So… anyone getting this?

The game looks better in motion, that it does with still shots.

Three versions. You know which Narg is getting. Let’s hope Namco releases these in the States? :expressionless:

given the popularity of reality shows like American Idol it may.

After I first took a look at the stand-still-screenshots at the product’s page I thought: No way!

After I watched the demo-movie on YouTube, I had to change that into “Maybe, I’ll give ‘Wanderung Star’ a try”.

After all, there is only “Memories Off” still at Himeya as a japanese PSP-games that I want to buy - and ordering a single game is a waste of money on the shippment costs.

What really sold me - aside from the twins of course - is the rival company having greater prominence in the gameplay and story. They have their own team of Idols to oppose you (because only an Idol can oppose the power of another Idol), at least one of whom is a former Idol who served under you. Betrayal and revenge is so delicious! :twisted:

I love how they did that 961 (the rival studio) bit at the end of the teaser. Nice touch and timing. 8)

For anyone wondering who the rival team is…

[spoiler]Miki is the traitor. :frowning: The other new faces, Hibiki and Takane, were rejected character designs when the first title was developed. They’ve been resurrected and touched up so they’re just as cool as the original nine.


If Namco were to port this, I’d assume they’d only do one of the three versions. Not like this kind of game market has been “proven” to be a best seller. In fact, if people make the connotation that its a dating game (which its not), that even lowers the desire to port it over (see the failure of Brooktown High).

Because of the whole anti-incest and anti-loli attitude of American mainstream, that rules out Wandering Star. Leaving Perfect Sun and Missing Moon. If I were a betting man, I’d put my money on Missing Moon: it has Ritsuko Akizuki and Azusa Miura, both who are of legal age (thus avoiding issues with the whole innuendo thing that the girls really, REALLY like their Producer at the end).

Yeah, I’m totally going to get Perfect Sun, because I love Makoto. =P Sadly I don’t think this will ever see an official release in English. But hey, I wouldn’t mind being surprised.

Has Namco ever even said a thing about the series in America? I remember an early interview with someone involved in creating the game saying they’d like to see an English release, but then they went and did a 180 in another interview saying ‘oh no what if people think we’re promoting child labor’ or something. Haven’t heard a peep since then… so yeah.

It’s quite unfortunate, as I’d love to play the console versions too. But I’m not going to buy a Japanese 360 just to play two games. Thankfully for the PSP games there’s no region lock out to worry about.

They are shipping, no more delays!!
Finally, Idom@ster on PSP will fall into my grubby paws!

Buahahahahahahahaaaaaa! 8) :twisted: 8)

Seeing as the Xbox360 version has never been released in the states, I would say the chances of Idolm@ster getting localized for the PSP here in the states would also be never. At least, not before it goes through the kind of makeover that gave us Brooktown High.

I actually got a chance to talk with someone who worked in Namco. While he couldn’t say there will NEVER be an Idolm@ster in the West, he did point out these things:

#1: Songs. The music would need to be translated and redone in English. It’s one thing to find voice actresses ¬ñ it’s another to find voice actresses who can sing. Walt Disney spends hundreds of thousands to get it right. Namco ain’t Walt Disney.

#2: Dancing. What the Japanese call dancing, isn’t dancing outside of Japan. The dance steps in Idolm@ster aren’t something Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, or Britney Spears would approve of. In fact, they’re even tacky…

#3: Perception. It’s going to get negative reviews from people who don’t like it. Take your pick: lolicon, workslaves, women who can’t do anything without a man to help them, dating game, etc. Namco has no interest in refuting these allegations.

#4: Not a surefire cash cow. Namco owns the Afro-Samurai and Naruto licenses. They’ve got 3D fighters and air combat titles out the ying-yang. Of course Namco likes to experiment with the waters ¬ñ that’s what Tales of _______ is for. But Idolm@ster? Pass. There are bigger fish in the waters.

Yeah, I’d say if the IM@S series were to make it over here, the only concievable way I can think of is letting it be localized by a niche game developer like Atlus, who tend to be relatively more immune to such problems compared to bigger game companies (especially the “perception” issue).

I have to say, looking at Narg’s list, I’m convinced: not even Atlus is gonna be able to do it. The songs is the real killer; the rest of the stuff simply makes trying to overcome the song problem an expensive waste of effort, as opposed to merely a waste of effort.

Nobody has ever released a game with any significant amount of voiceover in Japanese dialog, English subtitles. The anime industry is going this direction because it overextended itself and hasn’t had a lot of choice. But the console companies have been hesitant to allow this. In fact, if I recall correctly, Sony was initially skeptical of even allowing Japanese as an option. There is very little chance that even Atlus, who has gone dual-audio with all recent releases, would want to risk a Japanese-language subtitled-only release, if Sony would even allow such a thing.

So it’s basically dead. Thankfully PSP is region free.

I’m only talking about which type of company is the most probable of releasing it compared to Namdai, as little as the overall chances may be. I highly doubt it’ll happen either, to be honest.

Pretty much. One of the music rhythm games that Atlus licensed, Ontama, had 2 of its songs axed because of licensing fees I’m sure. I picked up the Japanese one instead, the 2 songs by 80*PAN on it are wonderful. At least I hear they retained Let’s Go Onmyoji, which was a song from Atlus’s Matrimelee/Power Instinct series.


