If you had to recommend a yaoi title for a non-yaoi eroger.

So I lost a bet with someone, and now the terms of that gamble dictates that I have to play and review a yaoi eroge. :frowning:

Soo… errr… all you yaoi fans out there: if you had to recommend a yaoi title for a non-yaoi eroger, which would you say he should play?

Gentler the journey, the better. :wink:

Ummm… I suppose this may not be a good time to mention I like twincest? :lol:

Oh… and just to be clear, it can’t be futa. 100% boys on 100% boys. :oops:

You have my sympathy, Narg. As for me, I’m a yaoi virgin and I hope to stay a yaoi virgin. =)

Whoever you made your bet with must be a cruel and calculating person indeed…

I don’t really follow yaoi, but the only (fansubbed) game I played of it, the sex scene read like it was written for a girl anyway… male anatomy DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT! Don’t know if the problem was the translation or the original… Anyway, if you imagine the main character as a small-breasted futa, you may be okay? :slight_smile:

Bokura wa Minna, Koi wo Suru has twins but not much interaction between them, most of the action is with one twin and some other boy, and most of the time you can’t see cock.

Thanks guys! I’ll go ahead and download the recommended demo’s to see which I’ll buy.

I forgot about Rule 34 and lost because of it.

That’s because I’m a Cyc fan, and I’m completely aware of what they’re capable of. I don’t think my heart could take a yaoi version of their madness. :wink:

I’m curious about something:

Do you have to complete ALL paths or do you just need to play the game once?

If it’s latter, okay, you could just skim through all the text. If it’s the former, you have my condolences. :lol:

Still, I’ve got a feeling you’ll need to submit daily reports on your game progress. Good luck, my dear. :slight_smile:

I totally agree. Gift him with this one as my personal appreciation of his cruelty :roll: :stuck_out_tongue: .

That game is quite… interesting :P. On a slightly different topic, maybe a BL tentacle game might be suitable - my morbid curiosity tells me that there’s probably one out there, but thankfully I haven’t encountered it yet. Although having said that… I have played a few OEL BL games before, one of which I was very impressed by, but it probably wouldn’t count as an eroge.

The ‘Guisard’ series is a yaoi game and they contain tentacle rape.
Plus it has power ranger look-a-likes having sex with each other…what more could you want? :smiley:

Guisard has 2 tentacle rape scenes.
Guisard Shuffle has 1 tentacle rape scene.
Guisard Fandisc has none.

Something more caste and pure, maybe :twisted: :lol: ?

You forgot rule 34? Guys like you are the reason we HAVE rule 34!

Sheesh. Don’t make me come over there. :slight_smile:

Aye… but in this case, I thought it was a case of Rule 35, thereby I’d have won through the technicality… :oops:

That’s giving me plenty of nightmares. :shock:

Neways, I look forward to your review, Narg. :slight_smile:

Because Yuri asked, and I can’t reply via PM because my inbox is so full of stuff I’m saving:

The yaoi game I ended up playing was Angel’s Feather from Blue Impact. It has twins… so… you know how that goes. :stuck_out_tongue:

The story and characterization are good. Can’t say I exactly loved it, because the boy-on-boy lov’in really took away my enjoyment factor. However if it was girl-on-girl lov’in, I’d probably have been a lot more receptive to everything.

But hey… twincest, right? What I can say. If you’re gonna experiment with yaoi, it might as well be what God divine mandated. :wink:

Ironically enough, I ended up getting suckered to play another eroge called Messiah because of a maid in it: gothic, kuudere, hair over one eye.

Poor Narg… his trust in other people has been eroded. No… she’s not a trap… but you [u]DON’T[/u] get to sex her at all. You [u]DO[/u] get to sex all the boys she knows though. Never finished it… had no reason…

No, otherwise they’d stipulate no twincest and no domination. Just pure sappy love story yaoi titles.

Narg: both sound interesting… eh. You should have played Animamundi instead. =P It’s got what… straight romance, bxb romance? (Edit: Btw, Messiah looks so interesting… too bad I can’t read Japanese.)

And it had a bit of “dark” traits… :stuck_out_tongue: And it wasn’t very explicit anyways.

Btw, what is “Rule 34”?

Pfftt… be more tolerant! =P If I, a straight woman, can read/watch hardcore lesbian works(manga/movies with full-on girl on girl action)… I don’t see why men can’t like… suck gay works up a bit. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s not like you’re going to die from reading that stuff, are you?

Actually… I feel terrible for you. You should’ve started with some “shounen-ai” manga to like… soften the blow and then slowly progressed into this. =P That’s how I started with exposing myself to GL… that way, it’s not so like “scary” or “mind-scarring” when I get into the parts where there’s a woman doing XYZ doing into another woman’s lower bits. :lol: 'Cos the first times I went into the more realistic GL (non-hentai stuff), it was utterly scary… there’s a woman doing to this and that. starts turning pale and feels sick to the stomach Well, actually I used to be very very homophobic but ah well… that’s another story. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Animamundi Dark Alchemist” isn’t pure yaoi - there are a couple girls you can get if you try real hard - but it is primarily so. More to the point, though, it is a gothic anime horror themed game with some gorgeous visuals and heavy atmosphere. The story can be gripping and the main character’s efforts to hide his horrible secret and the decent into darkness that may force him on are well depicted. Jlist used to have it available, though I don’t see a listing for it any more, so you may have a little difficulty hunting it down, but it is well worth the price. (plus, you can go back and play it again with the intention of winning the female characters - one of whom may just be your little sister)

Ooh, recommending a yaoi game? Here we go:

Tsui*Teru, by C:Drive

I have actually played this one. Yes, it’s only 2/3 yaoi, but 2/3 should be enough right?
Both male winnable characters look like girls, so it should ease the transition.

Even though it’d its’ fair share of sappiness like in Ever17, I thought the plot was actually quite good. And many of the plot twists just: well… let’s just say that many of them… I just couldn’t see them from a mile away. Like “WHAT?!”

And the entire main cast was kinda heavily fleshed out and damn intriguing. [spoiler]I actually really liked how Bruno was depicted, even… not some “black and white” villain who’ll only do evil acts but truly, a snake… who’ll do anything to achieve his ends(whether positive or negative) or if not, just something that’s in keeping with his personality. I mean… let’s face it: “evil characters” rarely gimme the creeps. This guy certainly did.

And the rest of the main cast? Very very nicely done… it’s like there’s this “moral grayish” tone which is surprisingly deep and makes you realize that at the end of it all, humans are humans and not some “'cos you did this, you’re EVIL”.

And seriously, everyone has their own secrets.[/spoiler] Also, the “horror” was not those “cheesy horrors” but more like “psychological horror”. =P

And surprisingly yeah… for a game aimed at girls, it does have “girls” the guy can get to “fall in love with”. Man… I only played it last year… remembering the plot is already breaking my heart. :frowning: :frowning: Poor St Germaint :frowning:

Rule 34: There is porn of it - no exceptions.

Fixed. Actually, one of my former classmates once told me a story of how he proved this to someone. He told the guy to randomly come up with something, and enter it in to a search engine with the word “porn” added on. For some perverse reason, the guy came up with “clown corpse”. I suppose the reason may be that they thought that there was no way there was porn involving a clown corpse. Needless to say, the guy rued his coming up with that when results came back and he looked. :shock: