Hmm, funny... or perhaps not. *hm, hm*

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I am one of the most bloodthirsty people I know. I just have morals.
You're a lemon?! I didn't know vampire lemons have morals, though... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
So, since you don't like Kichiku-games, how do you feel then as a customer of Peach Princess, since thye're releasing games that are partly Kichiku or even completely?

BTW, I never really answered that question.
As a customer of PeachPri, I think it's a good thing they did so. Kumiko-chan once said that PeachPri wanted the US market to the whole bishoujo genre, and I approve of that. Kichikukei games are a part of the bishoujo world as much as the others (ren'ai for instance). While I don't like nor can stand them, I think people who do have as much as me a right to play to what they like. Of course, as long as they remember it is a game. But then, how many people confuse their FPS with reality and start killing for real? There are and always will be dysfunctional people; but to prevent the ones who can differentiate reality with games from playing such games for that reason isn't IMO fair (and don't tell me life isn't fair; it's true, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make it fairer [img][/img])
Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i am proud to say i will probably buy all of the games peapri is coming out with, though it will take me some time due to limited funds [img][/img] the only one i have avoided so far is Water Closet, and i am considering that one now too, after reading the reviews i got for my website about it [img][/img] lol

Ah, Our Goddess can really make us feel shames about the fact that We don't do like her and buy all games of PP [img][/img]. But I can, almsot as prouly as her, that I'll buy ALMOST all games of PP. I might even buy Used Condom, since I'ce fond out that it is not really the same as W.C., meaning that even if it has some strange fetishes included, there's no toilets to see [img][/img] (of course, that could still mean that I'll get an twisted look in my face for some weeks after playing UC). And since there'a miko in the game too, the games "attracting points" is raised by 30 points [img][/img]. So, the only and one I might never buy is W.C.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Theoretically, sure I do. But how are you supposed to identify whose eye is forfeit? For if you take the wrong eye, then technically you lose your other one.

Well, that has always been the flaw of this rule. Then, again... If you had to confront someone who without doubt deserved to get treated according to this rule, would you use it, then?

On the other hand, this rule, or rather, revenge, could in most caes prove to be quite useless and only spawn more hate... A good example of this is shown in the movie "Hrafninn fl√Ωgur", translated as "When the Raven Flies".

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-07-2002).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Why so?

Oh, well, This is just what I think and I don't except you to feel the same about it, but... As mentioned in the Megatokyo thread, I've felt drawn to brutish elements in adult fanfics and adult bishoujo games both. Can't really explain why, but... Well, I that I'm drawn to it because that it is a kind of forbidden fruit that you can eat without getting poisoned, if you get my meaning. Or perhaps because that playing a kichiku-game where I'm a person who does "bad things" to other people puts me in the body of a person who is totaly different than I am in reality... I think it might be kind of like Kumiko said before: People who aren't very dominant in real life might have fantasies about being more dominant, and dominant people might have fantasies about being dominated...

Then, again, I'm not very good at being a "bad guy" in a game either... *embarrased sweatdrop*

Also, ahem, so summarize: from my point of view you're missing something good, but I do also relize that your tastes and prefernces isn't mine. But it's also a shame becuase that the more games you buy, the more chance of PP surviving [img][/img].

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
While I don't like nor can stand them, I think people who do have as much as me a right to play to what they like. Of course, as long as they remember it is a game. But then, how many people confuse their FPS with reality and start killing for real?

Not many, but there will always be those with a less than firm grasp of reality. Keep in mind that "man arrested for kidnapping women and acting out images from a kichiku [sp?] game" story that was posted awhile back; I also remember seeing a news story several years ago about a guy who watched the movie Warlock over and over, and then killed his best friend and ate him because he thought he would gain the ability to fly (like one of the characters in the movie).

But I have always maintained that people who do things like that had problems long before they ever heard of the particular object of their obsession.