How do you like your women equipped?

I don’t know - it happened to me.

(mind you, that was about 35 years ago and I’ve since grown used to it)

Hmmm… Seems this thread has gone places… In more ways than one…! :shock:
Interesting opinions… Anyways…
There are always stuffs that are hard for one to decide… [size=150]ne…[/size] :?:

Well… I know that’s real life but I don’t want to have nightmares(aka dreams) about it.

Yuck yuck… yuck… why do I’ve the premonitions that I’m gonna daydream about that now? That’s just disgusting… :roll: But I guess seeing a guy with a female’s xxxx would be even worse. <---- horrible nightmares coming now.

… … You like yaoi, don’t you? :shock:

(If I suddenly woke up a futa I expect I’d be briefly excited and interested… and then eventually really annoyed when I thought about the problems it would create for my wardrobe!)

I think if you reread my post and click on the links you’ll understand the problem very clearly. This isn’t 4chan; it’s an official industry forum, and in defense of our own intellectual property and that of potential licensees we can’t condone the illegal distribution of all or part of the copyrighted material of other industry members.

We banned your IP by mistake, for which we apologize. We have unbanned your IP address. We will not however rescind the ban on your account, and will proceed to ban this and any other new accounts you should choose to create on the forum. Should you have any further questions regarding this decision you can contact me at (

Sorry for the thread derail; please feel free to ignore these past few posts.

Yeah, you know, I don’t like artichokes - damn you artichokes, my hated nemesis! - or country music, or pretentious new agers - which are no different from the pretentious new agers of a decade ago, and a decade before that - but that doesn’t make me ignorant. There are simply things people don’t like and by denouncing them for it you are doing the exact thing you’d accuse them of. Why should anyone have to like the things you do? Their dislike makes them no less valuable for you.

On the other side of this - those of you who don’t care for the Futari thing need to back off a bit as well. Teasing a little is one thing, but you’re belaboring the point unnecessarily. How would you like it if I started voicing my distaste for certain racial groups here? (mind you, that is an example, I’ve nothing against any racial group) Or started disparaging women? (and, being a history major, I could produce huge ammounts of retoric to support any racial or gender biase)

I jumped on here once to chastise someone for being oversensitive - but now you’re getting very close to proving his reaction justified.

If you can’t play nice, both sides really need to leave this thing alone.

Whoa! This thread is seriously getting steered off topic! Narg to the rescue!

Here’s a chart of Japanese cup sizes! NSFW! 8)

Keep your eyes on the prize people. :mrgreen:

My list of sins is far too long… .___. It’d be inexcusable if I added anymore entries to them.

I don’t like futa 'cos it’s just gross. I’m pretty accepting of hermaphrodites but I don’t really want to see them in a sex scene.

Actually, I don’t mind gay men(yaoi or otherwise) and used to be a yaoi addict. ^^;; But these days, I only read yaoi manga with plot 'cos a lot of yaoi is more like superimposing the personality of a female onto a guy’s body and has no plot, no characterisation, etc(totally bleah). I can also read yuri or shoujo-ai or even lesbian stuff(like Ebine Yamaji works), too. Just no hardcore lesbian stuff… I haven’t got used to that stuff yet. And guro(hentai, yaoi, etc.) is definitely, completely “off-limits” for now and forever.

K, that’s enough of an explanation and it’s too lengthy. Edit: Back to topic, ahoy. :slight_smile:

That’s one… ahem interesting bra size list. :slight_smile:

I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your mailing list. Or webcam. Webcam works for me.

Dismissing something by way of saying that it is “just gross” is, to me, a very poor answer. It comes off as intolerant, i.e. you wouldn’t say the same thing about a gay relationship because it would be taken as homophobic.

There seems to be a bit of bashing in this thread, both subtle and direct.

Here’s a novel thought: if you don’t like it, don’t post about it. You’re free not to buy the game or view the images. Don’t go around slamming those that want to.

Small to large, though I tend to prefer smaller. There’s something “perky” does for me that “massive” does not.

Larger than reasonable? To paraphrase an anime review I read once…

“Watermelons were never meant to be substitutionary body parts…” :slight_smile:

Meh, you folks are right. I got too carried away. :expressionless:

My gym teacher used to say the same thing. Ah, boys will be boys. It’s okay to bash people I don’t agree with, even if it makes others feel bad, attacks an entire group of people, or makes me look intolerant!

You’re free to say you don’t enjoy something, but you’re pushing it by repeating yourself every chance you get with a general “Oh by the way, I don’t like this.” That adds nothing valid to the discussion, and if I recall correctly, you are already on VERY thin ice with the moderators, so I suggest you take your intolerance and go elsewhere. One of my best friends came from this nice Christian family, real nice guy. He shot himself in the head when he discovered he was homosexual, since it went against everything he was taught and believed in.

No, I am not gay, but I will openly call people on homophobia, because there is nothing wrong with it, and it’s the attitude of people like you that helped cost him his life. Kindly think before you type in the future.

You just won’t leave well enough alone, will you?

Okay then, here’s what’s going to happen. The post you just made is getting reported for personal attacks and profanity. I am now ignoring all future posts by your. This in no way means you’ve “won” anything, in fact quite the opposite. It seems I’m the one who’s going to have to be mature, drop it, and get the thread back on the original topic without anymore pointless arguments. Hope it was worth it.

:EDIT: Internet drama lol.

Saying it’s gross is a ‘poor’ answer because it’s kneejerk and doesn’t show much thought. On the other hand, if something truly does gross you out to the point that you don’t want to think about it, it’s difficult to provide much more explanation than that. ‘Gross’ is about all that I can say about, say, scat. To me, that’s just plain icky and I don’t have much more I can say about that. Still, hopefully you can see how someone might think a one-word answer like ‘gross’ is less helpful in a discussion than a detailed insight into how and why you feel a certain way.

And yes, intolerance is wrong. But being tolerant doesn’t mean you have to LIKE everything either. If somebody on this board is a coprophile, that’s their business and I’m not going to try and talk them out of it, I’m just going to privately think that’s REALLY REALLY GROSS and try not to think about it! :slight_smile:

Topic locked because the initial subject has been terminally derailed. Narg, feel free to open a new thread if you’d like.

Further administrative action pending; we strongly urge that everyone reread the forum rules, and if you have a dispute with another user to either settle it privately via PM or address your complaint directly to a moderator.