Ignorance about bishoujo games

This just made me angry:

I have registered and am now waiting for the confirmation email to arrive. Just watch.

Well their views do not surprise me because they seem to me to be people that have not played the games or are perhaps too young to play the games.

It is ignorance insofar as they are reacting negatively and judging something they have not tried, that is what is truly sad about this, a willingness to judge before seeing what it is really like for themselves, though I guess it is human.

I will be curious to see what you have to say to them, just remember stay calm in your replies and don’t insult them, don’t tell them they are ignorant, simply show them how they are appearing so without telling them they are, in my experience that works better and does not get people to close their ears to what you are trying to tell them.

Also, if I might clarify don’t point out how they are wrong, point out what they do not know the truth about these games because they have not likely played any of these games. Such truths would include the emotional pull of Kana.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-23-2004).]

Ya give them a piece of my mind too

Benoit, lets roll, I got my account.

[This message has been edited by tiger_of_the_wind2040 (edited 05-23-2004).]

I think I said all I can say about it while not losing my temper at all. Check it out, what do you think? I used the same name that I use here.

Nice replies.
I guess I’ll try to register again, but this time with my other email account. I still haven’t received any confirmation email, and I haven’t either from Dreamwave’s message board. So maybe there’s a problem with Hotmail mails…

EDIT: My other account worked! I posted.
pant, pant The message board scared me for a moment while trying to preview it earlier. It did recognize me, but after typing the whole reply and trying to preview it, it said that I was not logged in! Pushing the Back button didn’t help; it didn’t want me to access the page again, and the same screen was still there. NOOO! With my last hope, I hoped that it would redirect me to my reply with all the text still in it while logging in. It worked!

Anyway, what do you think of my post? I think I did a good job.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-24-2004).]

I think it is a good post, I actually posted right beneath yours different name on that board , I just hope we can open a few minds to at least trying these games in terms of actually playing them before they condem them the next time.

well since you guys are doing a such a good job in that other forum I’m not gonna post there until the haters there reply, hopefully they will be more educated about bishoujo games.

I just get this feeling there is only one there that seems educated in these games the one that knew Bishoujou Games was closer to ‘Pretty Girl’ Games then what the others were saying of ‘Porno Game’, other then that poster most seem to have their minds already made up and closed.

I’ve posted too…let’s see what they have ot say i also extended an invitation to my website

I registered and posted there too. Can’t let you guys hog all the fun for yourselves

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-25-2004).]

Guess what just arrived in my Hotmail account’s inbox? The confirmation email! Two days late… And then they say real mail is slow… It’s the opposite these days.

Don’t know about that, a letter coming from Atlanta, Georgia to Clemson, South Carolina (that’s east for those that might not know) went through Boulder, Colorado (that’s about 1541 miles/2480 kilometers the wrong way) according to the various re-route stamps and notices they stuck all over it. I still think e-mail is quicker.

It seems I was right too, the only one thus far responding to us is the one that has actually played the games, she seems to be one of those in charge too, and more open to new ideas. Anyone else notice that?

according to the various re-route stamps and notices they stuck all over it. I still think e-mail is quicker.

It more sounds like there a problem with the mail system there...
If I send a letter here in Belgium it arrives the next day.
she seems to be one of those in charge too, and more open to new ideas. Anyone else notice that?

Yes, I did notice that only that GUY has been responding. :P

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-25-2004).]

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-25-2004).]

Well yes there is some strange inverse relationship with the U.S. Postal service, the more that is paid the wrose the service seems to be, at least to me. It’s not bad but I think it could use some healthy competition.

Are you sure that is a guy responding? I thought, and this is no way to judge I know, but the avatar was a girl, and saying ladies beware, I think it is a “lady” warning other ladies.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-25-2004).]

Quoting the post which was after Affinity’s reply to tiger’s:

Given this, I’m not ashamed to admit that I have had experience playing Bishoujo games out of both curiosity and libido. I mean, I am a man. Every real man has had some porn in his lifetime.

Missed that, well that is what I get for skimming.

So what about that qoute?

Also I was wondering what do you people do to make the games? I was hoping to one day work for a Bishoujo game company.

[This message has been edited by tiger_of_the_wind2040 (edited 05-25-2004).]

So what about that qoute?

Read the thread to understand.

I think it is a group of people that are at an age where it is “not cool” to admit to liking these types of games even if it is something these people desire to play in game format.

I don’t like that Virgo guy. no matter how many times people explain to him he still doesn’t get the message. PIRATING BISHOUJO GAMES IS WRONG.