favorite girl, the tall one, had a two second story when the prostitute girl’s was longer than all the rest combined. And why can’t prostitution be a good thing? There are girls who love sex, so they want to make money doing what they love. But these are high class call girls who don’t make chump change. I don’t see a difference between that and all these rich old dudes buying the young trophy wife who doesn’t work and just spends all his money. Hey, at least the call girl has her freedom and being with the same old dude must get boring after awhile.