I think censorship is acceptable!

Now that scared me a tiny bit, not exactly sure why though. :oops:

This is just too much. Shut up and get a refund. Though I doubt people like you bought the original copy of the game. LOL my copy arrived at this very moment. And I’ll tell you all something. I don’t care about some three stupid images. I’m really glad I can play this game in english and I’m thankful to JAST USA for it. That’s all.

And people wondered why I didn’t like the /jp/ invasion…


Em. I found this funny, but you’re hurting our efforts to make this a serious argument.
There was no reason to make a whole thread with just this image. Don’t act like this is a raid, just give your opinions and offer input. Otherwise you will be treated as a raid, ignored, and shoved off.

Fail troll is fail.

It’s perfectly obvious you’re doing this to mock the complainers.

The part that only pirates and never buys?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
This just made my day.

geez… some people really overreact…


If only everyone else felt the same way…right now JAST is being under (if at all) appreciated by their consumers. :expressionless:

I’m not a customer* but I appreciate JAST USA and the fine work they do! Especially in providing this wonderful forum.

*apart from, like, buying a copy of English-translated Ever17 as a gift for someone else =P

:mrgreen: YAY I changed the mood here…at least temporarily.

I appreciate JAST as well. I’ve bought every game they made and I only plan to stop when they stop selling me games. I have a soft spot for a company that sold me my first eroge so it’s almost like they can do no wrong.

The 1st eroge I ever played was PW, which was sold by JAST. It took me about an 1 hour to get addicted to it. :smiley:

You where lucky I think the first games I bought and played was X-change 1&2 or it was Target: Pheromone. Trying to think back to then but man the games released today blows those games out of the water.

Really ? Well I suppose it got better with time…

Of course, he seems to be a /Jp/er, I doubt the /JPers would have bought the game even if it WAS uncensored. They are mostly unrepentant pirates. and I doubt many of them are old enough to be able to buy the game…

Well, you know, they actually seemed more mature about it in the discussions of /jp/ as opposed to the random trolling that usually goes on there. He might just be vick1000’s sockpuppet. But to be honest, it’s really hard to develop sympathy for the publishers when a game they censored to any degree gets pirated.

You do know that the censorship might have been D.O’s Idea, right?

Well, many eroge companies seem to be getting nervous about the foreign market, minori even seems to think they will be responsible if one of there games gets someone in trouble abroad. They already are leary of piracy, given the Software Defender issue, so they might get leary of whether there content is OK to be released abroad.

This would explain why they would censor this one, but leave similar games intact.

Just consider all he forces here, rather than just one. You seem to be promoting piracy, I notice here, or are coming VERY CLOSE to doing so…

After all, the whole Rapelay incident started because some one sold the game on Amazon in the UK, so I think they would be more careful and not risk anything. take note of the number of foreign IP bans on various sites.

Try joining the campaign on stopping censorship in Japan, also, try writing letters about getting the laws that JAST is afraid of overturned. It’s NOT just JAST whos at fault here, there are a LOT of factors here that contributed to this situation. Don’t pretend it’s ONLY one entity fault, that kind of thinking dosen’t help.

If we don’t attack all the issues, then the censorship probably WILL get worse…

While I’m not saying JAST is not at fault, there are other problems to deal with, and it’s childish to throw every bit of responsibility on them.

Key word there is almost.