It seems like I have to get “Missing Moon” too - not just because of Azusa, but even more because of Miki! :!:

OMG! You support teh 961? Traitor!!! TRAITOR!!! :shock: :stuck_out_tongue:

In all seriousness, I’m really shocked that 961 consists of “rejected” characters and songs from the original design phase. Their Producer-san signature song, oVERM@STER, kicks total ass too. I wish there was a group rendition of Aoi Tori by the entire 961 trio (I’m sure it’s going to come sooner or later). Takane is my favorite of the rival group.

On a side note: God cries on His birthday that He’s not getting an iDOLM@STER fix in English. :wink:
It’s already in progress :wink:

Who say’s I support them?
Of course, I am a 765-producer to the core - but I really like to destroy an opponent with his own weapons - preferably the ones he just discarded before as being useless! And guess what happens with Takane after she loses to a 765-idol…

I don’t know yet what happens in “Perfect Sun” with Hibiki - and of course “Missing Moon” still is out of my grasp. Still, I got the feeling that the boss of 961 is the same kind of bastard as he is in “Wandering Star”, so thing probably will work out there too.
In “Wandering Star”, Miki and Hibiki only have cameo appearances, and as a matter of fact, Miki is there still a 765-idol who didn’t have her debut yet!

Takane certainly is great - just a pity that she wasted her talent on the wrong company with an ungrateful slave-driver as its boss.
However, I can’t compare her yet to the others - because I still have to meet them in their own stories.

Well you shoudn’t deserve the title of oVERM@STER without being evil. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

On a sidenote, I’m kinda disappointed that Kotori is still unattainable.

I’v finished Haruka’s story so i can tell you all about Hibiki :slight_smile:

Haruka’s ending:

[spoiler]The day before the final you catch Kuroi ( Hibiki’s Manager ) being a Chikan to Hibiki ( A chikan is a guy who looks at and/or feels up girls without their permission, normally done on a train in eroge ). You yell at Kuroi and then leave. The day of the final, Hibiki shows up angry/annoyed and without Kuroi.
After winning Haruka is all happy, but you overhear Hibiki yelling.
“Give me another chance! I only wanted to sing!” ( or something along those lines )
Hibiki was kicked out of 961 pro. Haruka is so angry at Kuroi that a choice comes up of what she should yell out to him. Before she says it though, Hibiki stops her, congratulates Haruka then walks off.
Later on you find Hibiki in the changing room, still in her idol clothes crying saying “I only wanted to sing”.You go and comfort her and again try to recruit her ( you try many times throughout the story ), but she denies it since she is Haruka’s rival. She then leaves, smiling.
When you return to your office, the president congratulates you but Haruka is crying. She asked Hibiki to join but she refused.
BUT!!! Haruka decides to ask you…
Who would you rather produce, if she did Join? :wink:
She’s happy no matter who you choose, but if you choose Hibiki she says that she wont lose to her.

A few days later, your boss has someone to introduce you to…
Hibiki: “My name is Ganaha Hibiki! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
Haruka: "Hibiki! Why are you here?!
Hibiki: “ummm…you asked me to join Namuco pro and they seemed interesting”

“Ah also, all my pets will be picked up from 961 Pro and brought here, can 765 pro handle that? Well i’m counting on you 765 pro.”

Everyones happy then Haruka trips over.

“Amami Haruka… Are you ok?”[/spoiler]

Hibiki collects lost pets if your wondering :slight_smile:
She has an odd assortment of friends, including a Snake, Hamster and Saint Bernard. ( she has like 20+ animals, all unique species )

Also if your wondering about the other 961 idols stories:


She has a crush on you.
Her storyline is pretty much ‘I’m sopposed to look tough but i’m really sad on the inside’.


She has a VERY big crush on you.
Her storyline is pretty much, she meets you the day after you choose your idol, but she wants you to produce her. You hear your boss and her arguing, then she decides to quit.

Very big Miki spoilers:

Your boss took some of her food…thats why they were fighting. She wasn’t asking for him to make you her producer.

I’v unlocked Hibiki as a playable character :slight_smile:

Finish the game once and you unlock:
The rival for your version
The rivals clothes for your version

Finish the game with Rank 5 producer ranking or higher ( can only be seen at the end ):
Unlocks the other 2 rivals
Unlocks the other 2 rivals clothes

The rivals can only be used in Office mode. Which is pretty much where u can try on clothes, test out dances or compete against your friends. ALL 765 idols are in office mode. No matter which version you get.
But you can only do story mode with the 3 idols of your version.

So - what?
Does it really matter for which reason he doesn’t deserve that title: being not evil - or never bringing up a top idol?
So far, he only earned the title of a L00serM@ster.
And hence in my next try I will be supported by twin-power - is there anything I should be concerned about? :lol: :twisted: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah - I see!
Basically what I expected - except the juicy details of her story of course.
I think, we can safely assume that similar things will happen in Makoto’s and Yayoi’s story - at the very least with the same final outcome!

By the way: it really wasn’t necessary to explain the vocable “Chikan” to me: in my collection are both “Saishuu chikan densha”-games (Atelier Kaguya) as well as the “Tsuukin kairaku”-series (Haoh)!
But then, you also could simply have used the words “molester” or “groper” in the first place… :wink:

Takane mentioned something like that - during Hibiki’s cameo-scene which actually is a Takane-event.
Well, I indeed would wonder whether there is enough space for all her friends in the 765-rooms!
… or how well Kotori could deal with a snake being on the loose in there! :wink: :lol: